module.exports = [{ |
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data: { |
date: '2020-07-13T21:05:40.432Z', |
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'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36', |
details: { |
prompts: [ |
{ |
name: 'lock-password-authenticate', |
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completedAt: 1594674178756, |
connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', |
connection_id: 'con_oLIdHByO0DTEPJ6u', |
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identity: '5f0ccc02d86d8c0013f0e7da', |
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}, |
session_user: '5f0ccc026be0ee0019508f75', |
elapsedTime: 263 |
}, |
{ |
name: 'login', |
flow: 'login', |
initiatedAt: 1594674169575, |
completedAt: 1594674178761, |
user_id: 'auth0|5f0ccc02d86d8c0013f0e7da', |
user_name: '[email protected]', |
elapsedTime: 9186 |
}, |
{ |
name: 'mfa', |
flow: 'mfa', |
initiatedAt: 1594674178937, |
completedAt: 1594674338961, |
performed_acr: ['http://schemas.openid.net/pape/policies/2007/06/multi-factor'], |
performed_amr: ['mfa'], |
provider: 'guardian', |
elapsedTime: 160024 |
}, |
{ |
name: 'consent', |
flow: 'consent', |
initiatedAt: 1594674338983, |
completedAt: 1594674340410, |
grantInfo: { |
id: '5f0ccca45a0faf0965ca1136', |
audience: 'https://test.com/api/v2/', |
scope: 'openid profile email', |
expiration: null |
}, |
elapsedTime: 1427 |
} |
], |
initiatedAt: 1594674169572, |
completedAt: 1594674340431, |
elapsedTime: 170859, |
session_id: 'CFobLuzAhGihGtOQGHzh4Z-ZOdQNvW8L', |
stats: { |
loginsCount: 1 |
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hostname: 'test.com', |
user_id: 'auth0|5f0ccc02d86d8c0013f0e7da', |
user_name: '[email protected]', |
strategy: 'auth0', |
strategy_type: 'database', |
log_id: '90020200713210545393000823903627644987691646458750042114' |
} |
}, |
{ |
log_id: "900202001014530000000000000000000000000001", |
data: { |
"date": "2019-04-17T17:00:00.819Z", |
"type": "scoa", |
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"ip": "", |
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", |
"details": { |
"prompts": { |
"0": { |
"name": "coverify", |
"session": true, |
"stats": { |
"loginsCount": 103 |
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"connection": "fa6438a2f3fded4a737c70d2b928f6b3bd673c23", |
"timers": { |
"rules": 358 |
}, |
"elapsedTime": null |
} |
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"completedAt": 1555520400817, |
"elapsedTime": null, |
"stats": { |
"loginsCount": 103 |
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"hostname": "login.example.com", |
"user_id": "auth0|52d546e5aad4510f7ec8b856ba223a6e02ff0117c", |
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"auth0_client": { |
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"version": "11.0.1", |
"lib_version": "9.0.1" |
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"_id": "900202001014530000000000000000000000000001", |
"timestamp": "20190417170000820755868406", |
"tenant": "tenant-name-f5954b" |
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"date": "2020-04-05T11:29:50.611Z", |
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"ip": "", |
"user_agent": "AmazonAPIGateway_h5js6m54v8", |
"details": { |
"device_id": "v0:c22e4810-7730-11ea-b49b-4729bb82bf92", |
"subject_token_type": "http://auth0.com/oauth/token-type/apple-authz-code" |
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"user_name": "[email protected]", |
"audience": "https://audience.com/endpoint", |
"scope": "openid offline_access", |
"_id": "900202001014530000000000000000000000000001", |
"timestamp": "20200405112950611522768114", |
"tenant": "example" |
}, |
"log_id": "900202001014530000000000000000000000000001" |
}, { |
data: { |
date: '2020-07-15T19:30:19.383Z', |
type: 'fu', |
description: 'Wrong email or password.', |
connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', |
connection_id: 'con_oLIdHByO0DTEPJ6u', |
client_id: 'cvU2mw3uWQmpSh9oByrJOFU6kqUa0EPq', |
client_name: 'All Applications', |
ip: '2607:f2c0:e009:e705:2c35:f970:7b4f:84c3', |
user_agent: 'Chrome 83.0.4103 / Mac OS X 10.14.5', |
details: { |
error: { |
message: 'Wrong email or password.' |
} |
}, |
user_id: '', |
user_name: 'link', |
strategy: 'auth0', |
strategy_type: 'database', |
log_id: '90020200715193021289000966699109317894885324014974140418', |
_id: '90020200715193021289000966699109317894885324014974140418', |
isMobile: false |
