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Last active December 12, 2015 08:08
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Save JustSilverman/4741386 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1. Database - Text file (maintains each list item)
2. User device - Takes input and displays output to user
3. Middleman - Translates between database and user device
- (i.e. takes input from user device and tells database to save it)
- (i.e. asks database for current list or specific list items)
Potential Classes
ListItem - (id, task (text), status)
List - Array ListItem objects
UserInterface - displaying output to user
Middleman - Translates prompt into action (get, add, delete, complete, list)
Database - Maintains each list item (ListItems, get, add, delete, complete, list)
-Attributes - id, item (string), status
-Methods -
-Attributes - list_items (array of ListItems)
-Methods - get_item, delete_item, update_status
-Attributes - Database, UserInterface
-Methods - (get, add, delete, complete, list)
action => set to some action from parser
item_id => only for delete and complete
task => actual string of the task
middle_man ={:action => action, :item_id => item_id, :task => task})
if action is add
middle_man.add(task) ---> @database.add_item(task)
if action is list
middle_man.get_list ---> @database.get_list
middle_man.send_list ---> @user_interface.display_list(list)
if action is delete
middle_man.delete(id) ---> @database.delete(id)
if action is complete
middle_man.complete(id) ---> @database.complete(id)
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