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Last active August 5, 2023 16:56
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A small typechecker using normalization by evaluation (NbE) for a Quantitative Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus (QDTLC).
A small typechecker using normalization by evaluation (NbE) for a Quantitative Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus (QDTLC).

To run: ghc --make Main && ./Main.

Depending on the λ-term used, this will output either an error or <term> :: <type> if type-checking passed. Example execution:

>> Typechecking term @e@ against type @τ@ where
	e ≡ ((), ())
	τ ≡ (x :^1 𝟏) ⊗ 𝟏

>> Success!

((), ())
	:: (x :^1 𝟏) ⊗ 𝟏

This supports the following types:

  • Π(x :ⁱ A). B is the quantitative dependent function type whose domain is A (with usage i) and codomain is B.

  • ∀(x : A). B is the same as Π(x :⁰ A). B.

  • (x : A) ⊸ B is the same as Π(x :¹ A). B.

  • (x :ⁱ A) ⊗ B is the quantitative multiplicative dependent pair type.

  • U is the type of universes of types. We have U :⁰ U in order to simplify the type system studied here.

  • 𝟏 is the multiplicative unit type.

  • is the type of natural numbers. and expressions:

  • λ(x :ⁱ A). B is a function taking an x of type A and returning B which consumes x i times.

  • (a, b) is the constructor of the quantitative multiplicative dependent pair type.

  • () is the constructor for the multiplicative unit type.

  • f x is the application of the argument x to the function f.

  • x is a simple variable.

  • let () as z = a in b is the general destructor of the multiplication unit type, where a should result in () and b is the return value of the expression.

  • let x :ⁱ A = e₁ in e₂ locally binds the variable x with usage i and value e₁ for use within e₂.

  • n denotes a simple naturel number (unsigned integer).

