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Dmitri-Sintsov / flake8.xml
Last active December 29, 2016 09:09 — forked from jsmits/flake8.xml
PyCharm Flake8 Configuration XML that uses current virtualenv interpreter.
<toolSet name="Code Checking">
<tool name="Flake8" showInMainMenu="true" showInEditor="true" showInProject="true" showInSearchPopup="true" disabled="false" useConsole="true" showConsoleOnStdOut="false" showConsoleOnStdErr="false" synchronizeAfterRun="true">
<option name="COMMAND" value="$PyInterpreterDirectory$/python" />
<option name="PARAMETERS" value="-m flake8 --max-complexity 10 --ignore E501 $FilePath$" />
<option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="$ProjectFileDir$" />
<option name="NAME" value="Filter 1" />
<option name="DESCRIPTION" />