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Created September 18, 2024 12:38
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Save LeoCx1000/aa9461c73b1f0dc2d99a5b1a6d74d421 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. cooldown decorator with async bucket support.
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
T_contra = TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True)
class AsyncCooldownMapping(commands.CooldownMapping[T_contra]):
async def get_bucket(self, message: T_contra, current: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[commands.Cooldown]:
if self._type is commands.BucketType.default:
return self._cooldown
# this change:
key = await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(self._bucket_key, message)
if key not in self._cache:
bucket = self.create_bucket(message)
if bucket is not None:
self._cache[key] = bucket
bucket = self._cache[key]
return bucket
async def update_rate_limit(
self, message: T_contra, current: Optional[float] = None, tokens: int = 1
) -> Optional[float]:
bucket = await self.get_bucket(message, current)
if bucket is None:
return None
return bucket.update_rate_limit(current, tokens=tokens)
def async_cooldown(rate: int, per: float, bucket: Callable[[commands.Context], Any]):
"""A cooldown decorator for message commands that allows for coroutines to be
passed as a cooldown for more complex operations.
.. note::
This is registered as a **check**, and does NOT hook into's native cooldown
system, so setting :attr:`.commands.Command.cooldown_after_parsing` will NOT affect when
this cooldown is parsed, but it will be parsed along with the rest of the checks.
rate: :class:`int`
The number of times a command can be used before triggering a cooldown.
per: :class:`float`
The amount of seconds to wait for a cooldown when it's been triggered.
type: Union[:class:`.commands.BucketType`, Callable[[:class:`.commands.Context`], Any]]
The type of cooldown to have. If callable, should return a key for the mapping. Can
be a coroutine.
mapping = AsyncCooldownMapping(commands.Cooldown(rate, per), bucket)
async def predicate(ctx):
cooldown_obj = await mapping.get_bucket(ctx)
if cooldown_obj:
retry_after = cooldown_obj.update_rate_limit()
if retry_after:
raise commands.CommandOnCooldown(cooldown_obj, retry_after, bucket) # type: ignore
return True
return commands.check(predicate)
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