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module AST where
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Usage
type Name = String
data Term
= -- | @λ(x :ᵖ T). e[x]@
-- ^ @x@
-- ^ @p@
-- ^ @T@
-- ^ @e@
| -- | @Π(x :ᵖ A). B[x]@
-- ^ @x@
-- ^ @p@
-- ^ @A@
-- ^ @B@
| -- | @a b@
-- ^ @a@
-- ^ @b@
| -- | The multiplicative dependent pair @(x :ᵖ A) ⊗ B[x]@
-- ^ @x@
-- ^ @p@
-- ^ @A@
-- ^ @B@
| -- | @(a, b)@
-- ^ @a@
-- ^ @b@
| -- @x@
| -- | @U@ (type universe, and we have @U : U@)
| -- | The multiplicative unit type @𝟏@
| -- | @()@
| -- | @let () as z = a in b@
-- ^ @z@
-- ^ @a@
-- ^ @b@
| -- | @let x :ᵖ T = a in b@
-- ^ @x@
-- ^ @p@
-- ^ @T@
-- ^ @a@
-- ^ @b@
| -- | @ℕ@
| -- | @0@ and all other natural numbers
deriving (Show)
-- | @∀(x : τ). P@
pattern TForall ::
-- | @x@
Name ->
-- | @τ@
Term ->
-- | @P@
Term ->
pattern TForall x τ p = TPi x 0 τ p
-- | @(x : τ) ⊸ A@
pattern TLinear ::
-- | @x@
Name ->
-- | @τ@
Term ->
-- | @A@
Term ->
pattern TLinear x τ a = TPi x 1 τ a
-- | @(x : τ) → A@
pattern TFunction ::
-- | @x@
Name ->
-- | @τ@
Term ->
-- | @A@
Term ->
pattern TFunction x τ a = TPi x W τ a
prettyTerm :: Term -> String
prettyTerm (TVar x) = x
prettyTerm TU = "U"
prettyTerm (TLinear x a e) = "(" <> x <> " : " <> prettyTerm a <> ") ⊸ " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TForall x a e) = "∀(" <> x <> " : " <> prettyTerm a <> "). " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TFunction x a e) = "(" <> x <> " : " <> prettyTerm a <> ") → " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TLamda x p a e) = "λ(" <> x <> " :^" <> prettyUsage p <> " " <> prettyTerm a <> "). " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TPi x p a e) = "Π(" <> x <> " :^" <> prettyUsage p <> " " <> prettyTerm a <> "). " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TTensor x p a e) = "(" <> x <> " :^" <> prettyUsage p <> " " <> prettyTerm a <> ") ⊗ " <> prettyTerm e
prettyTerm (TPair a b) = "(" <> prettyTerm a <> ", " <> prettyTerm b <> ")"
prettyTerm TOne = "𝟏"
prettyTerm TUnit = "()"
prettyTerm (TUnitElim z a b) = "let " <> prettyTerm TUnit <> " as " <> z <> " = " <> prettyTerm a <> " in " <> prettyTerm b
prettyTerm (TLet x p t a b) = "let " <> x <> " :^" <> prettyUsage p <> " " <> prettyTerm t <> " = " <> prettyTerm a <> " in " <> prettyTerm b
prettyTerm TNatural = "ℕ"
prettyTerm (TNumber n) = show n
prettyTerm (TApplication f x) = maybeParens f <> " " <> maybeParens' x
maybeParens t@(TLamda _ _ _ _) = "(" <> prettyTerm t <> ")"
maybeParens t@(TPi _ _ _ _) = "(" <> prettyTerm t <> ")"
maybeParens t@(TTensor _ _ _ _) = "(" <> prettyTerm t <> ")"
maybeParens t = prettyTerm t
maybeParens' t@(TApplication _ _) = "(" <> prettyTerm t <> ")"
maybeParens' t = maybeParens t
type Context = Map Name (Usage, Value)
type Environment = Map Name Value
data Closure = Clos Environment Term
deriving (Show)
data Value
= VU
| VLamda Name Usage Value Closure
| VPi Name Usage Value Closure
| VApplication Value Value
| VTensor Name Usage Value Closure
| VPair Value Value
| VVar Name
| VOne
| VUnit
| VNatural
| VNumber Integer
deriving (Show)
(.**.) :: Usage -> Context -> Context
u .**. env = first (u .*.) <$> env
(.++.) :: Context -> Context -> Context
(.++.) = Map.unionWith add
add (u1, x) (u2, _) = (u1 + u2, x)
