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Created May 13, 2014 15:11
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# Encapsulate our stuff within an app variable.
app = {}
# Define our model- this will mostly just define default values.
app.model = Backbone.Model.extend
coords: {}
sys: {}
weather: {}
# etc
# Define our collection and set its url and the associated model.
app.collection = Backbone.Collection.extend
url: ',uk'
model: app.model
# Uncomment this line to 'drill down' into it, as an example.
# parse: (x) -> x['coord']
# Now we define a controller. This is actually not part of
# Backbone itself, but will be called whenever we want to
# receive the data. It uses jQuery defers to make sure that
# the collection has fetched before we try and manipulate the
# data. It also will return a cached copy of the data if we
# hit the function a second or more time.
app.controller =
getData: () ->
# First set our defer value- this is just a jQuery fn.
defer = $.Deferred()
# Resolve the data if it exists and return its promise.
if @data != undefined and @data.length > 0
defer.resolve @data
return defer.promise()
# Instantiate our collection.
@data = new app.collection()
# Now we fetch the data and wait for success...
success: (_data) =>
# Here we resolve the data inside the success callback.
defer.resolve @data
# When this function is called, the promise is returned.
# It won't actually kick the next bit off (see the following
# $.when() code) until our defer.resolve() is fired.
return defer.promise()
# You can get the data like so......
# First define our promise...
promise = app.controller.getData()
# ...and then wait for the callback when the data is received.
$.when(promise).done (data) =>
console.log data # Returns a collection object.
# Alternatively, inside a view declaration:
app.view = Backbone.View.extend
# When initialised, set the view's collection
# to being the fetched data.
initialize: () ->
response = app.controller.getData()
$.when(response).done (data) =>
@collection = data
render: () ->
# Now we've got everything, the render function
# can actually do something with our @collection.
$('#output').html JSON.stringify @collection
# Now we instantiate our view, which should kick off the
# app.controller.getData() method, but since we have already
# fetched it once, it will return our cached collection.
myView = new app.view()
# Lots of love, Matt xxx
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id='output'>Waiting...</div>
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it's great, thanks maff

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