Languages: HTML5/CSS3/JS/nodeJS
Development Phases:
- Repository on GitHub.
- Node Modules; (see Node Options).
- Game Design; (see Game Design).
- Game Application; (see Game Application).
- Code Phase; (See Code Specifications).
Node Options:
- Local modules for easy scripting.
- Server engine.
Game Design:
-Pending meeting with staff-
Game Application:
- Basic webpage layout.
- UI and back end data needs met.
- Game Board & menu to choose custom boards.
- Slide-in menu for menu options like leaderboard, settings, user forfeiting.
- Homepage; Login/Signup, Auto login, Account settings, matchmaker, settings, credits.
Code Specifications:
- JavaScript.
- CSS3.
- HTML5.
- NodeJS.
- 1v1 only.
- End turn after move.
- Users have free accounts with two upgrades(Gold & Platinum).
- Leaderboard button accessable from homepage.
- Match maker widget --> Send match request --> matchup opponents --> Assign chess piece color --> Connect to server --> Play!
- White goes first.
- Option to rematch; winner can decline rematch at free will.
- Simple animations using CSS3 transition.
- Option for users to clear record.
- Chat; Preset emotes and dialog ["Hurry up","Hello","Nice Try","Good Move!","PING","Bye",etc...].
- Users can pick custom non-unique nicknames.
- Slide-in div that shows captured and lost pieces.
Guilds(for platinum members only)
- Platinum members that are in guilds can message each other.
- Guild team colors: Yellow, Blue, Green, Red, Black, White.
- Leaderboards show guild membership.
- Guild page for users to join/leave guilds.
Account Requirements:
- Email, Unsername, Password.
- Biling; Use third-party billing utility.
- Select piece --> Select valid square
- Standard chess rules; No weird shit.
- Swift/linear/sharp moves. I like transition:666ms all;
- Freemium - with ads, 4 chat options
- $3.00/year for Gold Membership.
- Gold members get 2 of 4 boards, no ads, 8 chat options.
- 1.00/month for Platinum.
- Platinum member unlocks two bucket features.
- Bucket features; Bucket 1 is long term beyond membership, bucket 2 is only for active members.
- Bucket 1; All game boards, unlocks all(16) chat options, can join guilds.
- Bucket 2; Can create guilds, guild icons visible on leaderboards, can message other guild members.
Random Ideas:
- "Guild Day" Challenges; Guild face each other, highest ranking guild for that day wins new unlockables - Guild teams locked until challenge is over.
Settings Page:
- No sound options.
- Billing
- Clear history button.
- Toggle fullscreen mode.
- Deactivate account buttom.
- Colors; Black & White.
- Borders: none.
- No border radius on anything.
- Responsive between landscape --> portrait.
- VPS webpage (?)
- Browsers: Chrome, FF, Safari, Edge (?)
Things to Expect:
- Popup to display checkmate status.
- Button for main menu options.
- Warning popup for user/opponent "CHECK" status.
- Display indicator to show active players turn.
- Active piece is highlighted.
- Default arrow; Most of the app
- Pointer; Buttons, Nav, Popups.
- Loading Screen; cursor hidden.
- Hourglass; Waiting for opponent.(when hovering over board).
- Basic Standard Rules:
- If winner declines rematch, the rematch button will be disabled on opponent end. (X / REMATCH) || (X / Champion DECLINED)
- RGBA32 pixelated
- Transparent background.
- Chess Piece Height; 125% of tile.
- Tiles; 30px by 30px
- Silver/Gold box shadow inset on tiles.
Main Menu Slide-in:
- Matchmaker button.
- Leaderboard.
- Settings.
- Exit current server session.
- Leaderboard display on right side.
- 1v1 private server connection.
- Server names are numerical.
- Login/Sign up button.
Sign up page:
- Username. 8 Chsr MAX.
- Password. 10 Char MAX.
- email.
- CATCHPA. (?)
- SIGN UP! button.
- Email verification, link sent to email.
- Help buttun.
-TODO Early Development:
- Homepage; 'Login/Sign Up' tab at the top right. Buttons for matchmaker, game store, leaderboards, settings, credits.
- Server;