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Eval where
import AST
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
import Fresh
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Usage
eval :: HasCallStack => Environment -> Term -> IO Value
eval δ (TVar x) = pure . fromJust $ Map.lookup x δ
eval δ (TLamda x p a b) = VLamda x p <$> eval δ a <*> pure (Clos δ b)
eval δ (TPi x p a b) = VPi x p <$> eval δ a <*> pure (Clos δ b)
eval δ (TApplication a b) =
eval δ a >>= \case
VLamda x _ _ c -> do
b <- eval δ b
applyClosure x b c
e -> VApplication e <$> eval δ b
eval δ TU = pure VU
eval δ (TTensor x p a b) = VTensor x p <$> eval δ a <*> pure (Clos δ b)
eval δ (TPair a b) = VPair <$> eval δ a <*> eval δ b
eval δ TOne = pure VOne
eval δ TUnit = pure VUnit
eval δ (TUnitElim _ a b) = do
eval δ a
-- NOTE: is it really necessary? this is most likely not to be evaluated anyways because of Haskell's laziness
eval δ b
eval δ (TLet x _ _ e r) = do
e <- eval δ e
eval (Map.insert x e δ) r
eval δ TNatural = pure VNatural
eval δ (TNumber n) = pure $ VNumber n
applyClosure :: HasCallStack => Name -> Value -> Closure -> IO Value
applyClosure x v (Clos δ b) = eval (Map.insert x v δ) b
quote :: HasCallStack => Environment -> Value -> IO Term
quote δ VU = pure TU
quote δ (VApplication a b) = TApplication <$> quote δ a <*> quote δ b
quote δ (VPi x p a clos) = do
x' <- VVar <$> fresh δ
let δ' = Map.insert x x' δ
b <- quote δ' =<< applyClosure x x' clos
TPi x p <$> quote δ' a <*> pure b
quote δ (VLamda x p a clos) = do
x' <- VVar <$> fresh δ
let δ' = Map.insert x x' δ
b <- quote δ' =<< applyClosure x x' clos
TLamda x p <$> quote δ' a <*> pure b
quote δ (VVar x) = pure $ TVar x
quote δ (VTensor x p a clos) = do
x' <- VVar <$> fresh δ
let δ' = Map.insert x x' δ
b <- quote δ' =<< applyClosure x x' clos
TTensor x p <$> quote δ' a <*> pure b
quote δ (VPair a b) = TPair <$> quote δ a <*> quote δ b
quote δ VOne = pure TOne
quote δ VUnit = pure TUnit
quote δ VNatural = pure TNatural
quote δ (VNumber n) = pure $ TNumber n
module Fresh where
import AST
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
freshCnt :: IORef Int
freshCnt = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ newIORef 0
-- | Generates a fresh name which is not bound in the current environment.
fresh :: Environment -> IO Name
fresh δ = do
x <- readIORef freshCnt
writeIORef freshCnt (x + 1)
let name = "_" <> show x
case Map.lookup name δ of
Just _ -> fresh δ
_ -> pure name
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import AST
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall, catch, throwIO)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import Typechecker
import Usage
main :: IO ()
main = do
let expr = ex11Term
typ = ex11Type
putStrLn $ ">> Typechecking term @e@ against type @τ@ where"
putStrLn $ "\te ≡ " <> prettyTerm expr
putStrLn $ "\tτ ≡ " <> prettyTerm typ
putStrLn ""
tm <- catch (typecheck expr typ) \(e :: ErrorCall) -> do
putStrLn ">> Error!"
putStrLn ""
throwIO e
putStrLn ">> Success!"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ prettyTerm tm
putStrLn $ "\t:: " <> prettyTerm typ
-- | The normal polymorphic identity function.
idTerm, idType :: Term
idTerm =
-- λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). x
TLamda "A" 0 TU $ TLamda "x" 1 (TVar "A") $ TVar "x"
