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Created February 2, 2024 23:14
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image with gif support
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use crate::load::TextureLoadResult;
use crate::{
load::{Bytes, SizeHint, SizedTexture, TexturePoll},
use emath::Rot2;
use epaint::{util::FloatOrd, RectShape};
/// A widget which displays an image.
/// The task of actually loading the image is deferred to when the `Image` is added to the [`Ui`],
/// and how it is loaded depends on the provided [`ImageSource`]:
/// - [`ImageSource::Uri`] will load the image using the [asynchronous loading process][`load`].
/// - [`ImageSource::Bytes`] will also load the image using the [asynchronous loading process][`load`], but with lower latency.
/// - [`ImageSource::Texture`] will use the provided texture.
/// See [`load`] for more information.
/// ### Examples
/// // Using it in a layout:
/// ```
/// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
/// ui.add(
/// egui::Image::new(egui::include_image!("../../assets/ferris.png"))
/// .rounding(5.0)
/// );
/// # });
/// ```
/// // Using it just to paint:
/// ```
/// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
/// # let rect = egui::Rect::from_min_size(Default::default(), egui::Vec2::splat(100.0));
/// egui::Image::new(egui::include_image!("../../assets/ferris.png"))
/// .rounding(5.0)
/// .tint(egui::Color32::LIGHT_BLUE)
/// .paint_at(ui, rect);
/// # });
/// ```
#[must_use = "You should put this widget in an ui with `ui.add(widget);`"]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Image<'a> {
id: Id,
source: Vec<(ImageSource<'a>, Duration)>,
texture_options: TextureOptions,
image_options: ImageOptions,
sense: Sense,
size: ImageSize,
pub(crate) show_loading_spinner: Option<bool>,
impl<'a> Image<'a> {
pub fn new_gif(id: impl ToString, sources: Vec<(impl Into<ImageSource<'a>>, Duration)>) -> Self {
fn new_mono(id: String, sources: Vec<(ImageSource<'_>, Duration)>) -> Image<'_> {
let size = if let Some((ImageSource::Texture(tex), _)) = &sources.first() {
// User is probably expecting their texture to have
// the exact size of the provided `SizedTexture`.
ImageSize {
maintain_aspect_ratio: true,
max_size: Vec2::INFINITY,
fit: ImageFit::Exact(tex.size),
} else {
Image {
id: Id::new(id),
source: sources,
texture_options: Default::default(),
image_options: Default::default(),
sense: Sense::hover(),
show_loading_spinner: None,
new_mono(id.to_string(), sources.into_iter().map(|(a, b)|(a.into(), b)).collect())
/// Load the image from some source.
pub fn new(source: impl Into<ImageSource<'a>>) -> Self {
fn new_mono(source: ImageSource<'_>) -> Image<'_> {
let size = if let ImageSource::Texture(tex) = &source {
// User is probably expecting their texture to have
// the exact size of the provided `SizedTexture`.
ImageSize {
maintain_aspect_ratio: true,
max_size: Vec2::INFINITY,
fit: ImageFit::Exact(tex.size),
} else {
Image {
id: Id::NULL,
source: vec![(source, Duration::ZERO)],
texture_options: Default::default(),
image_options: Default::default(),
sense: Sense::hover(),
show_loading_spinner: None,
/// Load the image from a URI.
/// See [`ImageSource::Uri`].
pub fn from_uri(uri: impl Into<Cow<'a, str>>) -> Self {
/// Load the image from an existing texture.
/// See [`ImageSource::Texture`].
pub fn from_texture(texture: impl Into<SizedTexture>) -> Self {
/// Load the image from some raw bytes.
/// For better error messages, use the `bytes://` prefix for the URI.
/// See [`ImageSource::Bytes`].
pub fn from_bytes(uri: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>, bytes: impl Into<Bytes>) -> Self {
Self::new(ImageSource::Bytes {
uri: uri.into(),
bytes: bytes.into(),
/// Texture options used when creating the texture.
pub fn texture_options(mut self, texture_options: TextureOptions) -> Self {
self.texture_options = texture_options;
/// Set the max width of the image.
/// No matter what the image is scaled to, it will never exceed this limit.
pub fn max_width(mut self, width: f32) -> Self {
self.size.max_size.x = width;
/// Set the max height of the image.
