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Created March 19, 2017 10:22
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Whitewolf wikia dumper
import requests
import json
def scrape_artifacts(offset=''):
path = 'api/v1/Articles/List'
query = {
'expand': 1,
'offset': offset
data = requests.get('{}{}'.format(BASE_URL, path), params=query)
if data.status_code != 200:
return (False, False)
js = data.json()
new_offset = False if 'offset' not in js else js['offset']
return (js['items'], new_offset)
def scrape_all():
offset = ''
full_db = []
while offset is not False:
(items, offset) = scrape_artifacts(offset)
if items is False:
print('Scraping: offset: {}, size: {}, last: {}'.format(offset,
return full_db
def build_index():
db = scrape_all()
with open('article_index.json', 'w') as of:
json.dump(db, of, indent=2)
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