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Created October 14, 2019 04:29
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Base91 codec for Lua
-- Based roughly on the reference implementation, though this is entirely written from scratch
-- Licensed under WTFPL (
local ASSERTIONS_ENABLED = false -- Whether to run several checks when the module is first loaded
local MAKE_JSON_SAFE = false -- If this is true, " will be replaced by ' in the encoding
local CHAR_SET = [[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"]]
local encode_CharSet = {}
local decode_CharSet = {}
for i = 1, 91 do
encode_CharSet[i-1] = string.sub(CHAR_SET, i, i)
decode_CharSet[string.sub(CHAR_SET, i, i)] = i-1
encode_CharSet[90] = "'"
decode_CharSet['"'] = nil
decode_CharSet["'"] = 90
local function encodeBase91(input)
local output = {}
local c = 1
local counter = 0
local numBits = 0
for i = 1, #input do
counter = bit32.bor(counter, bit32.lshift(string.byte(input, i), numBits))
numBits = numBits+8
if numBits > 13 then
local entry =, 8191) -- 2^13-1 = 8191
if entry > 88 then -- Voodoo magic (
counter = bit32.rshift(counter, 13)
numBits = numBits-13
entry =, 16383) -- 2^14-1 = 16383
counter = bit32.rshift(counter, 14)
numBits = numBits-14
output[c] = encode_CharSet[entry%91]..encode_CharSet[math.floor(entry/91)]
c = c+1
if numBits > 0 then
output[c] = encode_CharSet[counter%91]
if numBits > 7 or counter > 90 then
output[c+1] = encode_CharSet[math.floor(counter/91)]
return table.concat(output)
local function decodeBase91(input)
local output = {}
local c = 1
local counter = 0
local numBits = 0
local entry = -1
for i = 1, #input do
if decode_CharSet[string.sub(input, i, i)] then
if entry == -1 then
entry = decode_CharSet[string.sub(input, i, i)]
entry = entry+decode_CharSet[string.sub(input, i, i)]*91
counter = bit32.bor(counter, bit32.lshift(entry, numBits))
if, 8191) > 88 then
numBits = numBits+13
numBits = numBits+14
while numBits > 7 do
output[c] = string.char(counter%256)
c = c+1
counter = bit32.rshift(counter, 8)
numBits = numBits-8
entry = -1
if entry ~= -1 then
output[c] = string.char(bit32.bor(counter, bit32.lshift(entry, numBits))%256)
return table.concat(output)
encode_CharSet[90] = '"'
decode_CharSet["'"] = nil
decode_CharSet['"'] = 90
-- local t = tick()
assert(encodeBase91("Hello, World!") == ">OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F", "(Base91) Hello World failed to encode into >OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F")
