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Created March 3, 2017 08:42
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Biblatex Ranges Basic
% Dates and Datetimes
% julian=true,% convert dates before gregorianstart to Julian Calendar
% gregorianstart=1582-10-15,% Default
alldates=ymd, % year, short, long, terse, comp, ymd, edtf. ymd = Year-Month-Day format
labeldate=ymd, % year, short, long, terse, comp, ymd, edtf. ymd = Year-Month-Day format
alldatesusetime=true, % print time components in non-compact date ranges
alltimes=24h, % 12h, 24h, 24hcomp.
% dateera=astronomical (default), secular, christian
% astronomical dates, controlled by datezero
% secular (prints BCE/CE) controlled by dateerauto, datezeros
% christian prints BC/AD controlled by dateerauto, datezeros
dateeraauto=501, % Sets the max year ceiling for automatic printing of era
abbreviate=true, % prints full localisation strings
dateabbrev=false, % prints full date localisation strings
% Style
% style=authoryear option
% mergedate= % false, minimum, basic, compact or true (default), maximum.
% See \doc\latex\biblatex\examples\50-style-authoryear-biber.pdf
% Space between table rows
Note \verb|sorting=none| is set.
\textbf{Description} & \textbf{Input} & \textbf{In text citation result}\\
Start date unknown, end date specified. ``Unknown". & \verb|unknown/2006| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0092}\\
Start date specified, end date unknown. ``Unknown". & \verb|2004-06-01/unknown| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0093}\\
Start date unknown, end date specified. ``*". & \verb|*/2006| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0094}\\
Start date specified, end date unknown.``*". & \verb|2004-06-01/*| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0095}\\
\textbf{Description} & \textbf{Input} & \textbf{In text citation result}\\
Start specified, no end date. ``open". & \verb|2004-01-01/open| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0096}\\
No start date, end date specified. ``open". & \verb|open/2004-01-01| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0097}\\
Start specified, no end date. [Nothing] & \verb|2004-01-01/| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0098}\\
No start date, end date specified. [Nothing] & \verb|/2004-01-01| & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0099}\\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textbf{Description}} & \textbf{Input} & \textbf{In text citation result}\\
Within a decade. & Some unspedified year in the 1990s & 199u & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0110}\\
Within a century. & Some unspecified year in the 1900s. & 19uu & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0120}\\
Within a Year (to month level). & Some month in 1999. & 1999-uu & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0130}\\
Within in month. & Some day in January 1999. & 1999-01-uu & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0140}\\
Wtihin a Year (to day level). & Some day in 1999. & 1999-uu-uu & \autocite{simpson_cool_book_0150}\\
% Ranges
% ==========================================
% Unknown
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0092},
date = {unknown/2006}, % EDTF
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:55:17Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {2004-06-01/unknown}, % EDTF
title = {Cool Book 0093},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:55:37Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0094},
date = {*/2006}, % WD ISO 8601-2
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:56:44Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {2004-06-01/*}, % WD ISO 8601-2
title = {Cool Book 0095},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:57:12Z}
% Open
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {2004-01-01/open}, % EDTF
title = {Cool Book 0096},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:57:31Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {open/2004-01-01}, % EDTF
title = {Cool Book 0097},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:57:56Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {2004-01-01/}, % WD ISO 8601-2
title = {Cool Book 0098},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:58:30Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
date = {/2004-01-01}, % WD ISO 8601-2
title = {Cool Book 0099},
timestamp = {2016-10-31T05:58:56Z}
% Unspecified
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0110},
date = {199u},
timestamp = {2016-10-29T10:31:01Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0120},
date = {19uu},
timestamp = {2016-10-29T10:31:17Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0130},
date = {1999-uu},
timestamp = {2016-10-29T10:31:33Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0140},
date = {1999-01-uu},
timestamp = {2016-10-29T10:31:47Z}
author = {Simpson, Lisa},
title = {Cool Book 0150},
date = {1999-uu-uu},
timestamp = {2016-10-29T10:32:07Z}
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