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Kevin Avignon Kavignon

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Kavignon /
Last active November 19, 2024 19:01
Git shortcuts to make life simpler

Git Aliases

Enhance your Git workflow with these custom aliases. Each alias is designed to simplify common tasks and improve efficiency.

Create a new docs directory

In this directory that will be located at ~/docs, we will store the markdown which contains all the information that we need on how the aliases work. You can copy the file named that's in the gist.

Adding the Aliases to Your Git Configuration

Kavignon / day_1_with_sorbet.rb
Last active December 5, 2023 15:36
# frozen_string_literal: true
# typed: true
require 'sorbet-runtime'
# Represents a measurement in a calibration document.
class CalibrationReading
extend ::T::Sig
sig { params(index: Integer, digit: Integer).void }
Kavignon /
Created December 1, 2021 22:02
Resolving a slow Wi-Fi connection speed over Linux WSL2

This could be a problem cause by your Windows OS being a bottleneck and limit your speed. After some talks and discussion with a colleague, this is the solution that worked for my case!

From Windows

  • Go to your Start Menu.
  • Go to 'View Network Connections'.
  • Right-click on your Wi-Fi adapter.
  • Select the 'Properties' menu option.
  • Find the 'Internet Protocol Version 4' and select the 'Properties' menu option. (keep the IPv4 option checked)
  • Click on the 'Advanced' button.
  • Uncheck 'Automatic Metric' and enter 1 in the 'Interface metric' text box.
Kavignon /
Created November 24, 2021 21:56
My thoughts and impressions on the matter of the FSSF

The Foundation has been here for years and has been crucial to help F# become what it is now. So now, we're seeing that the F# community has taken flight and things never seemed better. We have the great things happening like the ever-successful mentorship program that attracts several developers each round. Now comes the time to re-think what can the Foundation to help and support its community in ways that we didn't try better.


I want to promote F# developers and education initiatives as much as I can.

  • Let's help create, maintain and support courses in F# in high school and in STEM programs,
  • Let's plan more events so that we can continue spreading the good word on F#. Still in 2021, when I say F#, I can hear developers being unaware of what it is or being confused about what can be achieved with F#
  • I'd like to find a way around the limitations of Foundation to help support the F# projects that have the most traction,
  • We lack representation in Microsoft docs. We usually see a lot of C# and
Kavignon / Top-frequent-word.cs
Created October 7, 2021 01:19
Implementation for the LeetCode problem 'Top K frequent words' solved with an hash table and min-heap
public class Solution
public IList<string> TopKFrequent(string[] words, int k) {
var output = new string[k];
if (words == null || words.Length == 0)
return output;
Kavignon /
Last active October 27, 2023 17:49
Always hungry for more. This is a list of resources I've used or that I plan to use as a way to improve my knowledge and technical skills as a software developer.

Some of the books I'll be recommending are based on .NET. Do not be discouraged. We shouldn't strive to stick to a specific technology stack. Your ambitions and goals will evolve over time and that might lead you a completely new space. Moreover, there are lessons to be learned from an environment that's different from what you're used to.

Software Development

Kavignon / GameDomain.fs
Created March 27, 2020 14:19
Immutability concept with Record (value & reference) + Discriminated Union (value & reference) along with objects. The purpose of the gist is to help others understand how immutability works through the use of F#.
module GameDomain
[<Measure>] type gold
[<Measure>] type dmg // damage
[<Measure>] type ctr // critical
[<Measure>] type hl // hit limit
[<Measure>] type kg // weight in kilograms
type HeroClass =
| Archer
Kavignon / PowerShell-snippets.ps1
Created February 19, 2020 16:19 — forked from martin-morin/PowerShell-snippets.ps1
My favorite PowerShell snippets
# List of usefull snipets I always reuse.
# Get all file types
$extensionList = @((Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File).Extension);
$extensionList | Select-Object -Unique
# Snippets for git support in the team
# -------------------------------------------
# When someone cannot checkout the files from lfs (whatever the user does, the file remain empty with a size of 1K)
Kavignon / FoodGuideController.cs
Last active July 12, 2019 17:55
ASP.NET Core POST Request failing silently
namespace FailingPost
// using directives omitted.
public class FoodGuideController
// Code omitted...
public IActionResult Index(PageModel model) => this.View(model ?? InitialPageModel);
$ react-scripts build -verbose
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.
/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsb.exe: unknown option '-color'.
Usage : bsb.exe <bsb-options> -- <ninja_options>
For ninja options, try ninja -h
ninja will be loaded either by just running `bsb.exe' or `bsb.exe .. -- ..`
It is always recommended to run ninja via bsb.exe