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Last active October 12, 2021 01:58
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Steve Sanderson agreed to write the foreword!

Look into WASM pre-rendered Securing sensative config values Static web app

Top-navigation -- [Theme Toggle] [Notifications] [Voice Options] [Langauge] [Log in]

  • Six panel layout -- each panel is a Component (draggable)

    1. Twitter -- configure hash tags and handles
    2. Jokes -- auto-refresh, but allow manual after a while
    3. Weather -- editable
    4. Have I Been Pwned -- email and password checker, on-demand (alerts?)
    5. Chat / Video Chat
    6. [ + ]
  • Use Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) service ~

  • Use localization / globalization, and resource translation ✔

    • JS interop, speak anything on the page -- in any language
    • Translation services
  • Use repository-pattern .NET SDK (Cosmos DB) ✔

    • Background / Worker service - for API caching
    • Azure Functions -- stateless
  • Use some sort of jokes API ✔

    • Aggregate chuck norris (cnidb, nerdy), programming jokes, and dad jokes
  • Show xUnit the Blazor complementary bUnit ✔

    • Consider "Scenario testing"
  • Loading page

Consider bulma for the CSS framework, as it doesn't require JavaScript:

See this for unit testing: And AutoData from AutoFixture

Project structure

GitHub Actions

CI/CD and so much more! ✔

Modular components to highlight component aspect.


Blazor Wasm - client

  • HTTP calls
  • Microservices
  • SignalR
  • Azure static web app

Server - bits

  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Azure Functions
  • Cosmos DB
    • Repository-pattern
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Use <element translate="no" /> where applicable.

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