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Created June 23, 2019 21:37
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recalculating normals
// I'm rendering a subdivided quad of resolution x resolution vertices
let vertex = Vertex(position: position, normal: float3(0,0,0), texture: float2(0,0))
// vertices are stored in a vertices array, same for indices
// for every vertex but the last row and column we want to create two triangles
if x != resolution-1 && y != resolution-1 {
self.indices.append(contentsOf: [
UInt16(i), UInt16(i + resolution), UInt16(i + resolution + 1), // triangle 1
UInt16(i), UInt16(i + resolution + 1), UInt16(i + 1) // triangle 2
// recalculate normals
// access indices in pairs of three
for i in stride(from: 0, to: indices.count, by: 3) {
// grab the actual vertex index
let i0 = Int(indices[i])
let i1 = Int(indices[i+1])
let i2 = Int(indices[i+2])
// grab the vertices of the triangle
let v0 = vertices[i0]
let v1 = vertices[i1]
let v2 = vertices[i2]
// create two vectors from triangle sides
let u = v1.position - v0.position
let v = v2.position - v0.position
// calculate normal
let n = normalize(cross(v, u))
// add normal to all vertices of triangle
vertices[i0].normal += n
vertices[i1].normal += n
vertices[i2].normal += n
// normalize all vertices after summing all the normals
for i in 0..<vertices.count {
vertices[i].normal = normalize(vertices[i].normal)
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