idType =
-- :: ∀(A : U). (x : A) ⊸ A
TForall "A" TU $ TLinear "x" (TVar "A") $ TVar "A"
dupTerm, dupType :: Term
-- WARN: this is ill-typed because @x@ is linear and is used twice
dupTerm =
-- λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). (x, x)
TLamda "A" 0 TU $ TLamda "x" 1 (TVar "A") $ TPair (TVar "x") (TVar "x")
dupType =
-- :: ∀(A : U). (x :¹ A) ⊸ (y :¹ A) ⊗ A
TForall "A" TU $ TLinear "x" (TVar "A") $ TTensor "y" 1 (TVar "A") (TVar "A")
-- | A correct implementation of the duplication function @dup(x) = (x, x)@.
dup2Term, dup2Type :: Term
dup2Term =
-- λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :⁻ A). (x, x)
TLamda "A" 0 TU $ TLamda "x" W (TVar "A") $ TPair (TVar "x") (TVar "x")
dup2Type =
-- :: ∀(A : U). Π(x :⁻ A). (y :¹ A) ⊗ A
TPi "A" 0 TU $ TPi "x" W (TVar "A") $ TTensor "y" 1 (TVar "A") (TVar "A")
-- | Implements the @;@ operator such that @(f ; g) ()@ is equivalent to @let () as _ = f () in g ()@.
seqTerm, seqType :: Term
seqTerm =
-- λ(A :⁰ U). λ(f :¹ Π(_1 :¹ 𝟏) → 𝟏). λ(g :¹ Π(_2 :¹ 𝟏) → A). let () as z = f () in g ()
TLamda "A" 0 TU $
TLamda "f" 1 (TPi "_1" 1 TOne TOne) $
TLamda "g" 1 (TPi "_2" 1 TOne $ TVar "A") $
TUnitElim "z" (TApplication (TVar "f") TUnit) (TApplication (TVar "g") TUnit)
seqType =
-- :: ∀(A : U). (f : (_1 : 𝟏) ⊸ 𝟏) ⊸ Π(g : (_2 : 𝟏) ⊸ A) ⊸ A
TForall "A" TU $
TLinear "f" (TLinear "_1" TOne TOne) $
TLinear "g" (TLinear "_2" TOne $ TVar "A") $
TVar "A"
-- | Usual dependent function composition operator, sometimes denoted @∘@.
composeTerm, composeType :: Term
composeTerm =
-- λ(A :⁰ U). λ(B :⁰ ∀(a : A). U). λ(C :⁰ ∀(a : A). ∀(b : B a). U).
-- λ(f :¹ (a : A) ⊸ (b : B a) ⊸ C a b). λ(g :¹ (a : A) ⊸ B a). λ(x :⁻ A).
-- f x (g x)
TLamda "A" 0 TU $
TLamda "B" 0 (TForall "a" (TVar "A") TU) $
TLamda "C" 0 (TForall "a" (TVar "A") $ TForall "b" (TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) TU) $
TLamda "f" 1 (TLinear "a" (TVar "A") $ TLinear "b" (TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) $ TApplication (TApplication (TVar "C") (TVar "a")) (TVar "b")) $
TLamda "g" 1 (TLinear "a" (TVar "A") $ TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) $
TLamda "x" W (TVar "A") $
TApplication (TApplication (TVar "f") (TVar "x")) (TApplication (TVar "g") (TVar "x"))
composeType =
-- :: ∀(A : U). ∀(B : ∀(a : A). U). ∀(C : ∀(a : A). ∀(b : B a). U).
-- (f : (a : A) ⊸ (b : B a) ⊸ C a b) ⊸ (g : (a : A) ⊸ B a) ⊸ Π(x :⁻ A).
-- C x (g x)
TForall "A" TU $
TForall "B" (TForall "a" (TVar "A") TU) $
TForall "C" (TForall "a" (TVar "A") $ TForall "b" (TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) TU) $
TLinear "f" (TLinear "a" (TVar "A") $ TLinear "b" (TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) $ TApplication (TApplication (TVar "C") (TVar "a")) (TVar "b")) $
TLinear "g" (TLinear "a" (TVar "A") $ TApplication (TVar "B") (TVar "a")) $
TPi "x" W (TVar "A") $
TApplication (TApplication (TVar "C") (TVar "x")) (TApplication (TVar "g") (TVar "x"))
----------- DUMB EXAMPLES -------------
ex1Term, ex1Type :: Term
ex1Term =
-- (λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). x) (Π(A :⁰ U). Π(x :¹ A). A) (λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). x)
TApplication (TApplication idTerm idType) idTerm
ex1Type =
-- :: Π(A :⁰ U). Π(x :¹ A). A
