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Proposal for URL issue "Add a neato informative table of various URL pieces"
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<p>Proposal for URL issue <a HRef=""><i>Add a neato informative table of various URL pieces</i></a></p>
<UL class="brief">
<LI><a HRef="#original">URL Syntax: Original Table Proposal, modified</a>
<LI><a HRef="#formula">URL Syntax: Formulaic Representation</a>
<LI><a HRef="#graphic">URL Syntax: Graphical Representation</a>
<LI><a HRef="#conditions">URL Syntax: Element Conditions</a>
<LI><a HRef="#notes">URL Syntax: Development Log</a>
<h4 ID="original">URL Syntax: Original Table Proposal, modified</h4>
<div class=example>
<td><code class="idl">protocol</code>
<td><code class="idl">username</code>
<td><code class="idl">password</code>
<td><code class="idl">hostname</code>
<td><code class="idl">port</code>
<td><code class="idl">pathname</code>
<td><code class="idl">search</code>
<td><code class="idl">hash</code>
<td colspan=6>
<td colspan=3><code class="idl">host</code>
<td colspan=3>
<td colspan=12><code class="idl">href</code>
<td colspan=6>
<td><code class="idl">hostname</code>
<td><code class="idl">port</code>
<td colspan=3>
<td><code class="idl">protocol</code>
<td><code class="idl">username</code>
<td><code class="idl">password</code>
<td colspan=3><code class="idl">host</code>
<td><code class="idl">pathname</code>
<td><code class="idl">search</code>
<td><code class="idl">hash</code>
<td colspan=12><code class="idl">href</code>
<td colspan=6>
<td><code class="idl">hostname</code>
<td><code class="idl">port</code>
<td colspan=3>
<td><code class="idl">protocol</code>
<td><code class="idl">username</code>
<td><code class="idl">password</code>
<td colspan=3><code class="idl">host</code>
<td><code class="idl">pathname</code>
<td><code class="idl">search</code>
<td><code class="idl">hash</code>
<td colspan=2><code class="idl">origin</code>
<td colspan=4>
<td colspan=3><code class="idl">origin</code>
<td colspan=12><code class="idl">href</code>
<td><code class="idl">protocol</code>
<td><code class="idl">pathname</code>
<td colspan=2><code class="idl">href</code>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">scheme</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">username</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">password</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">host</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">port</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">path</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">query</code></a>
<td><a href=""><code class="idl">fragment</code></a>
<td colspan=2><code class="idl">origin</code>
<td colspan=4>
<td colspan=3><code class="idl">origin</code>
<td colspan=14><code class="idl">href</code>
<h4 ID="formula">URL Syntax: Formulaic Representation</h4>
<p><a href="">scheme</a>: [ // [ [ <a href="">username</a> [ :<a href="">password</a> ] @ ] <a href="">host</a> [ :<a href="">port</a> ] ] ] &nbsp; [ { <a href="">path</a>0 | /<a href="">path</a>1 [ /<a href="">path</a>2 [ …/<a href="">path</a>n ] ] } ] &nbsp; [ ?<a href="">query</a> ] &nbsp; [ #<a href="">fragment</a> ] </p>
<h4 ID="graphic">URL Syntax: Graphical Representation</h4>
<TD RowSpan=4 style="border:0; padding:5px; vertical-align:top"><a href="">scheme</a>:</TD>
<TD RowSpan=4 style="border:0; padding:5px; vertical-align:top; background:hsl(240, 100%, 50%);">//</TD>
<TD ColSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(240, 100%, 50%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:0;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 40%);"><a href="">path</a>[0]</TD>
<TD RowSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:0;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">/<a href="">path</a>[1]</TD>
<TD ColSpan=4 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 40%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:0;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:#FFC000;">?<a href="">query</a></TD>
<TD RowSpan=5 style="border:0; padding:0;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:fuchsia;">#<a href="">fragment</a></TD>
<TD ColSpan=3 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(210, 100%, 50%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=3 style="border:0; padding:5px; vertical-align:top; background:hsl(210, 100%, 50%);"><a href="">host</a></TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(210, 100%, 50%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=4 style="border:0; padding:0;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=4 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 50%);">/<a href="">path</a>[2]</TD>
