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Created July 28, 2012 19:09
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PHP: Set value if not exist

You know how, in JavaScript, we can set a value to a variable if one doesn't, like this:

name = name || 'joe';

This is quite common and very helpful. Another option is to do:

name || (name = 'joe');

Well, in PHP, that doesn't work. What many do is:

if ( empty($name) ) $name = 'joe';

Which works...but it's a bit verbose. My preference, at least for checking for empty strings, is:

$name = $name ?: 'joe';

What's your preference for setting values if they don't already exist?

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everzet commented Jul 29, 2012

@zecho well, in case of default argument with = null, you don't need isset(...) check - you just need $name = $name ?: 'default'. I was talking bout that.

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zecho commented Jul 30, 2012

@everzet, you're not right again. When $var === null your statement generates notice 'Undefined variable' because doesn't make difference between null and undefined.

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everzet commented Jul 30, 2012

@zecho nope, here i'm absolutely right:


function printName($name = null) {
  $name = $name ?: 'default';

  echo $name."\n";


will output:


$var === null means that variable is defined (its value is null).

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zecho commented Jul 30, 2012

try with:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);


$var = null;
echo isset($var);

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everzet commented Jul 30, 2012

@zecho no, you try. No exceptions/notices/errors for me :)


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

function printName($name = null) {
  $name = $name ?: 'default';

  echo $name."\n";


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zecho commented Jul 30, 2012

do this outside a function/method. I won't explain you what's the difference in php between function parameter and a variable. Also put as first line in the function

echo (int)isset($name);

to see the result when $name = null

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everzet commented Jul 30, 2012



ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$name = null;

$name = $name ?: 'default';

echo $name."\n";

I don't get what you're trying to prove here, but please, explain me the difference in php between function parameter and variable.

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everzet commented Jul 30, 2012

@zecho also, i think you've started arguing about Please re-read it again, cuz it looks like we have misunderstanding here.

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zecho commented Jul 30, 2012

@everzet, sorry about misunderstanding, I didn't read properly this comment. The idea is that you can't use $name = $name ?: 'default' when variable is not initialized at all (even with $name = null ).

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everzet commented Jul 30, 2012

@zecho yep, and here is the source misunderstanding:

... even with $name = null

$name = null initializes variable. With null value.


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$name = null;

var_dump($name); is a proper statement and will return:


Without any exception/notice. And


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$name = null;
$name = $name ?: 'default';

echo $name;

Will successfully output


Without any exception/notice. Because null is a proper value of any variable.

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avioli commented Jul 31, 2012

Just my 20 cents - null initialises the variable with nothing. It prepares the variable to be garbage collected in the next cycle.
It only does the following - puts it in the current scope so the interpreter is not considering it not existing. It's similar to what global $global_var; does.

var_dump( isset( $null_var ) ); will output bool(false) anyway.

Setting a variable to null is only useful for cases as with the one you circle around @everzet - having it as a function's default variable.

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I think the best way is: $name = (isset($name)) ? $name : "joe"; very similar to name || (name = 'joe');

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banago commented Aug 5, 2012

Jeffrey, guess what, you can do the same thing on PHP:

$myValue = $someOtherValue ?: true;

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Krknv commented Jan 16, 2015

$item = isset($arr["super_long_key_name"]) ? $arr["super_long_key_name"] : "default";
$item =@ $arr["super_long_key_name"]) ?: "default";

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php Echo number if the number is not zero.

$number ?: $number != '0'

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isset($name) || $name = 'Joe';


!empty($name) || $name = 'Joe';

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$name = $name ?? 'Joe';

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How would you do it in an array?

$name = []

$new_array = [
     'first_name' => $name['first'] ?? 'Joe'

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3642066 commented Jan 1, 2016

I just used : if ( empty($name) ) $name = 'joe';
This is more a kind of "human readable", for me .
I used for setting the opacity of a php image processing app, so i can update the main app later, because i'm using a slider input on app test version but i still using the same URL for processing the images, with caused bug because of a missing variable (opacity) .
Thank you .

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eness commented May 4, 2016

Here is the perfect solution I've found and been using for a while ..

$name = 'John';
echo $name ?: 'User has no name';
// result : John

This will print John if $name is not empty but if $name is empty, it will print out 'User has no name' instead, which acts like a default value.

$name = ''; // or $name = null;
echo $name ?: 'User has no name';
result : User has no name

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nwpray commented Aug 15, 2016

Best way is always the ternary operators. Sorry to open this up again, but I spent a good 20 min testing out cases because this conversation did so many loops through multiple techniques but didn't appear to settle.

The form:

{var} = {case} ? {val} : {default};

and an example:

$values = [ 'test' => 'testing' ];
$target_val = isset($values['test']) ? $values['test'] : null;

I settled on this because it appeared to be the most versatile. You can set a default value and if your using a false evaluating value as the default its easy to see if the variable was set. a.k.a. in this example if I do:

   echo 'not set'; 

I know that the value is not set and if I want to check if it is set:

   echo 'set';

And it may be a bit verbose but you can do it all in one swoop like this:

if(!($target_val = isset($values['test']) ? $values['test'] : null))
   //Is not set case
//Continue normally because you know its set

And like has been said, you can shorthand the ternary and just use:

$target_val = $values['test'] ?: null;

But you will get a notice thrown on array value not set so I always just use isset and assign a value in the ternary to avoid silencing messages for no reason.

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RedSparr0w commented Sep 12, 2017

I know this is a very old thread but,

with php 7+ you can use something like the following:

$user = $user ?? "" ?: "User not set";
$user assigned as $user will return
undefined User not set
"" User not set
null User not set
false User not set
"John" John

?? checks if the value is undefined or null
?: checks if the value is null or false or an empty string

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robrecord commented Oct 9, 2018

RedSparr0w you can shorten this:

$user ?? $user = "User not set";

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sobujbd commented Jun 4, 2019

Finally, I prefer...

 * @param $value
 * @param $default
 * @return mixed
function get_string($value, $default)
    if (!empty($value)) {
        return $value;
    } else {
        return $default;

Usages: get_string($name, "Unknown");

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This all be over once PHP 7.4 arrives:

$name ??= 'joe';

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Does it throw warnings?

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This code:


echo("PHP Variable Init");

if ( empty($A) ) $A = 'joe';

$B = $B ?: 'joe';

if (!isset($C)) $C = 'joe';

isset($D) OR $D = 'joe';

$E = (isset($E))?$E:'joe';

!isset($F) && $F = 'joe';

$G || ($G = 'joe');

Will generate this:

string(3) "joe"
<br /><b>Notice</b>:  Undefined variable: B in <b>/home/webben/domains/</b> on line <b>10</b><br />
string(3) "joe"
string(3) "joe"
string(3) "joe"
string(3) "joe"
string(3) "joe"
<br /><b>Notice</b>:  Undefined variable: G in <b>/home/webben/domains/</b> on line <b>25</b><br />
string(3) "joe"

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str commented May 24, 2023

Since PHP 7.4 we can now easily just say:

$name ??= 'joe';

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