ex2Term, ex2Type :: Term
ex2Term =
-- ()
ex2Type =
-- :: 𝟏
ex3Term, ex3Type :: Term
ex3Term =
-- let () as z = () in ()
TUnitElim "z" TUnit TUnit
ex3Type =
-- :: 𝟏
ex4Term, ex4Type :: Term
-- WARN: this is ill-typed as @λ(x :¹ 𝟏).x@ is not of type @𝟏@
ex4Term =
-- let () as z = λ(x :¹ 𝟏). 𝟏 in ()
TUnitElim "z" (TLamda "x" 1 TOne (TVar "x")) TUnit
ex4Type =
-- :: 𝟏
ex5Term, ex5Type :: Term
ex5Term =
-- let () as z = () in λ(x :¹ 𝟏). x
TUnitElim "z" TUnit $ TLamda "x" 1 TOne (TVar "x")
ex5Type =
-- :: (x : 𝟏) ⊸ 𝟏
TLinear "x" TOne TOne
ex6Term, ex6Type :: Term
ex6Term =
-- ((), ())
TPair TUnit TUnit
ex6Type =
-- :: (x :¹ 𝟏) ⊗ 𝟏
TTensor "x" 1 TOne TOne
ex7Term, ex7Type :: Term
-- WARN: ill-typed because @A@ is not used linearly
ex7Term =
-- λ(A :¹ U). λ(x :¹ A). x
TLamda "A" 1 TU $ TLamda "x" 1 (TVar "A") $ TVar "x"
ex7Type =
-- :: ∀(A : U). (x : A) ⊸ A
TLinear "A" TU $ TLinear "x" (TVar "A") $ TVar "A"
ex8Term, ex8Type :: Term
-- WARN: ill-typed as @x@ should be linear
ex8Term =
-- λ(f :¹ (_ : 𝟏) ⊸ 𝟏). λ(x :¹ 𝟏). let () as z = f x in x
TLamda "f" 1 (TLinear "_" TOne TOne) $ TLamda "x" 1 TOne $ TUnitElim "z" (TApplication (TVar "f") (TVar "x")) (TVar "x")
ex8Type =
-- :: (f : (_ : 𝟏) ⊸ 𝟏) ⊸ (x : 𝟏) ⊸ 𝟏
TLinear "f" (TLinear "_" TOne TOne) $ TLinear "x" TOne TOne
ex9Term, ex9Type :: Term
ex9Term =
-- let idType :⁰ U = ∀(A : U). (x : A) ⊸ A in
-- let id :⁻ idType = λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). x in
-- id idType id
TLet "idType" 0 TU idType $
TLet "id" W (TVar "idType") idTerm $
TApplication (TApplication (TVar "id") (TVar "idType")) (TVar "id")
ex9Type =
-- :: ∀(A : U). (x : A) ⊸ A
ex10Term, ex10Type :: Term
ex10Term =
-- let id :¹ ∀(A : U). (x : A) ⊸ A = λ(A :⁰ U). λ(x :¹ A). x in
-- id nat 0
TLet "id" 1 idType idTerm $
TApplication (TApplication (TVar "id") TNatural) (TNumber 0)
ex10Type =
-- :: nat
ex11Term, ex11Type :: Term
ex11Term =
-- (0, 1)
TPair (TNumber 0) (TNumber 1)
ex11Type =
-- :: (_ :¹ ℕ) ⊗ ℕ
TTensor "_" 1 TNatural TNatural
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Typechecker where
import AST
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow)
import Eval
import Fresh
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Usage
typecheck :: Term -> Term -> IO Term
typecheck e t = fst <$> (check ctx env e I =<< eval env t)
ctx = mempty
env = mempty
-- | @check Γ Δ e p τ@ is the judgment @Γ ⊢ e ⇐ᵖ τ@.
check :: HasCallStack => Context -> Environment -> Term -> Usage -> Value -> IO (Term, Context)
check γ δ (TLamda x p a e) i (VPi _ p' a' b) = do
when (p /= p') do
error $ "Incorrect usage specification (needed " <> show p' <> " but got " <> show p <> ")"
0Γ ⊢ A :⁰ U Γ, x :ⁱᵖ A ⊢ e ⇐ⁱ B
---------------------------------------- [λ-I]
Γ ⊢ λ(x :ᵖ A). e ⇐ⁱ Π(x :ᵖ A). B
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 VU
a'' <- eval δ a
unify δ a'' a'
b <- applyClosure x (VVar x) b
(γ, δ) <- pure (Map.insert x (i * p, a'') γ, Map.insert x (VVar x) δ)
(e, γ) <- check γ δ e i b
case (i * p, γ Map.! x) of
-- If the usage was 1 and remains 1, then the linear variable has not been used.
(1, (1, _)) -> error $ "Variable " <> x <> " not used in lambda body"
_ -> pure ()
pure (TLamda x p a e, Map.delete x γ)
check γ δ (TPair a b) i (VTensor x p a' b') = do
0Γ ⊢ a ⇐⁰ A Γ ⊢ b ⇐ⁱ B[x\a] ip = 0
