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Last active October 26, 2024 08:18
Async Validator Wrapper for Angular 2 Reactive Forms.This wrapper lets you debounce your asyncValidator instead of on every keystroke
import { AbstractControl } from "@angular/forms";
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";
import { Subject } from "rxjs/Subject";
export class QstAsyncValidatorWrapper {
* Angular async validators are triggered on every key stroke.
* This function debounces triggering an async validator.
* How to use?
* Let's say you have a function which asynchronously validates an email:
* function asyncEmailValidator (c: AbstractControl): Observable<any> {
* return checkInRemote();
* }
* In your Reactive Form Builder instead of doing this:
* email: new FormControl("", [
* Validators.required
* ], [
* asyncEmailValidator
* ])
* Do this to debounce every 800ms:
* email: new FormControl("", [
* Validators.required
* ], [
* QstAsyncValidatorWrapper.debounce(asyncEmailValidator, 800)
* ])
* */
public static debounce(asyncValidator: (c: AbstractControl) => Observable<any>,
time: number = 500): (c: AbstractControl) => Observable<any> {
/*Starting a debouncing observable*/
const subject: Subject<AbstractControl> = new Subject();
const obs: Observable<any> = subject
.switchMap(abstractControl => asyncValidator(abstractControl))
/*Need to have at least 1 active subscriber, because otherwise
* the first `` event won't be registered*/
return (c: AbstractControl) => {
/*Every time this function is invoked by Angular I must inform a subject about it*/;
/*Need to take only one for every function invocation,
* because the subscription must complete.
* Otherwise Angular form state would be "PENDING"*/
return obs.first();
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attl8d commented Jul 6, 2017

Works, beautifully! Thanks!

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alexeyuzlov commented Jul 31, 2017

type of first argument is AsyncValidatorFn instead of (c: AbstractControl) => Observable.
It's not compatible with angular (4+) abstract control API. Check setAsyncValidators() method

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mattiasnordqvist commented Feb 28, 2018

this should be a npm package! 👍 :)

Edit: I created a angular5-compatible version, and published it to npm as an exercise for myself (never published any npm packages before). Hope you don't mind.

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