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Created November 20, 2015 14:35
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plotSubset = function(regfit.summary) {
#Plot RSS
op = par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(regfit.summary$rss, xlab = "Number of variables", ylab="RSS", type="l")
#Plot adjusted RS^2 and mark its maximum
plot(regfit.summary$adjr2, xlab = "Number of variables", ylab="Adjusted RS^2", type="l")
max = which.max(regfit.summary$adjr2)
points(max, regfit.summary$adjr2[max], col="red", cex=2, pch=20)
#Plot CP and mark its minimum point
plot(regfit.summary$cp, xlab= "Number of variables", ylab="CP", type="l")
min = which.min(regfit.summary$cp)
points(min, regfit.summary$cp[min], col="red", cex=2,pch=20)
#Plot BIC and mark its minimum
plot(regfit.summary$bic, xlab="Number of variables", ylab="BIC", type="l")
min = which.min(regfit.summary$bic)
points(min, regfit.summary$bic[min], col="red", cex=2,pch=20)
plotSubsetWithPredictors = function(reg) {
op = par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(reg, scale ="r2")
plot(reg, scale ="adjr2")
plot(reg, scale ="Cp")
plot(reg, scale ="bic")
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