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Created July 1, 2014 21:14
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  • Save LindsayYoung/3b0f8a3e49f1e1b06fea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LindsayYoung/3b0f8a3e49f1e1b06fea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
results: [
house_hearing_id: 102236,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-20T13:30:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Chairman Brady Announces Hearing on Current Hospital Issues in the Medicare Program",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSWM02",
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first_name: "Sean",
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position: "Deputy Administrator and Director, Center of Medicare",
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documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T09:28:30-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Judi",
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position: "Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections",
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description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T09:28:30-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Amy",
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organization: "Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System",
position: "Senior Director of Clinical Resource Management",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness truth statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Ellen",
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description: null,
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type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness truth statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Ann",
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description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness truth statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Toby",
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description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-20T10:34:38-04:00",
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url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102278,
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congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-29T18:00:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Chairman Reichert Announces Hearing on Caring for Our Kids: Are We Overmedicating Children in Foster Care?",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSWM03",
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first_name: "Dawna",
last_name: "Zender Hovenier",
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position: null,
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
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description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-29T14:50:22-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Phil",
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description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-29T14:50:22-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Michael",
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position: "Associate Professor of Psychiatry",
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documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-29T14:50:22-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "JooYeun",
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organization: "Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)",
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documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-05-29T14:50:22-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Steven",
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description: null,
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type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
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occurs_at: "2014-05-29T14:15:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Markup of: HR 2807, “Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2013.”; HR 4619, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the rule allowing certain tax-free distributions from individual retirement accounts for charitable purposes.”; HR 4719, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend and expand the charitable deduction for contributions of food inventory.”; HR 3134, “Charitable Giving Extension Act.”; HR 4691, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the tax rate for excise tax on investment income of private foundations.”; HR 4718, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and make permanent bonus depreciation.”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [
url: "",
hearing_type: "Markup",
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description: "HR 2807, “Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2013.”",
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url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "HR 4619, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the rule allowing certain tax-free distributions from individual retirement accounts for charitable purposes.”",
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url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "HR 4719, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend and expand the charitable deduction for contributions of food inventory.”",
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url: "",
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description: "HR 3134, “Charitable Giving Extension Act.”",
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url: "",
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url: "",
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description: "HR 4718, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and make permanent bonus depreciation.”",
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url: "",
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url: "",
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description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2807",
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url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4619",
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type: "Committee amendment",
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url: "",
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description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4719",
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description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3134",
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url: "",
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description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4691",
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url: "",
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description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4718",
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url: "",
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description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2807 Green Sheet",
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url: "",
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description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3134 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-05-28T10:17:20-04:00",
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description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4619 Green Sheet",
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url: "",
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description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4718 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-05-28T10:17:20-04:00",
