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- I am jeremyhutchings on github.
- I am jeremyhutchings (https://keybase.io/jeremyhutchings) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBbvjKfEb2FZqJcnbY8R1GOxu_BHklDSmDAnagECqZ72go
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<a class="pushbullet-subscribe-widget" data-channel="esportspools-cs" data-widget="button" data-size="small"></a> | |
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val input = "Enjoying this apple 3.14159 times today" | |
//input: String = Enjoying this apple 3.14159 times today | |
val pattern = """.* apple ([\d.]+) times .*""".r | |
//pattern: scala.util.matching.Regex = .* apple ([\d.]+) times .* | |
val pattern(amountText) = input | |
//amountText: String = 3.14159 |