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log_id: '90020200715193021289000966699109317894885324014974140418', |
}, |
{ |
data: {date: '2019-04-17T17:00:02.962Z', |
type: 'ss', |
connection: 'e6c3d528dc2bf8e2c6c9fd9e40d7aabdbb146e5c', |
connection_id: 'con_f8a5a56b1f4e73b25de96eed2fb6760c87d77eff', |
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'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36', |
details: { |
prompts: { |
'0': { |
name: 'oauth2-authenticate', |
initiatedAt: 1555519972507, |
completedAt: 1555520184914, |
connection: 'e6c3d528dc2bf8e2c6c9fd9e40d7aabdbb146e5c', |
connection_id: 'con_f8a5a56b1f4e73b25de96eed2fb6760c87d77eff', |
strategy: 'oauth2', |
identity: 'NVIDIA|229912136289092063', |
stats: { |
loginsCount: 1 |
}, |
elapsedTime: 212407 |
}, |
'1': { |
name: 'login', |
flow: 'login', |
initiatedAt: 1555519957453, |
completedAt: 1555520184923, |
timers: { |
rules: 741 |
}, |
user_id: 'oauth2|N1031858594861f1418699df94cc4ece8f1a2e23a', |
user_name: '[email protected]', |
elapsedTime: 227470 |
}, |
'2': { |
name: 'redirect', |
flow: 'redirect', |
initiatedAt: 1555520185684, |
completedAt: 1555520402888, |
timers: { |
rules: 45 |
}, |
url: 'https://example.com/37dbd3', |
elapsedTime: 217204 |
} |
}, |
initiatedAt: 1555519957451, |
completedAt: 1555520402960, |
elapsedTime: 445509, |
session_id: '197a6a67c6fd9ad4dc56045d0f51a3afb67930ec' |
}, |
hostname: 'login.example.com', |
user_id: 'oauth2|N1031858594861f1418699df94cc4ece8f1a2e23a', |
user_name: '[email protected]', |
strategy: 'oauth2', |
strategy_type: 'social', |
log_id: '900202001014970000000000000000000000000001', |
timestamp: '20190417170002963228370890', |
tenant: 'tenant-name-4f6fb6', |
eventType: 'user.signup' |
}, |
log_id: '900202001014970000000000000000000000000001' |
}, { |
data: { |
"date": "2019-04-17T17:00:08.729Z", |
"type": "limit_wc", |
"description": "User ([email protected]) attempted 10 consecutive logins unsuccessfully. Brute force protection is enabled for this connection, further attempts are blocked from this IP address for this user", |
"connection": "fa6438a2f3fded4a737c70d2b928f6b3bd673c23", |
"connection_id": "con_c64d8a69328ea4f9a6aaed313fc77594861a02c6", |
"client_id": "646624fef630d10cc62aed29b985501641d375ed", |
"ip": "", |
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1 Safari/605.1.15", |
"hostname": "login.example.com", |
"user_id": "", |
"user_name": "[email protected]", |
"strategy": "auth0", |
"strategy_type": "database", |
"auth0_client": { |
"name": "lock.js", |
"version": "11.12.1", |
"lib_version": { |
"raw": "9.8.2" |
} |
}, |
"_id": "900202001014010000000000000000000000000001", |
"timestamp": "20190417170008730866332119", |
"tenant": "tenant-name-33e11f" |
}, |
log_id: "900202001014010000000000000000000000000001" |
}, { |
data: { |
"date": "2019-04-17T17:00:02.977Z", |
"type": "limit_mu", |
"description": "Someone behind the IP address: attempted too many consecutive logins with different usernames. A shield to prevent this attack is enabled, further attempts are blocked from this IP address.", |
"connection": "fa6438a2f3fded4a737c70d2b928f6b3bd673c23", |
"connection_id": "con_f8eff3c2197688edcef9a4bce4bda933c8fcdff8", |
"client_id": "213d12db4f44f39d627d60ac07fe27eb48f4b659", |
"ip": "", |
"user_agent": "okhttp/2.7.5", |
"hostname": "login.example.com", |
"user_id": "", |
"user_name": "[email protected]", |
"strategy": "auth0", |
"strategy_type": "database", |
"_id": "900202001015900000000000000000000000000001", |
"timestamp": "20190417170002977913144913", |
"tenant": "tenant-name-232edd" |
}, |
log_id: "900202001015900000000000000000000000000001" |
}, { |
data: { |
"date": "2019-04-17T17:00:03.649Z", |
"type": "pwd_leak", |
"description": "Someone behind the IP address: attempted to login with a leaked password. Turn on the \"block\" action for \"Breached Password Detection\" in the Anomaly Detection section.", |
"connection": "fa6438a2f3fded4a737c70d2b928f6b3bd673c23", |
"connection_id": "con_f8eff3c2197688edcef9a4bce4bda933c8fcdff8", |
"client_id": "213d12db4f44f39d627d60ac07fe27eb48f4b659", |
"ip": "", |
"user_agent": "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.2.0 Version/10.00", |
"hostname": "login.example.com", |
"user_id": "", |
"user_name": "[email protected]", |
"strategy": "auth0", |
"strategy_type": "database", |
"_id": "900202001012100000000000000000000000000001", |
"timestamp": "20190417170003650206156663", |
"tenant": "tenant-name-232edd" |
}, |
log_id: "900202001015900000000000000000000000000001" |
}] |