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How to portably build, test and install modern CMake projects

How to portably build, test and install modern CMake projects

These portable CMake commands build, test and install a project with a modern CMake buildsystem.


cmake -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build> # Generate the project's buildsystem in `<path-to-build>`.
cmake --build <path-to-build>                # Build the project from the generated buildsystem.
cmake -E chdir <path-to-build> ctest         # Test the built project.
cmake --install <path-to-build>              # Install the built project.

Older CMake versions

  • Before CMake 3.15, the last command has to be replaced with cmake --build <path-to-build> --target install.
  • Before CMake 3.13, the first command has to be replaced with:
    cmake -E make_directory <path-to-build>
    cmake -E chdir <path-to-build> cmake <path-to-source>


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