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Last active October 21, 2023 14:37
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  • Save KoenBrouwer/e1df9ff68d0a3fc2d98f34a1d23f41a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KoenBrouwer/e1df9ff68d0a3fc2d98f34a1d23f41a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple NodeJS script that I used to create a list of all possible permutations of call chains for Vitest.
// This script creates a list of all possible permutations of call chains based on the Vitest Test API Reference (
// I used this to improve a package called veritem/eslint-plugin-vitest.
// For further context see:
const fs = require("fs");
const percom = require("percom");
const data = [
names: ["beforeEach", "beforeAll", "afterEach", "afterAll"],
methods: [],
names: ["it", "test"],
methods: ["extend", "skip", "skipIf", "runIf", "only", "concurrent", "todo", "fails", "each"],
names: ["bench"],
methods: ["skip", "only", "todo"],
names: ["describe"],
methods: ["skip", "skipIf", "only", "concurrent", "sequential", "shuffle", "todo", "each"],
const DEPTH = 3;
const allPermutations = [];
data.forEach((q) => { => {
const maxDepth = Math.min(DEPTH, q.methods.length);
for (let i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++) {
const perms =, i + 1);
const allPerms = => [name, ...p].join("."));
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