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Last active August 1, 2023 01:05
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  • Save JotaRata/756b5bf32445444e66ae324a8dffb21f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Auto stub generator for Cython files
Auto stub generator for cython files.
Can only parse declared cdef variables with public/readonly keywords
Cannot parse plain defined variables (ex: "my_var = 2")
Cannot parse special members imported from C/C++
Cannot parse ctypedef types
Can only parse functions prefixed with 'def' and 'cpdef
It is recommended to first try with 'out' set to 'None'
Automatically converts Cython static typed variables to regular python variables with type hinting (if applciable)
Automaticallt hides boilerplate methods (except for __init__)
Automatically hides private methods starting with a single underscore
Include imports
Include functions and classes defined in both Python and Cython syntax
Can also include instance variables using a special comment with prefix p.e. '#@self.my_var'
Automatically fill methods with ellipsis
Many bugs!
It ain't much but it's honest work
from io import TextIOWrapper
import os
from os.path import relpath, join, splitext
def scan_files():
cwd = os.getcwd()
for path, _, files in os.walk(cwd): # By default it will walk on the current directory
for f in files:
if not f.endswith('.pyx'): continue # Only include .pyx files
yield join(path, f), f, path
def write(line :str, file : TextIOWrapper = None): # If 'file' is None then it will become a wrapper for print(), useful for previewing
if not file:
file.write(line + '\n')
for path, name, dir in scan_files():
out_path = join(dir, splitext(name)[0] + '.pyi')
out = None # Used to preview
with open(path, 'r') as file:
with open(out_path, 'w') as out: # COMMENT THIS LINE TO PREVIEW !!!
print('Writing stub file to', out_path)
write('# Auto generated stub', out)
write(f'# file: "{path}"\n', out)
prev = '' # previous line
for line in file:
_line = line.lstrip()
# include imports
if 'import' in _line:
write(_line[:-1], out)
# include cython classes
if _line.startswith(('cdef class', 'class')):
write('\n' + line[:-1].replace('cdef ', ''), out)
# include static typed variables
if _line.startswith('cdef') and not 'class' in _line:
if (not 'public' in _line) and (not 'readonly' in _line): continue
split_line = _line.rstrip().split(' ')
if split_line[0] != 'cdef': continue # somehow line doesnt start with cdef
indent = line[: line.index('cdef')] # yes I know there are better ways
if len(split_line) == 4: # cdef public type var
_type = split_line[2]
_var = split_line[3]
write(indent + _var + ' : ' + _type, out)
if len(split_line) == 3: # cdef public var
_var = split_line[2]
write(indent + _var, out)
# Non public fields are ignored
# include instance variables through a special notation
# #@self.variable
_sprefix = '#@self.'
if _line.startswith(_sprefix):
indent = line[: line.index(_sprefix) ]
write(indent + _line[_line.index(_sprefix) + len(_sprefix): -1], out)
# include functions
if _line.startswith(('def')):
# include __init__ but not private methods
if ('__' in _line or '_' in _line[len('def '):]) and not '__init__' in _line: continue
# replace pass with ellipsis
if not _line.rstrip().endswith('pass'):
write(line[:-1] + ' ...', out)
write(line[:-1].replace('pass', '...'), out)
if 'pass' in _line and 'class' in prev:
write(_line[:-1].replace('pass', '...'), out)
# include docstring, comments
if _line.startswith(('#', '"""', "'''")) and not _sprefix in _line:
write(line[:-1], out)
prev = line
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