assert(encodeBase91("Almost heaven, West Virginia\nBlue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River\nLife is old there, older than the trees\nYounger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nAll my memories gather round her\nMiner's lady, stranger to blue water\nDark and dusty, painted on the sky\nMisty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nI hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me\nThe radio reminds me of my home far away\nAnd driving down the road I get a feeling\nThat I should have been home yesterday, yesterday\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nTake me home, down country roads\nTake me home, down country roads") == 'riM=Q[yCd#}uq9:mu"I80oZBHeq@]0m$"u|WGmgP>vG:1p;RqSO9<mIEZ2Q[}AcHd,EIlT8&ZEkLUa^gp@((uS309M1oyqwJ,Wzv;R90{BHnoM_1:WzvLR4tJF8j44zgc,.688O;4^7jXBTKu)mCmU40!5Qn9o(gK:bT:HAww^"pxoIJE<S$;R2u_XUoQPYhcH?`6U)/ZQmLprzIO[}A%gv;UCS$ztf^rmWd]:/Wzv;R#(BQ{iKBnGB*(*1Tq3U?5jw5>vH:[pwSZ6axcLkre3@[+0lTr#x8Xii4G<d,=/;Ro4O98ju"L^apr5zg<W]{LRa.$LGmRBJg<WweW$`+[80oEUzIq/rN$F(&9.cj>W_1fHe0m$@+sjlLAEefZf1RrUEv4^7jXB&=/W9*7%ztsQ_o)z`"SiSggZ5=SC4!i.hQ6PhtGf7=!e7Ra&=E<oTPh+z;_6y6c.hQmLIENKg,J`ASr#8^;m+XZ2e,}A%gt)BZL%L)9M;m_k9KL,.e<ur&9.`o1,>vi>6YaUXtgQ*lKBJg,W!{W$4Oq]kL,X^I>>AIs!ztTDui?i/2(.3n;!+/`)Dl{UZ2N:7*8y$&9.`oja$J)<Z;LRRcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtL^apr5zg<W]{LRa.$LgLTP01:WmeKUM<NQ|i?ieZ7=TXi#ztz^VowaU=,W!{6U6tFF8j.IzIX<wCS$4O#D8j"yzIL:oCH%=#N.cjYBJg,WSk$y+@mBQnYP>vt)uCI!Gv<b?WqM=Cp@GkxSq3nuPn#o=Cq/UCH%CvlE%ZEU^I;WMC}!20BQ;mYdjHu)yC>M^,g^apoM=Cu)&e#F10},kLfrLg,W.eaU!0DyWiIjeZh,DZ<RYzwP!D`qe3@[N1$F(&ax0ou"gQ*lKBJg,W!{W$4Oq]kL,X^I>>AIs!ztTDui?i/2(.3n;!+/`)Dl{UZ2N:7*8y$&9.`oja$J)<Z;LRRcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtL^apr5zg<W]{LRa.TiLn9oW3l`|L3$PzHycLIE{f,Wwe#F!&G97DLr=Cq/UC%TBv58jL;"08Km3oJ2T9JTrULfMbikxo+fTf=/2$f%hQFlTBJg_<k6,7B9pEimKB9<|<(*8y7&9.`o1,>vi>6YaURcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtP^"pTBV<1]_YM%9t,^Xiy2`"UiWPgZe,%t2$60{BTj_%$J%*0emT}+eFMoDEf<c', "(Base91) Country Roads failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("") == '', "(Base91) Empty string failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("f") == 'LB', "(Base91) f failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("fo") == 'drD', "(Base91) fo failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("foo") == 'dr.J', "(Base91) foo failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("foob") == 'dr/2Y', "(Base91) foob failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("fooba") == 'dr/2s)A', "(Base91) fooba failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("foobar") == 'dr/2s)uC', "(Base91) foobar failed to encode properly")
assert(encodeBase91("A\0B") == '%A]C', "(Base91) A\\0B failed to encode into %A]C")
assert(encodeBase91("A\n\t\v") == '=cc)C', "(Base91) A\\n\\t\\v failed to encode into =cc)C")
assert(encodeBase91("☺☻") == 'A+l9tRLE', "(Base91) ☺☻ (smiley faces) failed to encode into A+l9tRLE")
assert(encodeBase91("テスト") == '`Kf?CC|URX)', "(Base91) テスト (japanese characters) failed to encode into `Kf?CC|URX)")
assert(decodeBase91('>OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F') == "Hello, World!", "(Base91) >OwJh>}AQ;r@@Y?F failed to decode into Hello, World!")
