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Last active November 29, 2019 13:51
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clear # clears the terminal in the beginning
length=20 # time in seconds to wait before command is executed again
exitcode=0 # exit variable can be set to 1 to exit while loop
updateinterval=1 # update interval of the loading bar in seconds
# Exitcode could be set to 1 if while should end
while [ exitcode != 1 ]
# basic calculation for size of loading bar based on the time with the update interval
size=`echo "scale=0 ; $length / $updateinterval" | bc`
# clear the terminal
# Header text
echo "Execute command every $length seconds"
# Add command here
# for example
svn up
# for loop for adding the chars for the loading bbar
for ((i = 0; i <= size; i++))
# the output needs a closing bracket and a \r for using the same line everytime
# first for loop for the empty area of the loading bar
for ((a = 0; a <= size-i; a++))
# exisiting output will be put back into the output with a extra dot
# second for loop for the marked area of the loading bar
for ((b = size; b >= size-i; b--))
# exisiting output will be put back into the output with a extra hastag
# existing output will be closed with a opening bracket
# final echo of the output
# -ne for using the same line and do not use a linebreak after
echo -ne $output
# sleep in seconds for the timing of the loading bar
# Loading bar is based on the length and updateinterval defined above
# sleep only as long as the updateinterval
sleep $updateinterval
# for loop for the loading bar is done here and will be started again with the while
# while loop is done here
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