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Last active August 28, 2019 18:24
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Pronounce HEX value
class HexTools
private static $verbalMap = [
'00' => 'zero',
'-0' => '',
'0-' => '',
'-1' => 'one',
'1-' => 'teen',
'11' => 'eleven',
'12' => 'twelve',
'13' => 'thirteen',
'15' => 'fifteen',
'-2' => 'two',
'2-' => 'twenty',
'-3' => 'three',
'3-' => 'thirty',
'-4' => 'four',
'4-' => 'fourty',
'-5' => 'five',
'5-' => 'fifty',
'-6' => 'six',
'6-' => 'sixty',
'-7' => 'seven',
'7-' => 'seventy',
'-8' => 'eight',
'8-' => 'eighty',
'-9' => 'nine',
'9-' => 'ninety',
'-A' => 'ann',
'A-' => 'annty',
'-B' => 'bet',
'B-' => 'betty',
'-C' => 'chris',
'C-' => 'christy',
'-D' => 'dot',
'D-' => 'dotty',
'-E' => 'ernest',
'E-' => 'ernestty',
'-F' => 'frost',
'F-' => 'frostty',
public static function hex2verbal($hex)
$verbal = '';
$hex = strtoupper($hex);
$hex = preg_replace('([^0-9A-F])', '', $hex);
$hexLen = strlen($hex);
if ($hexLen % 2 === 1) {
$hex = str_pad($hex, $hexLen + 1, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$parts = str_split($hex, 2);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = sprintf('%02s', $part);
$word = self::$verbalMap[$part];
if (!empty($word)) {
$verbal .= $word;
} else {
$part1 = (string)$part[0] . '-';
$part2 = (string)'-' . $part[1];
if ($part1 === '1-') {
$word1 = self::$verbalMap[$part2];
$word2 = self::$verbalMap[$part1];
$divider = '';
} else {
$word1 = self::$verbalMap[$part1];
$word2 = self::$verbalMap[$part2];
$divider = '-';
$verbal .= $word1;
if (!empty($word1) && !empty($word2)) {
$verbal .= $divider;
$verbal .= $word2;
$verbal .= ' ';
return trim($verbal);
$hex = empty($argv[1]) ? '0' : $argv[1];
echo $hex .' = ' .HexTools::hex2verbal($hex) . PHP_EOL;
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