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Last active September 7, 2018 11:06
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Git hook to auto prefix commit message with story/feature ID/name.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copy-paste this to `.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg` and make the file executable.
Then just write your commit message as `git commit -m "message"`.
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
# Set your feature branch prefix here.
def get_branch_name():
# Credits:
return check_output('git symbolic-ref --short HEAD'.split()).strip()
def get_commit_prefix():
branch_name = get_branch_name()
if FEATURE_BRANCH_PREFIX not in branch_name:
return ''
# Assuming feature branch name format `<prefix>myfeature-123-description`.
branch_name_parts = branch_name.split(FEATURE_BRANCH_PREFIX)
# Will extract `myfeature-123`.
feature_id = '-'.join(branch_name_parts[-1].split('-', 2)[:2])
return feature_id + ': '
def prefix_commit_message(commit_message_file):
commit_prefix = get_commit_prefix()
if not commit_prefix:
with open(commit_message_file, 'r') as commit_message:
lines = commit_message.readlines()
lines[0] = commit_prefix + lines[0]
with open(commit_message_file, 'w') as commit_message:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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