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url: "",
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description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4718 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-05-28T10:17:20-04:00",
type: null,
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bioguide_id: null,
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url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4719 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-05-28T10:17:20-04:00",
type: null,
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bioguide_id: null,
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url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Amendment by Mr. Neal to the amendment in the nature of a substitute, which would strike the short title and the provision making permanent the special rule for contributions of qualified conservation contributions, replacing those provisions with a two-year extension of that special rule.",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee amendment",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: "N000015",
bill_id: "hr2807-113",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Mr. Brady motioned to table Mr. Thompson’s motion to appeal the ruling of the Chair was agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 yeas to 14 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Vote on the amendment by Mr. Neal to the amendment in the nature of a substitute, which would strike the short title and the provision making permanent the special rule for contributions of qualified conservation contributions, replacing those provisions with a two-year extension of that special rule, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 10 yeas to 26 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Mr. Brady motioned to table Mr. McDermott’s motion to appeal the ruling of the Chair was agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 14 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 2807 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 14 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 4619 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 14 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 4719 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 13 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 3134 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 12 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 4691 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 10 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill H.R. 4718 was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 11 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-05-29T19:34:52-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102311,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-10T14:30:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Boustany and Brady Announce Hearing on the Verification of Income and Insurance Information Under the Affordable Care Act",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSWM06",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Douglas",
last_name: "Holtz-Eakin",
middle_name: null,
organization: "American Action Forum",
position: "President",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-10T10:22:30-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Ryan",
last_name: "Ellis",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Americans for Tax Reform, IRS Registered Tax Return Preparer",
position: "Tax Policy Director",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-10T10:22:30-04:00",
type: "Witness truth statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Katie",
last_name: "Mahoney",
middle_name: "W.",
organization: "U.S. Chamber of Commerce",
position: "Executive Director of Health Policy",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-10T10:22:30-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Bryan",
last_name: "Skarlatos",
middle_name: "C.",
organization: "Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP",
position: "Partner",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-10T10:22:30-04:00",
type: "Witness biography",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Ron",
last_name: "Pollack",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Families USA",
position: "Executive Director",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-10T10:22:30-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102317,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-11T14:00:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Chairman Nunes Announces Hearing on Advancing the U.S. Trade Agenda: Benefits of Expanding U.S. Agriculture Trade and Eliminating Barriers to U.S. Exports",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSWM04",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Dermot",
last_name: "Hayes",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Pioneer Chair in Agribusiness, Iowa State University",
position: "Professor",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-11T09:43:02-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Bob",
last_name: "McCan",
middle_name: null,
organization: "National Cattlemen’s Beef Association",
position: "President",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-11T09:42:40-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Andrei",
last_name: "Mikhalevsky",
middle_name: null,
organization: "California Dairies Inc.",
position: "President and CEO",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-11T09:42:40-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Ryan",
last_name: "Turner",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Westside Trading Company",
position: "President",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-11T09:42:40-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Terence",
last_name: "Stewart",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Stewart and Stewart",
position: "Managing Partner",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-11T09:42:40-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102347,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-18T14:00:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Chairman Brady Announces Hearing on MedPAC’s June Report to Congress",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSWM02",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Mark",
last_name: "Miller",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (Washington, DC)",
position: "Executive Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-18T09:46:16-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102401,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-20T13:00:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Camp Announces Hearing with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
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first_name: "John",
last_name: "Koskinen",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Internal Revenue Service",
position: "Commissioner",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: null,
published_on: "2014-06-20T08:44:07-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102433,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSWM",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-25T13:30:00Z",
room: "Longworth HOB 1100, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Markup of: H.R. 3393, "Student and Family Tax Simplification Act"; H.R. 4935, "Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014"",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [
url: "",
hearing_type: "Markup",
meeting_documents: [
description: "H.R. 3393, "Student and Family Tax Simplification Act"",
published_on: "2014-06-23T17:43:43-04:00",
type: "Bill",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: "hr3393-113",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "H.R. 4935, "Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014"",
