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Kreijstal Kreijstal

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Kreijstal / sha-256.js
Last active November 15, 2024 12:28 — forked from rumkin/sha-256.js
* Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
function ROTL(num, cnt)
return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));
* These functions implement the basic operation for each round of the
Kreijstal /
Created December 5, 2017 17:48 — forked from evandrix/
Headless web browsers

Here are a list of headless browsers that I know about:

  • [HtmlUnit][1] - Java. Custom browser engine. JavaScript support/DOM emulated. Open source.
  • [Ghost][2] - Python only. WebKit-based. Full JavaScript support. Open source.
  • [Twill][3] - Python/command line. Custom browser engine. No JavaScript. Open source.
  • [PhantomJS][4] - Command line/all platforms. WebKit-based. Full JavaScript support. Open source.
  • [Awesomium][5] - C++/.Net/all platforms. Chromium-based. Full JavaScript support. Commercial/free.
  • [SimpleBrowser][6] - .Net 4/C#. Custom browser engine. No JavaScript support. Open source.
  • [ZombieJS][7] - Node.js. Custom browser engine. JavaScript support/emulated DOM. Open source.
  • [EnvJS][8] - JavaScript via Java/Rhino. Custom browser engine. JavaScript support/emulated DOM. Open source.
Create an application that manages cable account information. A form allows the entry of the following data: accountholder id (integer), first name(string), last name(string), debits (decimal), and credits (decimal). The form should have the buttons: Add (which adds a customer to the Cable.txt sequential file), Clear (which clears all text boxes for a new account entry), Balance (credits – debits), and Exit (which closes the form). When the Balance button is clicked, an independent function is called that calculates the balance from the given credits and debits of that user and returns the balance to be displayed in the balance label.
The sequential file must hold the following information:
a) Accountholder id
b) First name
c) Last name
d) Debits
e) Credits
f) balance
The accountholder id must be between 6000 and 22000 (inclusive). If it is not within this range, an error message should be displayed to the user via an error message label on the form and the Add button disabled until an accountholder id within