/// No matter what the image is scaled to, it will never exceed this limit.
pub fn max_height(mut self, height: f32) -> Self {
self.size.max_size.y = height;
/// Set the max size of the image.
/// No matter what the image is scaled to, it will never exceed this limit.
pub fn max_size(mut self, size: Vec2) -> Self {
self.size.max_size = size;
/// Whether or not the [`ImageFit`] should maintain the image's original aspect ratio.
pub fn maintain_aspect_ratio(mut self, value: bool) -> Self {
self.size.maintain_aspect_ratio = value;
/// Fit the image to its original size with some scaling.
/// This will cause the image to overflow if it is larger than the available space.
/// If [`Image::max_size`] is set, this is guaranteed to never exceed that limit.
pub fn fit_to_original_size(mut self, scale: f32) -> Self { = ImageFit::Original { scale };
/// Fit the image to an exact size.
/// If [`Image::max_size`] is set, this is guaranteed to never exceed that limit.
pub fn fit_to_exact_size(mut self, size: Vec2) -> Self { = ImageFit::Exact(size);
/// Fit the image to a fraction of the available space.
/// If [`Image::max_size`] is set, this is guaranteed to never exceed that limit.
pub fn fit_to_fraction(mut self, fraction: Vec2) -> Self { = ImageFit::Fraction(fraction);
/// Fit the image to 100% of its available size, shrinking it if necessary.
/// This is a shorthand for [`Image::fit_to_fraction`] with `1.0` for both width and height.
/// If [`Image::max_size`] is set, this is guaranteed to never exceed that limit.
pub fn shrink_to_fit(self) -> Self {
self.fit_to_fraction(Vec2::new(1.0, 1.0))
/// Make the image respond to clicks and/or drags.
pub fn sense(mut self, sense: Sense) -> Self {
self.sense = sense;
/// Select UV range. Default is (0,0) in top-left, (1,1) bottom right.
pub fn uv(mut self, uv: impl Into<Rect>) -> Self {
self.image_options.uv = uv.into();
/// A solid color to put behind the image. Useful for transparent images.
pub fn bg_fill(mut self, bg_fill: impl Into<Color32>) -> Self {
self.image_options.bg_fill = bg_fill.into();
/// Multiply image color with this. Default is WHITE (no tint).
pub fn tint(mut self, tint: impl Into<Color32>) -> Self {
self.image_options.tint = tint.into();
/// Rotate the image about an origin by some angle
/// Positive angle is clockwise.
/// Origin is a vector in normalized UV space ((0,0) in top-left, (1,1) bottom right).
/// To rotate about the center you can pass `Vec2::splat(0.5)` as the origin.
/// Due to limitations in the current implementation,
/// this will turn off rounding of the image.
pub fn rotate(mut self, angle: f32, origin: Vec2) -> Self {
self.image_options.rotation = Some((Rot2::from_angle(angle), origin));
self.image_options.rounding = Rounding::ZERO; // incompatible with rotation
/// Round the corners of the image.
/// The default is no rounding ([`Rounding::ZERO`]).
/// Due to limitations in the current implementation,
/// this will turn off any rotation of the image.
pub fn rounding(mut self, rounding: impl Into<Rounding>) -> Self {
self.image_options.rounding = rounding.into();
if self.image_options.rounding != Rounding::ZERO {
self.image_options.rotation = None; // incompatible with rounding
/// Show a spinner when the image is loading.
/// By default this uses the value of [`Visuals::image_loading_spinners`].
pub fn show_loading_spinner(mut self, show: bool) -> Self {
self.show_loading_spinner = Some(show);
impl<'a, T: Into<ImageSource<'a>>> From<T> for Image<'a> {
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
impl<'a> Image<'a> {
/// Returns the size the image will occupy in the final UI.
pub fn calc_size(&self, available_size: Vec2, original_image_size: Option<Vec2>) -> Vec2 {
let original_image_size = original_image_size.unwrap_or(Vec2::splat(24.0)); // Fallback for still-loading textures, or failure to load.