<TD ColSpan=3 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 50%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=2 style="border:0; padding:5px; vertical-align:top; background:hsl(195, 100%, 50%);"><a href="">username</a></TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(195, 100%, 50%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=2 style="border:0; padding:5px; vertical-align:top; background:hsl(195, 100%, 50%);">@</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(180, 100%, 50%);">:<a href="">port</a></TD>
<TD RowSpan=3 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 80%);">/<a href="">path</a>[3]</TD>
<TD ColSpan=2 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 80%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(187, 100%, 50%);">:<a href="">password</a></TD>
<TD RowSpan=2 style="border:0; padding:5px;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD RowSpan=2 style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 90%);">...</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 90%);">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD ColSpan=7 style="border:0; padding:5px;">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD style="border:0; padding:5px; background:hsl(120, 100%, 95%);">/<a href="">path</a>[<i>n</i>]</TD>
<h4 ID="conditions">URL Syntax: Element Conditions</h4>
<TR><TH>Element</TH> <TH>Present if:</TH></TR>
<TR><TD><a href="">scheme</a>:</TD> <TD>Always</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>//</TD> <TD><a href="">host</a> is non-null or <a href="">scheme</a> = "file"</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><a href="">username</a></TD> <TD><a href="">host</a> is present and URL <a href="">includes credentials</a></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>:<a href="">password</a></TD> <TD><a href="">username</a> is present and <a href="">password</a> is not the empty string</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>@</TD> <TD><a href="">username</a> is present</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><a href="">host</a></TD> <TD><a href="">host</a> is non-null</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>:<a href="">port</a></TD> <TD><a href="">host</a> is present and <a href="">port</a> is non-null</TD></TR>
<TR><TD><a href="">path</a>[0]</TD> <TD><a href="">cannot-be-a-base-URL flag</a> is set</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>/<a href="">path</a>[<i>n</i>]</TD> <TD><a href="">cannot-be-a-base-URL flag</a> is clear and <a href="">path</a>[<i>n</i>] is not the empty string</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>?<a href="">query</a></TD> <TD><a href="">query</a> is non-null</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>#<a href="">fragment</a></TD> <TD><i>exclude fragment flag</i> is clear and URL’s <a href="">fragment</a> is non-null</TD></TR>
<h4 ID="notes">URL Syntax: Development Log</h4>
<p>Technical note of how this file was made:</p>
<LI>Overall file
<UL class="brief">
<LI>From <a href="">issue comment</a>, saved <a href=""></a> as a text file with filename "URL Syntax Representation Proposal.htm".</LI>
<LI>Deleted from beginning to <code>&LT;div class=example></code>, exclusive.</LI>
<LI>After <code>&LT;div class=example></code>, deleted from next <code>&LT;/div></code>, exclusive, to end.</LI>
<LI>Inserted at top the source code of <a href="">the URL standard</a> from beginning to <code>&LT;body class="h-entry status-LS"></code>, inclusive.</LI>
<LI>Inserted <code>&LT;/body></code> and <code>&LT;/html></code> at end.</LI>
<LI>Inserted formulaic and graphical representations and table of element conditions.</LI>
<LI>Inserted this section of notes at the end.</LI>
<LI>Inserted <code>&LT;h4></code> headings and table of contents.</LI>
<LI>Original table proposal
<UL class="brief">
<LI>Replaced <code>{{URL/</code> -> <code>&LT;code class="idl"></code> and <code>}}</code> -> <code>&LT;/code></code>.</LI>
<LI>Commented out the four tables and put copy of third table below that.</LI>
<LI>In third row of copied table, conformed to terminology of URL standard by changing: "protocol" -> "scheme", "pathname" -> "path", "search" -> "query", "hash" -> "fragment"</LI>
<LI>In third row of copied table, inserted cell for "port".</LI>
<LI>Deleted second row of copied table.</LI>
<LI>In conformance with treatment of other delimiters, inserted separate columns for "?" and "#".</LI>
<LI>In first row of table, changed "host" -> "domain", "8080" -> "80", "query=string" -> "term=value", "hash" -> "ID"</LI>
<LI>Formulaic representation
<UL class="brief">
<LI>Inserted formulaic representation from issue <a HRef=""><i>Documentation on URL syntax</i></a>.</LI>
<LI>Corrected path part by moving "}" to the right by two closing brackets.</LI>
<LI>Added spaces around brackets and "|" to make more readable.</LI>
<LI>Graphical representation and table of element conditions
<UL class="brief">
<LI>From scratch</LI>
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