------------------------------------------------ [⊗-I₀]
Γ ⊢ (a, b) ⇐ⁱ (x :ᵖ A) ⊗ B
Γ₁ ⊢ a ⇐¹ A Γ₂ ⊢ b ⇐ⁱ B[x\a]
---------------------------------------- [⊗-I₁]
ipΓ₁ + Γ₂ ⊢ (a, b) ⇐ⁱ (x :ᵖ A) ⊗ B
case i * p of
0 -> do
-- apply [⊗-I₀]
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 a'
a'' <- eval δ a
(b, γ) <- check γ δ b i =<< applyClosure x a'' b'
pure (TPair a b, γ)
_ -> do
-- apply [⊗-I₁]
(a, γ₁) <- check γ δ a 1 a'
a'' <- eval δ a
(b, γ₂) <- check γ δ b i =<< applyClosure x a'' b'
γ <- checkLinearVariables γ ((i * p) .**. γ₁) γ₂
pure (TPair a b, γ)
check γ δ (TUnitElim z a b) i τ = do
Γ₁ ⊢ a ⇐ⁱ 𝟏 0Γ₁, z :⁰ 𝟏 ⊢ τ ⇐⁰ U Γ₂ ⊢ b ⇐ⁱ τ[()\z]
------------------------------------------------------------------- [𝟏-E]
Γ₁ + Γ₂ ⊢ let () as z = a in b ⇐ⁱ τ[a\z]
(a, γ₁) <- check γ δ a i VOne
a' <- eval δ a
let δ' = Map.insert z VUnit δ
τ <- quote δ' τ
(τ, _) <- check (0 .**. Map.insert z (0, VOne) γ₁) δ' τ 0 VU
τ <- eval δ' τ
(b, γ₂) <- check (Map.insert z (i, a') γ) (Map.insert z a' δ) b i τ
γ <- checkLinearVariables γ γ₁ γ₂
pure (TUnitElim z a b, Map.delete z γ)
check γ δ (TLet x i a e r) p b = do
0Γ ⊢ A ⇐⁰ U Γ₁ ⊢ e ⇐ⁱ A Γ₂, x :ⁱᵖ A ⊢ r ⇐ᵖ B
--------------------------------------------------------------- [let-E]
Γ₁ + Γ₂ ⊢ let x :ⁱ A = e in r ⇐ᵖ B
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 VU
a' <- eval δ a
(e, γ₁) <- check γ δ e i a'
e' <- eval δ e
(r, γ₂) <- check (Map.insert x (i * p, a') γ) (Map.insert x e' δ) r p b
γ <- checkLinearVariables γ γ₁ γ₂
pure (TLet x i a e r, γ)
check γ δ e p b = do
Γ ⊢ e ⇒ⁱ A A ≅ B i ⩽ p
------------------------------------- [≅]
Γ ⊢ e ⇐ᵖ B
(e', i, a, γ) <- infer γ δ e
if i <= p
then (e', γ) <$ unify δ a b
else error $ "Usage " <> show i <> " cannot be used in place of usage " <> show p
-- | @infer Γ Δ e@ is the judgment @Γ ⊢ e ⇒ᵖ τ@.
infer :: HasCallStack => Context -> Environment -> Term -> IO (Term, Usage, Value, Context)
infer γ δ (TVar x) =
-------------------- [var-I]
Γ, x :ᵖ τ ⊢ x ⇒ᵖ τ
case Map.lookup x γ of
-- whenever @x :¹ τ@, we have to have @x :⁰ τ@ after
-- in order not to be able to use it at runtime after that
Just (1, τ) -> pure (TVar x, 1, τ, Map.insert x (0, τ) γ)
Just (p, τ) -> pure (TVar x, p, τ, γ)
Nothing -> error $ "Name " <> x <> " not bound"
infer γ _ TU =
------------ [U-I]
Γ ⊢ U :⁰ U
pure (TU, 0, VU, γ)
infer γ _ TNatural =
------------ [ℕ-I]
Γ ⊢ ℕ :⁰ U
pure (TNatural, 0, VU, γ)
infer γ _ (TNumber n) =
n is a natural number literal
------------------------------- [num-I]
Γ ⊢ n :⁻ ℕ
pure (TNumber n, W, VNatural, γ)
infer γ δ (TApplication f x) = do
Γ ⊢ f ⇒ⁱ (y :ᵖ A) → B 0Γ ⊢ x ⇐⁰ A ip = 0
---------------------------------------------------------- [λ-E₀]
Γ ⊢ f x ⇒ⁱ B[y\x]
Γ₁ ⊢ f ⇒ⁱ (y :ᵖ A) → B Γ₂ ⊢ x ⇐¹ A
--------------------------------------------- [λ-E₁]
Γ₁ + ipΓ₂ ⊢ f x ⇒ⁱ B[y\x]
(f, i, τ, γ₁) <- infer γ δ f
let (y, p, a, b) = case τ of
VPi y p a b -> (y, p, a, b)
_ -> error "Expected Π-type for function in application"
case i * p of
0 -> do
-- apply [λ-E₀]
(x, _) <- check (0 .**. γ₁) δ x 0 a
b <- eval δ x >>= \x' -> applyClosure y x' b
pure (TApplication f x, i, b, γ₁)
_ -> do
-- apply [λ-E₁]
(x, γ₂) <- check γ δ x 1 a
b <- eval δ x >>= \x' -> applyClosure y x' b
γ <- checkLinearVariables γ γ₁ ((i * p) .**. γ₂)
pure (TApplication f x, i, b, γ)
infer γ δ (TPi x p a b) = do