self.size.calc_size(available_size, original_image_size)
pub fn load_and_calc_size(&self, ui: &Ui, available_size: Vec2) -> Option<Vec2> {
let image_size = self.load_for_size(ui.ctx(), available_size).ok()?.size()?;
Some(self.size.calc_size(available_size, image_size))
pub fn size(&self, ctx: &Context) -> Option<Vec2> {
match self.source(ctx) {
ImageSource::Texture(texture) => Some(texture.size),
ImageSource::Uri(_) | ImageSource::Bytes { .. } => None,
pub fn image_options(&self) -> &ImageOptions {
pub fn image_index(&self, ctx: &Context) -> usize {
let len = self.source.len();
if len > 1 && != Id::NULL {
let now = now();
return ctx.data_mut(|data|{
let data = data.get_temp_mut_or_insert_with(, ||{
ImageData {
image: 0,
last_refresh: now,
let dur = self.source.get(data.image).unwrap().1.clone();
if data.last_refresh + dur < now {
data.image = (data.image + 1) % len;
data.last_refresh = now;
pub fn source(&self, ctx: &Context) -> &ImageSource<'a> {
/// Load the image from its [`Image::source`], returning the resulting [`SizedTexture`].
/// The `available_size` is used as a hint when e.g. rendering an svg.
/// # Errors
/// May fail if they underlying [`Context::try_load_texture`] call fails.
pub fn load_for_size(&self, ctx: &Context, available_size: Vec2) -> TextureLoadResult {
let size_hint = self.size.hint(available_size);
.load(ctx, self.texture_options, size_hint)
/// Paint the image in the given rectangle.
/// ```
/// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
/// # let rect = egui::Rect::from_min_size(Default::default(), egui::Vec2::splat(100.0));
/// egui::Image::new(egui::include_image!("../../assets/ferris.png"))
/// .rounding(5.0)
/// .tint(egui::Color32::LIGHT_BLUE)
/// .paint_at(ui, rect);
/// # });
/// ```
pub fn paint_at(&self, ui: &Ui, rect: Rect) {
&self.load_for_size(ui.ctx(), rect.size()),
impl<'a> Widget for Image<'a> {
fn ui(self, ui: &mut Ui) -> Response {
let tlr = self.load_for_size(ui.ctx(), ui.available_size());
let original_image_size = tlr.as_ref().ok().and_then(|t| t.size());
let ui_size = self.calc_size(ui.available_size(), original_image_size);
let (rect, response) = ui.allocate_exact_size(ui_size, self.sense);
if ui.is_rect_visible(rect) {
texture_load_result_response(self.source(ui.ctx()), &tlr, response)
/// This type determines the constraints on how
/// the size of an image should be calculated.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ImageSize {
/// Whether or not the final size should maintain the original aspect ratio.
/// This setting is applied last.
/// This defaults to `true`.
pub maintain_aspect_ratio: bool,
/// Determines the maximum size of the image.
/// Defaults to `Vec2::INFINITY` (no limit).
pub max_size: Vec2,
/// Determines how the image should shrink/expand/stretch/etc. to fit within its allocated space.
/// This setting is applied first.
/// Defaults to `ImageFit::Fraction([1, 1])`
pub fit: ImageFit,
/// This type determines how the image should try to fit within the UI.
/// The final fit will be clamped to [`ImageSize::max_size`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
pub enum ImageFit {
/// Fit the image to its original size, scaled by some factor.
/// Ignores how much space is actually available in the ui.
Original { scale: f32 },
/// Fit the image to a fraction of the available size.
/// Fit the image to an exact size.
/// Ignores how much space is actually available in the ui.
impl ImageFit {
pub fn resolve(self, available_size: Vec2, image_size: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
match self {
Self::Original { scale } => image_size * scale,
Self::Fraction(fract) => available_size * fract,
Self::Exact(size) => size,
impl ImageSize {
/// Size hint for e.g. rasterizing an svg.
pub fn hint(&self, available_size: Vec2) -> SizeHint {
let size = match {
ImageFit::Original { scale } => return SizeHint::Scale(scale.ord()),
ImageFit::Fraction(fract) => available_size * fract,
ImageFit::Exact(size) => size,
let size = size.min(self.max_size);
// TODO(emilk): take pixels_per_point into account here!
