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I'm that guy on stackoverflow whom you learn from

Deda DedaDev

I'm that guy on stackoverflow whom you learn from
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timebomb0 / Example usage.js
Last active January 1, 2020 21:28 Item hydration reverse-engineered, for use with items API
const itemJson = {
auction: '2020-01-02T04:27:51.501Z',
auctionprice: 62,
bound: false,
id: 7157356,
name: 'kickbuttowski',
rolls: [62, 76, 17, 11, 98, 80, 93, 75, 11, 67, 37, 49, 36, 47, 28, 71, 18, 83, 72, 37, 27],
slot: null,
stacks: null,
tier: 0,
azu / amp.d.ts
Last active November 19, 2022 06:08
TypeScript definitions for AMP Attributes. Write AMP in JSX.
// roughish AMP attribute types for JSX/TypeScript
// Source:
import * as React from 'react';
// why null ?
type _ANY = any;
type _ANYS = any;
declare module 'react' {
interface HTMLAttributes<T> {
josephhardinee /
Created March 20, 2019 14:00
Spotify Programming Playlists
  1. Piano Covers of Pop Songs:

  2. Extreme focus coding music: Primarily EDM with little to no vocals

  3. High Energy programming mix: Most songs have vocals but good for brainstorming portions.

  4. Dubstep study: Dubstep with no vocals