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Created April 19, 2024 12:46
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  • Save KoenBrouwer/e9d15a1ad1c27c4698e0cdf8255556e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KoenBrouwer/e9d15a1ad1c27c4698e0cdf8255556e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script that can be used in a pipeline to ensure that it's been rebased onto master before merging.
import { execSync } from "child_process";
import gitlog from "gitlog";
const main = () => {
const getBase = () => execSync("git merge-base origin/master HEAD").toString().trim();
const getDesiredBase = () => execSync("git ls-remote origin master").toString().trim().split("\t")[0];
const shouldRebase = (): boolean => {
try {
const base = getBase();
const desiredBase = getDesiredBase();
return base !== desiredBase;
} catch (err) {
"Could not find base. Probably because the base is too far away. Please reduce the number of commits in this branch.",
const hasIllegalCommits = () => {
// Collect all commits in the branch
const base = getBase();
const commits = gitlog({
repo: __dirname,
number: 9999,
branch: `${base}..HEAD`,
fields: ["hash", "subject", "authorName", "parentHashes"],
// Find all merge commits by checking if they have more than one parent, indicating that it's a merge commit
const mergeCommits = commits
.map((c) => ({
parentHashes: c.parentHashes.split(" "),
.filter((c) => c.parentHashes.length > 1);`The current branch has ${commits.length} commit(s).`);
if (mergeCommits.length > 0) {`Found ${mergeCommits.length} merge commit(s).`);
const illegalMergeCommits = mergeCommits.filter((mc) => {
for (const p of mc.parentHashes) {
const isParentInBranch = => c.hash).includes(p);
if (!isParentInBranch) {`Merge commit ${mc.hash} has parent ${p} that is not in the current branch.`);
return true;
return false;
return illegalMergeCommits.length > 0;
if (shouldRebase()) {
try {
const base = getBase();
const desiredBase = getDesiredBase();
`This branch is based on ${base}. Desired base is ${desiredBase}. This branch is behind. Please rebase this branch on top of master.`,
} catch (err) {
"Could not find base. Probably because the base is too far away. Please reduce the number of commits in this branch.",
if (hasIllegalCommits()) {
"This branch has one or more illegal merge commits. Please remove any merge commits and instead rebase this branch on top of master.",
} else {"This branch has no illegal merge commits.");
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