Today at dayjob, my architect: "You should update the README as well. You know, I don't like having all the library environment variables copied into the service README. Can you just link to the submodule?"
Me, actually quite liking that all the variables are right there in the service README: "I wish there was an include directive for markdown."
Me, having access to Sonnet API via OpenRouter: "How hard is ad-hoc Markdown parsing anyway?"
"Hey Sonnet, can you..."
Hi! Need your help with a ruby/rake tool. I'm trying to ensure that my README includes environment variable snippets that are consistent with the submodules the service pulls in. Those have their own READMEs documenting their respective environment variables. So my idea is to throw in a very simple ruby markdown parser that just splits the file at sections (lines starting with #) and include directives (lines of the form
[//] # (include path#section)
and then just ensures that the text following the include directive matches the section in