0Γ ⊢ A ⇐⁰ U 0Γ, x :⁰ A ⊢ B ⇐⁰ U
----------------------------------------- [Π-F]
Γ ⊢ Π(x :ᵖ A). B ⇒⁰ U
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 VU
a' <- eval δ a
(γ, δ) <- pure (Map.insert x (0, a') γ, Map.insert x (VVar x) δ)
(b, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ b 0 VU
pure (TPi x p a b, 0, VU, Map.delete x γ)
infer γ δ (TTensor x p a b) = do
0Γ ⊢ A ⇐⁰ U 0Γ, x :⁰ A ⊢ B ⇐⁰ U
----------------------------------------- [⊗-F]
Γ ⊢ (x :ᵖ A) ⊗ B ⇒⁰ U
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 VU
a' <- eval δ a
(γ, δ) <- pure (Map.insert x (0, a') γ, Map.insert x (VVar x) δ)
(b, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ b 0 VU
pure (TTensor x p a b, 0, VU, Map.delete x γ)
infer γ δ TOne = do
------------ [𝟏-F]
Γ ⊢ 𝟏 ⇐⁰ U
pure (TOne, 0, VU, γ)
infer γ δ TUnit = do
------------- [𝟏-I]
Γ ⊢ () ⇐⁻ 𝟏
pure (TUnit, W, VOne, γ)
infer γ δ (TLamda x p a e) = do
0Γ ⊢ A ⇐⁰ U Γ, x :ⁱᵖ A ⊢ e ⇒ⁱ B
------------------------------------------ [λ-I]
Γ ⊢ λ(x :ᵖ A). e ⇒ⁱ Π(y :ᵖ A) → B
(a, _) <- check (0 .**. γ) δ a 0 VU
a' <- eval δ a
(γ, δ) <- pure (Map.insert x (p * 1, a') γ, Map.insert x (VVar x) δ)
(e, i, b, γ) <- infer γ δ e
-- rec (e', i, b, γ') <- infer (Map.insert x (p * i, a') γ) (Map.insert v (VVar x) δ) e
-- FIXME: this infinitely loops because `i` cannot be determined correctly
-- Is there any way for us to determine it knowing the result of e.g. @i × p@? (we know @p@ for sure there)
-- There are multiple cases:
-- - If @ip = 0@ then either @i = 0@ or @p = 0@:
-- * When @p = 0@, then we don't know about @i@ (because it may be any usage).
-- * When @i = 0@ then we get the desired result.
-- However, this is a case where we actually cannot determine that @ip = 0@ because @p ∈ {1, ω}@.
-- - If @ip = 1@ then @i = 1@ and @p = 1@. So we have the value of @i@.
-- - If @ip = ω@ then either @i = ω@ or @p = ω@ or both:
-- * When @p = ω@ then @i ∈ {1, ω}@ so we don't know @i@ for sure.
-- * When @i = ω@ then we cannot really compute the value of @ip@ because @p ∈ {1, ω}@.
-- So this case is also ill.
-- There are no case where @i@ can be known from @p@ only, so @i@ cannot be infered.
-- ============================================
-- This has a great implication, as infering the type of an application @f x@ relies on infering the type of @f@.
-- However, if @f@ is a lambda (a simple example would be @(λx.x) (λx.x)@, assuming no types) then its type must be infered.
-- 1. In a way, we could simply disallow such case easily: throw an error when attempting to infer the type of a lambda.
-- But this seems unsatisfactory as it is the only thing preventing us from infering the type.
-- 2. Another approach would be simply to infer a usage of @i = 1@ for such case only
-- (as the function will be applied once because it is immediately applied).
-- But this should work when targeting this specific case only (and not the general case, for example @let id = λx.x in id id@).
-- In fact, is there any other case where we infer the type of a lambda?
-- We will try alternative 2. and see if it really works here, or if we need to move it to the specific direct application case.
case (p, γ Map.! x) of
-- If the usage was 1 and remains 1, then the linear variable has not been used.
(1, (1, _)) -> error $ "Variable " <> x <> " is unused in lambda body"
