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Last active February 12, 2020 21:40
Patch Docker for Python with device-requests, from
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# License included at
"""Patch Docker for Python with device-requests."""
from docker.types import base as docker_types_base
from docker.models import containers as docker_models_containers
from docker.types import containers as docker_types_containers
from docker.utils import utils as docker_utils
class DeviceRequest(docker_types_base.DictType):
"""Create a device request to be used with
Taken from:
driver (str): Which driver to use for this device. Optional.
count (int): Number or devices to request. Optional.
Set to -1 to request all available devices.
device_ids (list): List of strings for device IDs. Optional.
Set either ``count`` or ``device_ids``.
capabilities (list): List of lists of strings to request
capabilities. Optional. The global list acts like an OR,
and the sub-lists are AND. The driver will try to satisfy
one of the sub-lists.
Available capabilities for the ``nvidia`` driver can be found
`here <>`_.
options (dict): Driver-specific options. Optional.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
driver = kwargs.get('driver', kwargs.get('Driver'))
count = kwargs.get('count', kwargs.get('Count'))
device_ids = kwargs.get('device_ids', kwargs.get('DeviceIDs'))
capabilities = kwargs.get('capabilities', kwargs.get('Capabilities'))
options = kwargs.get('options', kwargs.get('Options'))
if driver is None:
driver = ''
elif not isinstance(driver, docker_types_base.six.string_types):
raise ValueError('DeviceRequest.driver must be a string')
if count is None:
count = 0
elif not isinstance(count, int):
raise ValueError('DeviceRequest.count must be an integer')
if device_ids is None:
device_ids = []
elif not isinstance(device_ids, list):
raise ValueError('DeviceRequest.device_ids must be a list')
if capabilities is None:
capabilities = []
elif not isinstance(capabilities, list):
raise ValueError('DeviceRequest.capabilities must be a list')
if options is None:
options = {}
elif not isinstance(options, dict):
raise ValueError('DeviceRequest.options must be a dict')
super(DeviceRequest, self).__init__({
'Driver': driver,
'Count': count,
'DeviceIDs': device_ids,
'Capabilities': capabilities,
'Options': options
def driver(self):
return self['Driver']
def driver(self, value):
self['Driver'] = value
def count(self):
return self['Count']
def count(self, value):
self['Count'] = value
def device_ids(self):
return self['DeviceIDs']
def device_ids(self, value):
self['DeviceIDs'] = value
def capabilities(self):
return self['Capabilities']
def capabilities(self, value):
self['Capabilities'] = value
def options(self):
return self['Options']
def options(self, value):
self['Options'] = value
class _HostConfig(docker_types_containers.HostConfig):
Docker host configuration.
Taken from:
def __init__(self, version, *, device_requests=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(version, **kwargs)
if device_requests is not None:
if docker_utils.version_lt(version, '1.40'):
raise docker_types_containers.host_config_version_error(
'device_requests', '1.40'
if not isinstance(device_requests, list):
raise docker_types_containers.host_config_type_error(
'device_requests', device_requests, 'list'
self['DeviceRequests'] = []
for req in device_requests:
if not isinstance(req, DeviceRequest):
req = DeviceRequest(**req)
docker_models_containers.RUN_HOST_CONFIG_KWARGS.index('devices') + 1,
docker_types_containers.HostConfig = _HostConfig
docker_models_containers.HostConfig = _HostConfig
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