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Last active February 25, 2016 14:51
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Save Iristyle/9a870f96f1896710c01f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reset environment variables
# initial stash of process vars that will overwrite Machine / User vars
if (! $processVars)
# capture all variables by name, using whats currently available in-proc for values (already expanded)
$processVars = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('Process').Keys |
% -Begin { $h = @{} } -Process { $h.$_ = (Get-Item Env:\$_).Value } -End { $h }
# Write-Host "Initially captured process vars:`n`n$($processVars | Out-String)"
# eliminate Machine / User vars so that we have only process vars
'Machine', 'User' |
% { [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables($_).GetEnumerator() } |
? { $processVars.ContainsKey($_.Name) -and ($processVars[$_.Name] -eq $_.Value) } |
% { $processVars.Remove($_.Name) }
# Write-Host "Stored process vars:`n`n$($processVars | Out-String)"
# query Machine vars from registry, ensuring expansion EXCEPT for PATH
$vars = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('Machine').GetEnumerator() |
% -Begin { $h = @{} } -Process { $v = if ($_.Name -eq 'Path') { $_.Value } else { [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($_.Name, 'Machine') }; $h."$($_.Name)" = $v } -End { $h }
# Write-Host "Read MACHINE vars:`n`n$($vars | Out-String)"
# query User vars from registry, ensuring expansion EXCEPT for PATH
[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('User').GetEnumerator() |
% {
if ($_.Name -eq 'Path') { $vars[$_.Name] += ';' + $_.Value }
$value = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($_.Name, 'User')
$vars[$_.Name] = $value
# Write-Host "Re-read $($_.Name) from User as $value / stored as $($vars[$_.Name])"
# Write-Host "Vars updated with USER vars:`n`n$($vars | Out-String)"
$processVars.GetEnumerator() | % { $vars[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
# Write-Host "Vars updated with Process vars:`n`n$($vars | Out-String)"
Remove-Item Env:\*
$vars.GetEnumerator() |
% { Set-Item -Path "Env:\$($_.Name)" -Value $_.Value }
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One interesting thing to note is that the restored environment has unexpanded environment variables (which is OK / expected for PATH), but might be a problem in ComSpec and windir - so there might need to be special handling there. Calling GetEnvironmentVariable will expand, while GetEnvironmentVariables does not expand.

I have modified the code so that everything is captured / reinstated verbatim, including observing existing behavior around which variables are expanded, etc.

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Note, this is going to destroy $env:PSMODULEPATH. We would need to skip this one.

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Oh sweet, capturing the Process variables 👍

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jpogran commented Feb 24, 2016

After line 40 $processVars has 26 items, wheres (ls env:).Count has 38. The variables missing cripple the shell to the point where the process crashes. Still figuring out what is missing here

$vars has the full process list, but still the process crashes after line 44

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jpogran commented Feb 25, 2016

The fix, strangely enough, was to sort the $processVars by Name before attempting to pass it to the next block. This originates from passing the results of the inner PS session $processVars to the outer PS session, then back into the inner PS session later on.

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