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  • 05:09 (UTC +03:00)
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this is just a small doc to keep my unorganized UX ideas. for everything else assume a windows desktop and/or yell at me to elaborate

  • low taskbar
  • apps on the taskbar like browser tabs, aka the titles are visible and there are x icons on all of them
  • doesn't mean ungroup! still group them
  • add mute icons next to the x icons where relevant
  • bottom right and bottom left are hot corners for collapse all windows and open start respectively.
  • one-click context menus
  • mousewheel on window titlebars to maximize and back. same for them on the taskbar to minimize and unminimize
  • actually good window buttons. yes, no circles. rectangles. fuck everything look at windows microsoft got it right the first time
HyperSoop /
Last active April 3, 2023 14:03
My thoughts on Stellarica multiblock design

Decorative parts (slabs, stairs) in multiblocks don't have any gameplay value to compensate for complexity (and by extension, potential frustration) they bring into the game.

  • They are an annoyance - the player has no lack in resources for them, but they require a few extra steps to create and if used in multiblocks a lot, they are bound to add to Minecraft's existing frustrating inventory clutter problem.
  • They make it harder to keep in mind and reproduce multiblocks for no change in resource requirements, little effect on ship construction - multiblocks are going to be hidden inside one's ship anyway for noone to look at, and the few extra blocks they take up would usually be free in the ship anyway.

This kind of complexity by itself isn't a mechanic - it's only bad quality of life. This complexity adds nothing of value to gameplay - it's not an obstacle to fullfillingly overcome, it's something to be pissed at for a moment and waste time on, and is it really difficut to fix this annoyance (and i don

HyperSoop /
Last active June 15, 2023 22:55
Hypersoop's Stellarica design gist

PVP and combat equipment


Ranged weaponry mostly requires energy to use. Melee combat doesn't. That's not nessesarily a rule, just a guideline.

That is, we have 3 types of weapons: melee, light ranged and heavy ranged. Heavy ranged weapons are drawn like bows to get charge, light ranged weaponry can be spammed.

We're probably going to have a few unique weapons to obtain or craft from various sources. Then, as an upgrade system, we're going to have a modifier system, simular to hypixel reforging (sorry for this reference!) but instead of one you can have any and each subsequent one needs more resources to apply. The way you apply them is via "reforge stones" (well it just gets the point across!) - upgrade templates, which in turn can be found around the map or crafted. Those can be applied in workstations (no money requirement, but more resources needed) or at some NPCs; then they have an assigned amount of certain resources required to apply. You can apply the same one multiple times to a weap