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Last active April 19, 2024 01:14
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Save MihailJP/4563140 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Notepad++ syntax highlighting definition file for Scala
<UserLang name="Scala" ext="scala" udlVersion="2.0">
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<Keywords name="Operators1" id="5">: = =&gt; &lt;- &lt;: &lt;% &gt;: # @ &#x21D2; &#x2190; | ^ &amp; &lt; &gt; ! + - * / % ; , . ( )</Keywords>
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<Keywords name="Folders in code1, close" id="9">} ]</Keywords>
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<Keywords name="Keywords1" id="16">abstract case catch class def do else extends false final finally for forSome if implicit import lazy match new null object override package private protected return sealed super this throw trait try true type val var while with yield _</Keywords>
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<Keywords name="Keywords3" id="18">\&apos;</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4" id="19">ArrowAssoc Class DummyImplicit Ensuring Function Manifest Map OptManifest Pair Set String Triple $scope: TopScope.type ???: NoManifest assert assume classOf identity implicitly locally manifest optManifest print printf println readBoolean readByte readChar readDouble readFloat readInt readLine readLong readShort readf readf1 readf2 readf3 require</Keywords>
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<Keywords name="Keywords8" id="23"></Keywords>
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ghost commented Jul 7, 2018

That is great! Thank you.

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Thank you very much :)

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Thank you so much!

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tedyyu commented Nov 7, 2019

Great, thanks!

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Great and thank you !

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sheprnd commented Oct 1, 2021

Thanks a lot!

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How should I use this file?

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timotheeandres commented Jun 8, 2023

How should I use this file?

I know I'm late to the party, but simply paste this code in a file scala.udl.xml in the folder for user defined languages (on Windows, under %appdata%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs), and restart Notepad++.

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How should I use this file?

For Windows follow below steps:

  1. Navigate to below path:
  2. Create empty file with name: scala.udl.xml
  3. Open newly created-scala.udl.xml file and paste the whole code and save it
  4. Restart Notepad++
  5. Now Scala will get added below User Defined Language in Language menu item

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thank you so much :)

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