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Created February 24, 2023 08:44
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Golang's type system failing me, tests passed the values, but prod passed pointers to them, the type system didn't care, but staging broke b/c of a type error.
package main
import (
type Objs []Obj
type Obj interface{ GetType() string }
type IntObj struct{ Int int }
type StrObj struct{ Str string }
func (i IntObj) GetType() string { return "int" }
func (s StrObj) GetType() string { return "str" }
func main() {
i := IntObj{Int: 12}
s := StrObj{Str: "omg"}
omg(Objs{i, &i, s, &s})
func omg(objs Objs) {
for _, obj := range objs {
if intObj, ok := obj.(IntObj); ok {
fmt.Printf("IntObj: %s, %d\n", intObj.GetType(), intObj.Int)
} else if strObj, ok := obj.(StrObj); ok {
fmt.Printf("StrObj: %s, %s\n", strObj.GetType(), strObj.Str)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Unknown: %s\n", obj.GetType())
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