Open Telegram and search for @BotFather user and message them the following:
FROM registry:2 |
WARNING: the code that follows will make you cry; a safety pig is provided below for your benefit. | |
_ | |
_._ _..._ .-', _.._(`)) | |
'-. ` ' /-._.-' ',/ | |
) \ '. | |
/ _ _ | \ | |
| a a / | | |
\ .-. ; | |
'-('' ).-' ,' ; |
This is the content from the original Phaser cheatsheet, the site of which went down. I'm editing outdated information as I come across it.
var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, renderer, "parent");
//All parameters are optional but you usually want to set width and height
//Remember that the game object inherits many properties and methods!
Sometimes you want to have a subdirectory on the master
branch be the root directory of a repository’s gh-pages
branch. This is useful for things like sites developed with Yeoman, or if you have a Jekyll site contained in the master
branch alongside the rest of your code.
For the sake of this example, let’s pretend the subfolder containing your site is named dist
Remove the dist
directory from the project’s .gitignore
file (it’s ignored by default by Yeoman).
package com.asmoprime.utils; | |
/** | |
* ... | |
* @author Asmageddon | |
*/ | |
class Copy { | |
/** | |
* Deep copy of anything using reflection (so don't hope for much performance) | |
**/ |
var database = { | |
myString: "hello world", | |
myNumber: 12 | |
} | |
function getFieldFromDB(callback, field) { | |
setTimeout(function() { | |
if (database == field) { | |
callback(null, database[field]); | |
} else { |
class EventEmitter | |
constructor: -> | |
@events = {} | |
emit: (event, args...) -> | |
return false unless @events[event] | |
listener args... for listener in @events[event] | |
return true | |
addListener: (event, listener) -> |
Function::define = (prop, desc) -> | |
Object.defineProperty @prototype, prop, desc | |
class Person | |
constructor: (@firstName, @lastName) -> | |
@define 'fullName', | |
get: -> "#{@firstName} #{@lastName}" | |
set: (name) -> [@firstName, @lastName] = name.split ' ' |
$(window).on 'scroll':-> | |
console.log($(window).scrollTop()) |