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Created February 1, 2019 07:09
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Redux: Accessing state from mapDispatchToProps
// Re.
// Here is a solution to access props derived from the state in mapDispatchToProps.
// I personally prefer this over those suggested in the issue above.
const unlockItem = () => null; // Replace with some redux action.
const Unlocker = props => {
return <button onClick={() => props.unlockItem(props.itemId)}>Unlock</button>;
const QuotaInjector = props => {
return <Unlocker {...props} unlockItem={itemId => props.unlockItem(itemId, props.quota)} />;
const ConnectedUnlocker = connect(
state => ({
quota: state.quota
dispatch => ({
unlockItem: (itemId, quota) => {
if (quota > 0) {
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