_ -> pure ()
b <- Clos δ <$> quote δ b
pure (TLamda x p a e, i, VPi x p a' b, Map.delete x γ)
-- | @unify A B@ is the relation @A ≅ B@.
unify :: HasCallStack => Environment -> Value -> Value -> IO ()
unify _ VU VU = pure ()
unify _ (VVar x) (VVar y) | x == y = pure ()
unify δ (VPi x _ a b) (VPi _ _ a' b') = do
y <- VVar <$> fresh δ
b <- applyClosure x y b
b' <- applyClosure x y b'
unify δ a a'
unify δ b b'
unify δ (VLamda x _ a b) (VLamda _ _ a' b') = do
y <- VVar <$> fresh δ
b <- applyClosure x y b
b' <- applyClosure x y b'
unify δ a a'
unify δ b b'
unify δ (VApplication a b) (VApplication a' b') = do
unify δ a a'
unify δ b b'
unify δ (VPair a b) (VPair a' b') = do
unify δ a a'
unify δ b b'
unify δ (VTensor x _ a b) (VTensor _ _ a' b') = do
y <- VVar <$> fresh δ
b <- applyClosure x y b
b' <- applyClosure x y b'
unify δ a a'
unify δ b b'
unify _ VOne VOne = pure ()
unify _ VUnit VUnit = pure ()
unify _ VNatural VNatural = pure ()
unify _ (VNumber n1) (VNumber n2) | n1 == n2 = pure ()
unify δ t1 t2 = do
t1 <- quote δ t1
t2 <- quote δ t2
error $ "Cannot unify terms @a@ and @b@ where\n\ta ≡ " <> prettyTerm t1 <> "\n\tb ≡ " <> prettyTerm t2 <> ""
checkLinearVariables :: HasCallStack => Context -> Context -> Context -> IO Context
checkLinearVariables γ γ₁ γ₂ =
flip Map.traverseMaybeWithKey γ \x (u, τ) -> case u of
-- If our variable was linear, and it has been used in both contexts γ₁ and γ₂
-- then the variable has actually been used multiple times.
1 -> case (γ₁ Map.!? x, γ₂ Map.!? x) of
(Just (0, _), Just (0, _)) -> error $ "Variable " <> x <> " has been used non-linearly"
(Just (1, _), Just (0, _)) -> pure $ Just (0, τ)
(Just (0, _), Just (1, _)) -> pure $ Just (0, τ)
(Just (1, _), Just (1, _)) -> pure $ Just (1, τ)
(Just (i, _), Nothing) -> pure $ Just (i, τ)
(Nothing, Just (i, _)) -> pure $ Just (i, τ)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure $ Just (u, τ)
(_, _) -> pure $ Just (W, τ)
-- In any other case, we don't really care.
_ -> pure $ Just (u, τ)
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Usage where
data Usage
= -- | 0
| -- | 1
| -- | ω
deriving (Show, Eq)
pattern O, I, W :: Usage
pattern O = Erased
pattern I = Linear
pattern W = Unrestricted
instance Num Usage where
fromInteger 0 = O
fromInteger 1 = I
fromInteger _ = W
(+) = (.+.)
(*) = (.*.)
-- | Addition of usage, defined by the following table:
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |+|0|1|ω|
-- +=+=+=+=+
-- |0|0|1|ω|
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |1|1|ω|ω|
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |ω|ω|ω|ω|
-- +-+-+-+-+
(.+.) :: Usage -> Usage -> Usage
O .+. u = u
u .+. O = u
_ .+. _ = W
-- | Multiplication of usage, defined by the following table:
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |×|0|1|ω|
-- +=+=+=+=+
-- |0|0|0|0|
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |1|0|1|ω|
-- +-+-+-+-+
-- |ω|0|ω|ω|
-- +-+-+-+-+
(.*.) :: Usage -> Usage -> Usage
O .*. _ = O
_ .*. O = O
I .*. I = I
_ .*. _ = W
instance Ord Usage where
-- ω ⩽ _
-- 1 ⩽ 1
-- 0 ⩽ 0
W <= _ = True
I <= I = True
I <= _ = False
O <= O = True
O <= _ = False
prettyUsage :: Usage -> String
prettyUsage O = "0"
prettyUsage I = "1"
prettyUsage W = "ω"
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