Open Telegram and search for @BotFather user and message them the following:
FROM registry:2 |
import { Enforcer, newEnforcer, StringAdapter } from "casbin"; | |
import { join } from "path"; | |
import { cwd } from "process"; | |
declare global { | |
var __casbin: Enforcer; | |
} | |
await (async function getEnforcer() { | |
if (global.__casbin) { |
import { | |
decodeInstruction, | |
getAssociatedTokenAddress, | |
isTransferCheckedInstruction, | |
isTransferInstruction, | |
} from '@solana/spl-token'; | |
import type { | |
ConfirmedTransactionMeta, | |
Connection, | |
Finality, |
document.querySelectorAll('.ui_actions_menu._ui_menu.ui_actions_menu--actionSheet').forEach((item) => { | |
item.querySelectorAll('.ui_actions_menu_item').forEach((item2) => { | |
if (item2.innerHTML === 'Удалить запись') { | | | |
} | |
}) | |
}); | |
const schema = yup.object().shape({ | |
email: yup.string().required("is requeried").email("missing email"), | |
// age: yup.number().positive().integer().required(), | |
}); | |
export default function FieldEmail() { | |
const { | |
register, | |
formState: { errors }, | |
} = useFormContext(); |
{ | |
"ip": "::ffff:", | |
"gamestate": { | |
"buildings": { | |
"radiant": { | |
"dota_goodguys_tower1_top": { | |
"health": 1800, | |
"max_health": 1800 | |
}, | |
"dota_goodguys_tower2_top": { |
export type ReturnTypeMapDispatchToProps<T> = { | |
[P in keyof T]: T[P] extends ( | |
...args: infer A | |
) => (...args: any[]) => infer R | |
? (...args: A) => R | |
: T[P]; | |
}; |
class Logger { | |
constructor(Database database, String username) { | |
this.database = database; | |
this.username = username; | |
} | |
String* format(String* str, String* type) { | |
String result = "[" + new Date().toString() + "][" + type + "][" + this.username + "] " + str; | |
return result; |