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Last active March 16, 2016 08:08
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{-# language FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
data ASTLevel name self
= Var name
| App self [self]
| Let [Binding name self] self
| Lam (Maybe name) [name] self
| Literal Literal
-- | Seq [AST]
type Name
= String
data Binding name ast
= Binding name [name] ast
deriving Show
data Literal
= Integer Integer
| Double Double
| String String
deriving Show
data LCLevel name self
= Define name [name] self self
| Call (Term name) [Term name]
data Term name = Name name | Constant String
data Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
--instance (Functor f, Show (f String)) => Show (Fix f) where
-- show = cata show
instance Show (LC String) where
show (In (Define x args it rest)) = "let " ++ x ++ " " ++ unwords args ++ " = " ++ show it ++ " in " ++ show rest
show (In (Call f xs)) = "(" ++ unwords (map show (f : xs)) ++ ")"
instance Show (Term String) where
show (Name a) = a
show (Constant x) = x
type AST name = Fix (ASTLevel name)
type LC name = Fix (LCLevel name)
instance Functor (LCLevel name) where
fmap f (Define name args it rest) = Define name args (f it) (f rest)
fmap _ (Call f xs) = Call f xs
instance Foldable (LCLevel name) where
foldMap f (Define name args it rest) = f it <> f rest
foldMap _ (Call f xs) = mempty
instance Functor (ASTLevel name) where
fmap f (Let bs rest) = Let (fmap (fmap f) bs) (f rest)
fmap f (App g xs) = App (f g) (fmap f xs)
fmap f (Lam n args body) = Lam n args (f body)
fmap _ (Literal lit) = Literal lit
instance Functor (Binding name) where
fmap f (Binding x args it) = Binding x args (f it)
instance Foldable (ASTLevel name) where
foldMap f (Let bs rest) = foldMap (foldMap f) bs <> f rest
foldMap f (App g xs) = f g <> foldMap f xs
foldMap f (Lam n args body) = f body
foldMap _ _ = mempty
instance Foldable (Binding name) where
foldMap f (Binding x args it) = f it
instance Traversable (ASTLevel name) where
traverse f (Let bs rest) = Let <$> traverse (traverse f) bs <*> f rest
traverse f (App g xs) = App <$> f g <*> traverse f xs
traverse f (Lam n args body) = Lam n args <$> f body
traverse _ (Literal lit) = pure (Literal lit)
traverse _ (Var name) = pure (Var name)
instance Traversable (Binding name) where
traverse f (Binding x args it) = Binding x args <$> f it
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata algebra = algebra . fmap (cata algebra) . out
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
ana coalgebra = In . fmap (ana coalgebra) . coalgebra
cataM :: (Traversable f, Monad m) => (f a -> m a) -> Fix f -> m a
cataM algebra = algebra <=< mapM (cataM algebra) . out
--ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
--ana coalgebra = In . fmap (ana coalgebra) . coalgebra
term (In (Call _ [])) = True
term _ = False
getTerm (In (Call t [])) = t
simplification :: ASTLevel String (LC String) -> State Int (LC String)
simplification (Var name) = return $ In (Call (Name name) [])
simplification (App f xs) = do
f : xs <- mapM slice (f : xs)
(actions, f : xs) <- foldM glue (id, []) (f : xs)
return $ actions (In (Call f xs))
simplification (Let bs lcrest) = do
foldM sliceBinding lcrest bs
simplification (Lam mname args body) = do
name <- maybe fresh return mname
return $ In (Define name args body (In (Call (Name name) [])))
sliceBinding rest (Binding name args lcthing) =
return $ In (Define name args lcthing rest)
----glue :: Eq name => (LC name -> LC name, [Term name]) -> (LC name -> LC name, Term name) -> (LC name -> LC name, [Term name])
glue (f, args) (df, arg) = return (f . df, args ++ [arg])
----slice :: Eq name => LC name -> (LC name -> LC name, Term name)
slice thing | term thing = return (id, getTerm thing)
slice thing = do
name <- fresh
return (In . Define name [] thing, Name name)
fresh = do
int <- get
modify (+ 1)
return ("v" ++ show int)
test = (`runState` 0) . cataM simplification $
In (Let
[Binding "id" ["x"]
(In (Var "x"))]
(In (App
(In (Let [Binding "bot" [] (In (Var "bot"))] (In (Var "bot"))))
[In (Var "id")]
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