assert(decodeBase91('riM=Q[yCd#}uq9:mu"I80oZBHeq@]0m$"u|WGmgP>vG:1p;RqSO9<mIEZ2Q[}AcHd,EIlT8&ZEkLUa^gp@((uS309M1oyqwJ,Wzv;R90{BHnoM_1:WzvLR4tJF8j44zgc,.688O;4^7jXBTKu)mCmU40!5Qn9o(gK:bT:HAww^"pxoIJE<S$;R2u_XUoQPYhcH?`6U)/ZQmLprzIO[}A%gv;UCS$ztf^rmWd]:/Wzv;R#(BQ{iKBnGB*(*1Tq3U?5jw5>vH:[pwSZ6axcLkre3@[+0lTr#x8Xii4G<d,=/;Ro4O98ju"L^apr5zg<W]{LRa.$LGmRBJg<WweW$`+[80oEUzIq/rN$F(&9.cj>W_1fHe0m$@+sjlLAEefZf1RrUEv4^7jXB&=/W9*7%ztsQ_o)z`"SiSggZ5=SC4!i.hQ6PhtGf7=!e7Ra&=E<oTPh+z;_6y6c.hQmLIENKg,J`ASr#8^;m+XZ2e,}A%gt)BZL%L)9M;m_k9KL,.e<ur&9.`o1,>vi>6YaUXtgQ*lKBJg,W!{W$4Oq]kL,X^I>>AIs!ztTDui?i/2(.3n;!+/`)Dl{UZ2N:7*8y$&9.`oja$J)<Z;LRRcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtL^apr5zg<W]{LRa.$LgLTP01:WmeKUM<NQ|i?ieZ7=TXi#ztz^VowaU=,W!{6U6tFF8j.IzIX<wCS$4O#D8j"yzIL:oCH%=#N.cjYBJg,WSk$y+@mBQnYP>vt)uCI!Gv<b?WqM=Cp@GkxSq3nuPn#o=Cq/UCH%CvlE%ZEU^I;WMC}!20BQ;mYdjHu)yC>M^,g^apoM=Cu)&e#F10},kLfrLg,W.eaU!0DyWiIjeZh,DZ<RYzwP!D`qe3@[N1$F(&ax0ou"gQ*lKBJg,W!{W$4Oq]kL,X^I>>AIs!ztTDui?i/2(.3n;!+/`)Dl{UZ2N:7*8y$&9.`oja$J)<Z;LRRcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtL^apr5zg<W]{LRa.TiLn9oW3l`|L3$PzHycLIE{f,Wwe#F!&G97DLr=Cq/UC%TBv58jL;"08Km3oJ2T9JTrULfMbikxo+fTf=/2$f%hQFlTBJg_<k6,7B9pEimKB9<|<(*8y7&9.`o1,>vi>6YaURcDm8j_k^IV/1;;RXtP^"pTBV<1]_YM%9t,^Xiy2`"UiWPgZe,%t2$60{BTj_%$J%*0emT}+eFMoDEf<c') == "Almost heaven, West Virginia\nBlue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River\nLife is old there, older than the trees\nYounger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nAll my memories gather round her\nMiner's lady, stranger to blue water\nDark and dusty, painted on the sky\nMisty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nI hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me\nThe radio reminds me of my home far away\nAnd driving down the road I get a feeling\nThat I should have been home yesterday, yesterday\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nCountry roads, take me home\nTo the place I belong\nWest Virginia, mountain mama\nTake me home, country roads\nTake me home, down country roads\nTake me home, down country roads", "(Base91) Country Roads failed to decode properly")
assert(decodeBase91('') == "", "(Base91) Empty string failed to encode properly")
assert(decodeBase91('LB') == "f", "(Base91) LB failed to decode into f")
assert(decodeBase91('drD') == "fo", "(Base91) drD failed to decode into fo")
assert(decodeBase91('dr.J') == "foo", "(Base91) dr.J failed to decode into foo")
assert(decodeBase91('dr/2Y') == "foob", "(Base91) dr/2Y failed to decode into foob")
assert(decodeBase91('dr/2s)A') == "fooba", "(Base91) dr/2s)A failed to decode into fooba")
assert(decodeBase91('dr/2s)uC') == "foobar", "(Base91) dr/2s)uC failed to decode into foobar")
assert(decodeBase91('%A]C') == "A\0B", "(Base91) %A]C failed to decode into 0\\0")
assert(decodeBase91('=cc)C') == "A\n\t\v", "(Base91) =cc)C failed to decode into A\\n\\t\\v")
assert(decodeBase91('A+l9tRLE') == "☺☻", "(Base91) A+l9tRLE failed to to decode into ☺☻ (smiley faces)")
assert(decodeBase91('`Kf?CC|URX)') == "テスト", "(Base91) `Kf?CC|URX) failed to encode into テスト (japanese characters)")
-- print("Base91 tests completed. Took", tick()-t)
encode_CharSet[90] = "'"
decode_CharSet['"'] = nil
decode_CharSet["'"] = 90
return {
encode = encodeBase91,
decode = decodeBase91,
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