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Created April 7, 2024 00:44
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The user will query a <problem> </problem> containing the argument to call the function provided below.
def feeltheagi(problem):
Recursively apply the A::B rewrite rules to the given problem string.
The rewrite rules are:
A# #A ... becomes ... nothing
A# #B ... becomes ... #B A#
B# #A ... becomes ... #A B#
B# #B ... becomes ... nothing
problem (str): The problem string containing A::B tokens.
str: The modified problem string after applying the rewrite rules, wrapped in <solution> tags.
print(f"Current problem: {''.join(problem)}") # Print the current problem string
problem = list(problem) # Convert the problem string to a list for easier manipulation
for i in range(len(problem) - 1):
l, r = problem[i], problem[i+1]
if l == 'A#' and r == '#A':
print(f"Applied rule: A# #A -> nothing") # Print the applied rule
return feeltheagi(''.join(problem)) # Recursively call feeltheagi with the modified problem
if l == 'A#' and r == '#B':
problem[i], problem[i+1] = '#B', 'A#'
print(f"Applied rule: A# #B -> #B A#") # Print the applied rule
return feeltheagi(''.join(problem))
if l == 'B#' and r == '#A':
problem[i], problem[i+1] = '#A', 'B#'
print(f"Applied rule: B# #A -> #A B#") # Print the applied rule
return feeltheagi(''.join(problem))
if l == 'B#' and r == '#B':
print(f"Applied rule: B# #B -> nothing") # Print the applied rule
return feeltheagi(''.join(problem))
print(f"No more rules to apply. Final solution: {''.join(problem)}") # Print the final solution
return f'<solution>{"".join(problem)}</solution>' # Wrap the final problem string in <solution> tags
<problem> B# A# #A B# #B A# #A </problem>
Current problem: B# A# #A B# #B A# #A
Applied rule: A# #A -> nothing
Current problem: B# B# #B A# #A
Applied rule: B# #B -> nothing
Current problem: B# A# #A
Applied rule: A# #A -> nothing
Current problem: B#
No more rules to apply. Final solution: B#
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