// `inf` on an axis means "any value"
match (size.x.is_finite(), size.y.is_finite()) {
(true, true) => SizeHint::Size(size.x.round() as u32, size.y.round() as u32),
(true, false) => SizeHint::Width(size.x.round() as u32),
(false, true) => SizeHint::Height(size.y.round() as u32),
(false, false) => SizeHint::Scale(1.0.ord()),
/// Calculate the final on-screen size in points.
pub fn calc_size(&self, available_size: Vec2, original_image_size: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
let Self {
} = *self;
match fit {
ImageFit::Original { scale } => {
let image_size = original_image_size * scale;
if image_size.x <= max_size.x && image_size.y <= max_size.y {
} else {
scale_to_fit(image_size, max_size, maintain_aspect_ratio)
ImageFit::Fraction(fract) => {
let scale_to_size = (available_size * fract).min(max_size);
scale_to_fit(original_image_size, scale_to_size, maintain_aspect_ratio)
ImageFit::Exact(size) => {
let scale_to_size = size.min(max_size);
scale_to_fit(original_image_size, scale_to_size, maintain_aspect_ratio)
// TODO: unit-tests
fn scale_to_fit(image_size: Vec2, available_size: Vec2, maintain_aspect_ratio: bool) -> Vec2 {
if maintain_aspect_ratio {
let ratio_x = available_size.x / image_size.x;
let ratio_y = available_size.y / image_size.y;
let ratio = if ratio_x < ratio_y { ratio_x } else { ratio_y };
let ratio = if ratio.is_finite() { ratio } else { 1.0 };
image_size * ratio
} else {
impl Default for ImageSize {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
max_size: Vec2::INFINITY,
fit: ImageFit::Fraction(Vec2::new(1.0, 1.0)),
maintain_aspect_ratio: true,
/// This type tells the [`Ui`] how to load an image.
/// This is used by [`Image::new`] and [`Ui::image`].
pub enum ImageSource<'a> {
/// Load the image from a URI, e.g. ``.
/// This could be a `file://` path, `https://` url, `bytes://` identifier, or some other scheme.
/// How the URI will be turned into a texture for rendering purposes is
/// up to the registered loaders to handle.
/// See [`crate::load`] for more information.
Uri(Cow<'a, str>),
/// Load the image from an existing texture.
/// The user is responsible for loading the texture, determining its size,
/// and allocating a [`TextureId`] for it.
/// Load the image from some raw bytes.
/// The [`Bytes`] may be:
/// - `'static`, obtained from `include_bytes!` or similar
/// - Anything that can be converted to `Arc<[u8]>`
/// This instructs the [`Ui`] to cache the raw bytes, which are then further processed by any registered loaders.
/// See also [`include_image`] for an easy way to load and display static images.
/// See [`crate::load`] for more information.
Bytes {
/// The unique identifier for this image, e.g. `bytes://my_logo.png`.
/// You should use a proper extension (`.jpg`, `.png`, `.svg`, etc) for the image to load properly.
/// Use the `bytes://` scheme for the URI for better error messages.
uri: Cow<'static, str>,
bytes: Bytes,
impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for ImageSource<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ImageSource::Bytes { uri, .. } | ImageSource::Uri(uri) => uri.as_ref().fmt(f),
ImageSource::Texture(st) =>,
impl<'a> ImageSource<'a> {
/// Size of the texture, if known.
pub fn texture_size(&self) -> Option<Vec2> {
match self {
ImageSource::Texture(texture) => Some(texture.size),
ImageSource::Uri(_) | ImageSource::Bytes { .. } => None,
/// # Errors
/// Failure to load the texture.
pub fn load(
ctx: &Context,
texture_options: TextureOptions,
size_hint: SizeHint,
) -> TextureLoadResult {
match self {
Self::Texture(texture) => Ok(TexturePoll::Ready { texture }),
Self::Uri(uri) => ctx.try_load_texture(uri.as_ref(), texture_options, size_hint),
Self::Bytes { uri, bytes } => {
ctx.include_bytes(uri.clone(), bytes);
ctx.try_load_texture(uri.as_ref(), texture_options, size_hint)
/// Get the `uri` that this image was constructed from.
