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Forked from notjuliee/nosteponcss.js
Last active May 8, 2017 16:45
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No step on CSS
// ==UserScript==
// @name RedaddCSS
// @namespace com.digitalfishfun.nosteponcss
// @version 1
// @description Allows subreddits to add CSS through an unofficial method.
// @grant none
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
const nosteponcss_instructions = `
To use this script, the subreddit you are on MUST have a wiki paged named "css" in the root.
The page MUST begin with
/* @CSS */
and the rest of the page being the CSS you wish to inject.`;
console.log('RedaddCSS loading...');
let nosteponcss_css;
let nosteponcss_subreddit = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2];
let nosteponcss_main = () => {
console.log('Checking' + nosteponcss_subreddit + '/wiki/css.json for custom CSS');
$.get('' + nosteponcss_subreddit + '/wiki/css.json', data => {
let nosteponcss_css =\r/g, '').replace(/ /g, '');
if (nosteponcss_css.split('\n') [0] != '/*@CSS*/') return console.log('CSS is not in valid format :/');
console.log('CSS loaded!');
$('head').append('<style id="nosteponcss_style">' + nosteponcss_css + '</style>');
console.log('Done injecting custom CSS!');
console.log('Checking for RES');
if ($("#res-style-checkbox").prop("checked") != undefined) {
console.log('RES Detected, loading listener for CSS toggle.');
if (!$("#res-style-checkbox").prop("checked")) {
console.log("CSS is disabled, removing.");
$("#res-style-checkbox").change(() => {
if ($("#res-style-checkbox").prop("checked")) {
$('head').append('<style id="nosteponcss_style">' + nosteponcss_css + '</style>');
return console.log("Enabled CSS");
return console.log("Disabled CSS");
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