published_on: "2014-06-23T17:43:43-04:00",
type: "Bill",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: "hr4935-113",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "JCT Description of H.R. 3393",
published_on: "2014-06-23T17:44:54-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "JCT Description of H.R. 4935",
published_on: "2014-06-23T17:44:54-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3393",
published_on: "2014-06-24T09:27:08-04:00",
type: "Committee amendment",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: "C000071",
bill_id: "hr4935-113",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4935",
published_on: "2014-06-24T09:27:08-04:00",
type: "Committee amendment",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: "C000071",
bill_id: "hr4935-113",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 3393 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-06-24T09:28:09-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4935 Green Sheet",
published_on: "2014-06-24T09:28:09-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill, H.R. 3393, was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 22 yeas to 13 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-06-26T09:51:50-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "The bill, H.R. 4935, was ordered favorably reported as amended by a roll call vote of 22 yeas to 15 nays (with a quorum being present).",
published_on: "2014-06-26T09:51:50-04:00",
type: "Committee vote",
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102264,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-22T13:00:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "Business Meeting",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Meeting"
house_hearing_id: 102277,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-28T23:30:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: ""To Receive Witness Testimony related to Committee Subpoena"",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Thomas",
last_name: "Lynch, M.D.",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Joan",
last_name: "Mooney",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Michael",
last_name: "Huff",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Congressional Relations Officer",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-05-27T19:36:15-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102271,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-29T14:00:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“Assessing Inadequacies in VA Data Usage for and Services Provided to Visually-Impaired Veterans”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSVR08",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Travis",
last_name: "Fugate",
middle_name: null,
organization: null,
position: "Veteran",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T11:42:24-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Terry",
last_name: "Kebbel",
middle_name: null,
organization: null,
position: "Veteran",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-05-30T11:42:24-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Glenn",
last_name: "Minney",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Blinded Veterans Association",
position: "Director of Government Relations",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Testimony",
published_on: "2014-05-30T11:42:24-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Maureen",
last_name: "McCarthy, M.D.",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Health Administration",
position: "Deputy Chief Patient Care Services",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T11:42:24-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Lorraine",
last_name: "Landfried",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Office of Information Technology",
position: "Deputy Chief Information Officer for Product Development",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T11:42:24-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Mary",
last_name: "Lawrence, M.D.",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Vision Center of Excellence",
position: "Deputy Director",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Pat",
last_name: "Sheehan",
middle_name: null,
organization: "508 Compliance Office",
position: "Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-05-27T11:05:20-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102253,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-05-29T18:15:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“Defined Expectations: Evaluating VA’s Performance in the Servicemember Transition Process”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
subcommittee_id: "HSVR09",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Nancy",
last_name: "Weaver",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Warrior Care Policy",
position: "Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "David",
last_name: "Bowen",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Defense Health Agency",
position: "(Accompanying Mrs. Weaver) Director of Health Information Technology",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Diana",
last_name: "Rubens",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Benefits Administration",
position: "Deputy Under Secretary for Field Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Tom",
last_name: "Murphy",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Benefits Administration",
position: "(Accompanying Ms. Rubens) Director of Compensation Service",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Linda",
last_name: "Halliday",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Office of Inspector General",
position: "Assistant Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Nora",
last_name: "Stokes",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Bay Pines Benefits Inspection Division, Office of Inspector General",
position: "(Accompanying Ms. Halliday) Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Ramon",
last_name: "Figueroa",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Bay Pines Benefits Inspection Division, Office of Inspector General",
position: "Project Manager",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Kent",
last_name: "Wrathall",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Atlanta Office of Audits and Evaluations, Office of the Inspector General",
position: "(Accompanying Ms. Halliday) Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Eric",
last_name: "Jenkins",
middle_name: null,
organization: "American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO and the AFGE National VA Council",
position: "Rating Veterans Service Representative",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Debra",
last_name: "Gipson",
middle_name: "J.",
organization: null,
position: "Individual Servicemember",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Gerardo",
last_name: "Avila",
middle_name: null,
organization: "The American Legion",
position: "National MED/PEB Representative",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Paul",
last_name: "Varela",
middle_name: "Raymond",
organization: "Disabled American Veterans",
position: "Assistant National Legislative Director",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Brendon",
last_name: "Gehrke",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States",
position: "Senior Legislative Associate",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-05-30T13:42:25-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102302,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-09T23:30:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“Oversight Hearing on Data Manipulation and Access to VA Healthcare: Testimony from GAO IG and VA.",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Debra",
last_name: "Draper",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Government Accountability Office",
