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Last active December 6, 2023 15:27
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module HeapSnapshot
# SoA layout to reduce padding
struct Edges
type::Vector{Int8} # index into `snapshot.meta.edge_types`
name_or_index::Vector{UInt} # Either an index into `snapshot.strings`, or the index in an array, depending on edge_type
to_pos::Vector{UInt32} # index into `snapshot.nodes`
function init_edges(n::Int)
Vector{Int8}(undef, n),
Vector{UInt}(undef, n),
Vector{UInt32}(undef, n),
Base.length(n::Edges) = length(n.type)
# trace_node_id and detachedness are always 0 in the snapshots Julia produces so we don't store them
struct Nodes
type::Vector{Int8} # index into `snapshot.meta.node_types`
name_idx::Vector{UInt32} # index into `snapshot.strings`
id::Vector{UInt} # unique id, in julia it is the address of the object
self_size::Vector{Int} # size of the object itself, not including the size of its fields
edge_count::Vector{UInt32} # number of outgoing edges
edges::Edges # outgoing edges
# This is the main complexity of the .heapsnapshot format, and it's the reason we need
# to read in all the data before writing it out. The edges vector contains all edges,
# but organized by which node they came from. First, it contains all the edges coming
# out of node 0, then all edges leaving node 1, etc. So we need to have visited all
# edges, and assigned them to their corresponding nodes, before we can emit the file.
edge_idxs::Vector{Vector{UInt}} # indexes into edges, keeping per-node outgoing edge ids
function init_nodes(n::Int, e::Int)
Vector{Int8}(undef, n),
Vector{UInt32}(undef, n),
Vector{UInt}(undef, n),
Vector{Int}(undef, n),
Vector{UInt32}(undef, n),
[Vector{UInt}() for _ in 1:n], # Take care to construct n separate empty vectors
Base.length(n::Nodes) = length(n.type)
# Like Base.dec, but doesn't allocate a string and writes directly to the io object
# We know all of the numbers we're about to write fit into a UInt and are non-negative
let _dec_d100 = UInt16[(0x30 + i % 10) << 0x8 + (0x30 + i ÷ 10) for i = 0:99]
global _write_decimal_number
_write_decimal_number(io, x::Integer, buf) = _write_decimal_number(io, unsigned(x), buf)
function _write_decimal_number(io, x::Unsigned, digits_buf)
buf = digits_buf
n = ndigits(x)
i = n
@inbounds while i >= 2
d, r = divrem(x, 0x64)
d100 = _dec_d100[(r % Int)::Int + 1]
buf[i-1] = d100 % UInt8
buf[i] = (d100 >> 0x8) % UInt8
x = oftype(x, d)
i -= 2
if i > 0
@inbounds buf[i] = 0x30 + (rem(x, 0xa) % UInt8)::UInt8
write(io, @view buf[max(i, 1):n])
function assemble_snapshot(in_prefix, out_file::AbstractString = in_prefix)
open(out_file, "w") do io
assemble_snapshot(in_prefix, io)
# Manually parse and write the .json files, given that we don't have JSON import/export in
# julia's stdlibs.
function assemble_snapshot(in_prefix, io::IO)
preamble = read(string(in_prefix, ".json"), String)
pos = last(findfirst("node_count\":", preamble)) + 1
endpos = findnext(==(','), preamble, pos) - 1
node_count = parse(Int, String(@view preamble[pos:endpos]))
pos = last(findnext("edge_count\":", preamble, endpos)) + 1
endpos = findnext(==('}'), preamble, pos) - 1
edge_count = parse(Int, String(@view preamble[pos:endpos]))
nodes = init_nodes(node_count, edge_count)
# Parse nodes with empty edge counts that we need to fill later
# TODO: preallocate line buffer
for (i, line) in enumerate(eachline(string(in_prefix, ".nodes")))
iter = eachsplit(line, ',')
x, s = iterate(iter)
node_type = parse(Int8, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
node_name_idx = parse(UInt32, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
id = parse(UInt, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
self_size = parse(Int, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
edge_count = parse(UInt, x)
@assert edge_count == 0
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
@assert parse(Int8, x) == 0 # trace_node_id
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
@assert parse(Int8, x) == 0 # detachedness
nodes.type[i] = node_type
nodes.name_idx[i] = node_name_idx[i] = id
nodes.self_size[i] = self_size
nodes.edge_count[i] = edge_count
# Parse the edges to fill in the edge counts for nodes and correct the to_node offsets
# TODO: preallocate line buffer
for (i, line) in enumerate(eachline(string(in_prefix, ".edges")))
iter = eachsplit(line, ',')
x, s = iterate(iter)
edge_type = parse(Int8, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
edge_name_or_index = parse(UInt, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
from_node = parse(Int, x)
x, s = iterate(iter, s)
to_node = parse(UInt32, x)
nodes.edges.type[i] = edge_type
nodes.edges.name_or_index[i] = edge_name_or_index
nodes.edges.to_pos[i] = to_node * 7 # 7 fields per node, the streaming format doesn't multiply the offset by 7
nodes.edge_count[from_node + 1] += UInt32(1) # C and JSON use 0-based indexing
push!(nodes.edge_idxs[from_node + 1], i) # Index into nodes.edges
_digits_buf = zeros(UInt8, ndigits(typemax(UInt)))
println(io, @view(preamble[1:end-2]), ",") # remove trailing "}\n", we don't end the snapshot here
println(io, "\"nodes\":[")
for i in 1:length(nodes)
i > 1 && println(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.type[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.name_idx[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io,[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.self_size[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.edge_count[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",0,0")
print(io, "],\"edges\":[")
e = 1
for n in 1:length(nodes)
count = nodes.edge_count[n]
len_edges = length(nodes.edge_idxs[n])
@assert count == len_edges "For node $n: $count != $len_edges"
for i in nodes.edge_idxs[n]
e > 1 && print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.edges.type[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.edges.name_or_index[i], _digits_buf)
print(io, ",")
_write_decimal_number(io, nodes.edges.to_pos[i], _digits_buf)
if !(nodes.edges.to_pos[i] % 7 == 0)
@warn "Bug in to_pos for edge $i from node $n: $(nodes.edges.to_pos[i])"
e += 1
println(io, "],")
open(string(in_prefix, ".strings"), "r") do strings_io
skip(strings_io, 2) # skip "{\n"
write(io, strings_io) # strings contain the trailing "}" so we close out what we opened in preamble
return nothing
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