/// This will return `None` for [`Self::Texture`].
pub fn uri(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self {
ImageSource::Bytes { uri, .. } | ImageSource::Uri(uri) => Some(uri),
ImageSource::Texture(_) => None,
pub fn paint_texture_load_result(
ui: &Ui,
tlr: &TextureLoadResult,
rect: Rect,
show_loading_spinner: Option<bool>,
options: &ImageOptions,
) {
match tlr {
Ok(TexturePoll::Ready { texture }) => {
paint_texture_at(ui.painter(), rect, options, texture);
Ok(TexturePoll::Pending { .. }) => {
let show_loading_spinner =
if show_loading_spinner {
Spinner::new().paint_at(ui, rect);
Err(_) => {
let font_id = TextStyle::Body.resolve(;
/// Attach tooltips like "Loading…" or "Failed loading: …".
pub fn texture_load_result_response(
source: &ImageSource<'_>,
tlr: &TextureLoadResult,
response: Response,
) -> Response {
match tlr {
Ok(TexturePoll::Ready { .. }) => response,
Ok(TexturePoll::Pending { .. }) => {
let uri = source.uri().unwrap_or("image");
response.on_hover_text(format!("Loading {uri}…"))
Err(err) => {
let uri = source.uri().unwrap_or("image");
response.on_hover_text(format!("Failed loading {uri}: {err}"))
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for ImageSource<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a str) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a String> for ImageSource<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a String) -> Self {
impl From<String> for ImageSource<'static> {
fn from(value: String) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a Cow<'a, str>> for ImageSource<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a Cow<'a, str>) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<Cow<'a, str>> for ImageSource<'a> {
fn from(value: Cow<'a, str>) -> Self {
impl<T: Into<Bytes>> From<(&'static str, T)> for ImageSource<'static> {
fn from((uri, bytes): (&'static str, T)) -> Self {
Self::Bytes {
uri: uri.into(),
bytes: bytes.into(),
impl<T: Into<Bytes>> From<(Cow<'static, str>, T)> for ImageSource<'static> {
fn from((uri, bytes): (Cow<'static, str>, T)) -> Self {
Self::Bytes {
bytes: bytes.into(),
impl<T: Into<Bytes>> From<(String, T)> for ImageSource<'static> {
fn from((uri, bytes): (String, T)) -> Self {
Self::Bytes {
uri: uri.into(),
bytes: bytes.into(),
impl<T: Into<SizedTexture>> From<T> for ImageSource<'static> {
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
pub struct ImageOptions {
/// Select UV range. Default is (0,0) in top-left, (1,1) bottom right.
pub uv: Rect,
/// A solid color to put behind the image. Useful for transparent images.
pub bg_fill: Color32,
/// Multiply image color with this. Default is WHITE (no tint).
pub tint: Color32,
/// Rotate the image about an origin by some angle
/// Positive angle is clockwise.
/// Origin is a vector in normalized UV space ((0,0) in top-left, (1,1) bottom right).
/// To rotate about the center you can pass `Vec2::splat(0.5)` as the origin.
/// Due to limitations in the current implementation,
/// this will turn off rounding of the image.
pub rotation: Option<(Rot2, Vec2)>,
/// Round the corners of the image.
/// The default is no rounding ([`Rounding::ZERO`]).
/// Due to limitations in the current implementation,
/// this will turn off any rotation of the image.
pub rounding: Rounding,
impl Default for ImageOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
uv: Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(1.0, 1.0)),
bg_fill: Default::default(),
tint: Color32::WHITE,
rotation: None,
rounding: Rounding::ZERO,
pub fn paint_texture_at(
painter: &Painter,
rect: Rect,
options: &ImageOptions,
texture: &SizedTexture,
) {
if options.bg_fill != Default::default() {
let mut mesh = Mesh::default();
mesh.add_colored_rect(rect, options.bg_fill);
match options.rotation {
Some((rot, origin)) => {
// TODO(emilk): implement this using `PathShape` (add texture support to it).
// This will also give us anti-aliasing of rotated images.
options.rounding == Rounding::ZERO,
"Image had both rounding and rotation. Please pick only one"
let mut mesh = Mesh::with_texture(;
mesh.add_rect_with_uv(rect, options.uv, options.tint);
mesh.rotate(rot, rect.min + origin * rect.size());
None => {
painter.add(RectShape {
rounding: options.rounding,
fill: options.tint,
stroke: Stroke::NONE,
uv: options.uv,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ImageData {
image: usize,
last_refresh: Duration
fn now() -> Duration {
SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("time went backwards")
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