position: "Director, Health Care",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-11T13:39:27-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Phillip",
last_name: "Matkovsky",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Administrative Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Richard",
last_name: "Griffin",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Acting Inspector General",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-11T13:39:27-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Linda",
last_name: "Halliday",
middle_name: null,
organization: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs",
position: "Assistant Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-06T17:46:33-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102320,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-12T13:15:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“An Examination of Bureaucratic Barriers to Care for Veterans”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Tim",
last_name: "McClain",
middle_name: "S.",
organization: "Humana Government Business",
position: "President",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-12T15:10:10-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Dan",
last_name: "Collard",
middle_name: null,
organization: "The Studer Group",
position: "Chief Operating Officer",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-12T15:10:10-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Betsy",
last_name: "McCaughey, Ph.D.",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths",
position: "Chairman",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-12T15:10:10-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Robert",
last_name: "Jesse, M.D.,Ph.D.",
middle_name: "L.",
organization: "Veterans Health Administration",
position: "Acting Under Secretary for Health",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-12T15:10:10-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
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description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-11T13:19:08-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102343,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-18T14:15:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“Non-VA Care: An Integrated Solution for Veteran Access”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "David",
last_name: "McIntyre, Jr.",
middle_name: "J.",
organization: "TriWest Healthcare Alliance",
position: "President and Chief Executive Officer",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-18T16:35:57-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Thomas",
last_name: "Carrato USPHS (Ret.)",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Health Net Federal Services",
position: "President",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-18T16:35:57-04:00",
type: "Witness truth statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Kris",
last_name: "Doody RN",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Cary Medical Center",
position: "Chief Executive Officer",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-18T16:35:57-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Randy",
last_name: "Williamson",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Comptroller General of the United States",
position: "Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-18T16:35:57-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Philip",
last_name: "Matkovsky",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Health Administration",
position: "Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Administrative Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-18T16:35:57-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-17T08:06:02-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102331,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-20T13:30:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“Review of Awarding Bonuses to Senior Executives at the Department of Veterans Affairs”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Gina",
last_name: "Farrisee",
middle_name: null,
organization: null,
position: "Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Biography",
published_on: "2014-06-20T12:15:48-04:00",
type: "Witness biography",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-20T12:15:48-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-19T19:51:59-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
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bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102387,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-23T23:30:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: ""Evaluating the Capacity of the VA to Care for Veteran Patients"",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Thomas",
last_name: "Lynch, M.D.",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Health Administration",
position: "Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Carolyn",
last_name: "Clacy, M.D.",
middle_name: "M.",
organization: "Veterans Health Administation",
position: "(Accompanying Dr. Lynch) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Quality, Safety, and Value",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-20T13:32:54-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
house_hearing_id: 102429,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-24T18:50:00Z",
room: "CAPITOL 212 SVC",
description: "The House and Senate Committee of Conference on H.R. 3230",
dc: false,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Meeting"
house_hearing_id: 102441,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-07-08T23:30:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“VA Whistleblowers: Exposing Inadequate Service Provided to Veterans and Ensuring Appropriate Accountability”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing"
house_hearing_id: 102413,
chamber: "house",
committee_id: "HSVR",
congress: 113,
occurs_at: "2014-06-25T14:00:00Z",
room: "Cannon HOB 334, Washington, D.C. 20515",
description: "“VBA and VHA Interactions: Ordering and Conducting Medical Examinations.”",
dc: true,
bill_ids: [ ],
url: "",
hearing_type: "Hearing",
witnesses: [
first_name: "Thomas",
last_name: "Murphy",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Benefit Administration",
position: "Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-25T13:06:04-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
first_name: "Beth",
last_name: "McCoy",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Benefit Administration",
position: "(Accompanying Mr. Murphy) Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Field Operations",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Gerald",
last_name: "Cross",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Office of Disability and Medical Assessment, Veterans Health Administration",
position: "(Accompanying Mr. Murphy) Chief Officer",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "Patricia",
last_name: "Murray",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Clinical Programs and Administrative Operations, Veterans Health Administration",
position: "(Accompanying Mr. Murphy) Director",
witness_type: "Government - Federal",
documents: [ ]
first_name: "George",
last_name: "Turek",
middle_name: null,
organization: "Veterans Evaluation Services",
position: "Founder, Owner, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer",
witness_type: "Non-Governmental",
documents: [
description: "Witness Statement",
published_on: "2014-06-25T13:06:04-04:00",
type: "Witness statement",
url: "",
permalink: ""
description: "Additional Testimony",
published_on: "2014-06-30T09:53:41-04:00",
type: "Witness document",
url: "",
permalink: ""
meeting_documents: [
description: "Witness List",
published_on: "2014-06-23T16:12:51-04:00",
type: null,
version_code: "ih",
bioguide_id: null,
bill_id: null,
url: "",
permalink: ""
count: 663,
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