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ipmi bios reset / review boot settings
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.xx-U admin -P $ABC chassis bootparam get 5
Boot parameter version: 1
Boot parameter 5 is valid/unlocked
Boot parameter data: e018000000
Boot Flags :
- Boot Flag Valid
- Options apply to all future boots
- BIOS EFI boot
- Boot Device Selector : Force Boot into BIOS Setup
- BIOS verbosity : System Default
- Console Redirection control : Console redirection occurs per BIOS configuration setting (default)
- BIOS Mux Control Override : BIOS uses recommended setting of the mux at the end of POST
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.xx -U admin -P $ABC power on
Chassis Power Control: Up/On
$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H 192.168.xx -U admin -P $ABC chassis bootdev bios options=efiboot,persistent clear-cmos=yes
Set Boot Device to bios
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