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Lewis Cowles Lewiscowles1986

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Lewiscowles1986 / ConsCarCdr.js
Last active September 19, 2023 07:54 — forked from scotthaleen/ConsCarCdr.js
JavaScript implementation of cons, car and cdr
* Generic Container, which can contain a single item, and the next item as a function
function cons(value, next) {
return function wrap(wrapper) { return wrapper(value, next) };
* Get value of item by calling unwrap function, taking value
Lewiscowles1986 /
Last active August 21, 2024 03:26 — forked from kafran/
Python 3 script to extract images from HTTP Archive (HAR) files
import json
import base64
import os
import pathlib
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# list of supported image mime-types
# Special thanks to
# Special mention, and thanks to MDN
Lewiscowles1986 /
Last active June 13, 2020 08:53 — forked from lttlrck/gist:9628955
rename git branch locally and remotely
Lewiscowles1986 / closestNumberArray.js
Created August 26, 2018 05:28 — forked from vipickering/closestNumberArray.js
Javascript: Find The Closest Number In Array To A Specific Value
var array = [];
function closest(array,num){
var i=0;
var minDiff=1000;
var ans;
for(i in array){
var m=Math.abs(num-array[i]);
Lewiscowles1986 /
Created December 27, 2016 14:16 — forked from joshenders/
How to format a USB drive for storing GameCube games

Why do we change the cluster size when formatting USB drives for storing GameCube games?

For loading GC Games with USBLoaderGX via DiosMios/Nintendont, format your usb drive's primary partition as FAT32 with 32KB clusters (also known as blocks). This increases performance by reducing the NUMBER of transactions required to perform a read/write operation at the expense of the (very negligible) LENGTH of time to complete a transaction; since it's reading more data per transaction.

I'm not certain, since I can't find a GameCube disk specification, but I don't think the 32KB cluster size is an attempt to imitate the on-disk storage format of retail GameCube discs; which may or may not be 32KB. Retail Wii discs however, actually DO use 32KB clusters. As far as I can tell, 32KB is simply the highest density of bytes per cluster that is supported by FAT32 and of course, by extension, Wii homebrew storage libraries.

If you're concerned about storage efficiency

Problem #1

God algorithms, God solutions etc, God methods etc often add unnesecarry complexity with very little benefit. There is no God, get over that...

Shipow: Even if I don't support religions, I'm pretty ok with the idea of an omnipotent mind as it stay in the context of narration. And I guess that even someone very trustfull will never imagine God as web/app designer ;)

Problem #2

Lack of evidence for decisions... I could understand iteratively improving a design because nobody gets "sign up", "sign in"... if it EVER happened! Jeff even admits there is little evidence against "sign up" / "sign in", and the link seems to be to some stackoverflow o similar upvoting thread (thus promoting over-simplification, lack of engagement and pack mentality common on such services)... The truth is "sign up", "sign in" is not confusing, unless you do not speak english, then you have bigger problems than "sign up", "sign in"... You know like using any of the interface...