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Created January 13, 2021 14:34
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.NET re-implementation of 'OS' stdlib
import clr
core = load "mscorlib"
diag = load "System.Diagnostics.Process"
ipath = @(core.GetType "System.IO.Path")
ifile = @(core.GetType "System.IO.File")
idir = @(core.GetType "System.IO.Directory")
ithrd = @(core.GetType "System.Threading.Thread")
ienv = @(core.GetType "System.Environment")
iproc = @(diag.GetType "System.Diagnostics.Process")
ispec = @(core.GetType "System.Environment+SpecialFolder")
DirSep: char = ipath.DirectorySeparatorChar
AltSep: char = ipath.AltDirectorySeparatorChar
PathSep: char = ipath.PathSeparator
CurDir: char = '.'
ParDir: string = ".."
proc sleep(milsecs: int) = ithrd.Sleep(milsecs)
proc getAppFilename(): string = iproc.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName
proc getAppDir(): string =
ipath.GetDirectoryName iproc.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName
proc paramCount(): int = ienv.GetCommandLineArgs().clrVariantToCOMArray1D.len - 1
proc commandLineParams(): seq[TaintedString] =
for arg in ienv.GetCommandLineArgs().clrVariantToCOMArray1D[1..^1]: result.add arg
proc putEnv(key, val: string) = ienv.SetEnvironmentVariable(key, val)
proc delEnv(key: string) = ienv.SetEnvironmentVariable(key, Null)
proc existsEnv(key: string): bool = not ienv.GetEnvironmentVariable(key).isNull
proc getEnv(key: string; default = ""): TaintedString =
let env = ienv.GetEnvironmentVariable(key)
return if env.isNull: default else: env
iterator envPairs(): tuple[key, value: TaintedString] =
for de in ienv.GetEnvironmentVariables(): yield (key: de[].Key.TaintedString, value: de[].Value.TaintedString)
proc moveDir(source, dest: string) = idir.Move(source, dest)
proc dirExists(dir: string): bool = idir.Exists(dir)
proc getCurrentDir(): string = idir.GetCurrentDirectory()
proc setCurrentDir(newDir: string) = idir.SetCurrentDirectory(newDir)
proc createDir(dir: string) = idir.CreateDirectory(dir)
proc removeDir(dir: string; checkDir = false) = (if idir.Exists(dir) or checkDir: idir.Delete(dir, true))
proc moveFile(source, dest: string) = ifile.Move(source, dest, true)
proc copyFile(source, dest: string) = ifile.Copy(source, dest, true)
proc fileExists(filename: string): bool = ifile.Exists(filename)
proc removeFile(file: string) = ifile.Delete(file)
proc tryRemoveFile(file: string) = (if ifile.exists(file): ifile.Delete(file))
proc getFileSize(file: string): BiggestInt ="System.IO.FileInfo", file).Length
proc isHidden(path: string): bool = (ifile.GetAttributes(path).int and 2).bool
proc changeFileExt(filename, ext: string): string = ipath.ChangeExtension(filename, ext)
proc extractFilename(path: string): string = ipath.GetFileName(path)
proc getTempDir(): string = ipath.GetTempPath()
proc getHomeDir(): string = ienv.GetFolderPath(ispec.UserProfile)
proc expandFilename(path: string): string = ipath.GetFullPath(path)
proc absolutePath(path: string; root = getCurrentDir()) = ipath.GetFullPath(path, root)
proc joinPath(head, tail: string): string = ipath.Combine(head, tail)
proc joinPath(parts: varargs[string]): string = ipath.Combine(parts)
proc `/`(head, tail: string): string = ipath.Combine(head, tail)
proc splitFile(path: string): tuple[dir, name, ext: string] =
(dir: $ipath.GetDirectoryName(path), name: $ipath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), ext: $ipath.GetExtension(path))
iterator walkDirs(pattern: string): string =
for de in idir.EnumerateDirectories($CurDir, pattern): yield de.`$`[2..^1]
iterator walkFiles(pattern: string): string =
for de in idir.EnumerateFiles($CurDir, pattern): yield de.`$`[2..^1]
iterator walkPattern(pattern: string): string =
for de in idir.EnumerateFileSystemEntries($CurDir, pattern): yield de.`$`[2..^1]
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