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  • Save DavidPfander-UniStuttgart/f741aa362b422fb906422244e1e1fef1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# direct = 743
checking for refinement
rebalancing 9 nodes
forming tree connections
regrid done
---------------Created Level 1---------------
checking for refinement
rebalancing 73 nodes
forming tree connections
regrid done
---------------Created Level 2---------------
checking for refinement
rebalancing 137 nodes
forming tree connections
regrid done
---------------Created Level 3---------------
checking for refinement
rebalancing 137 nodes
forming tree connections
regrid done
---------------Regridded Level 3---------------
solving gravity------------
checking for refinement
rebalancing 137 nodes
forming tree connections
regrid done
OMEGA = 1.000000e-01, output_dt = 3.000000e-01
measured flop during initialization:
Additions: 1531584159
Subtractions: 750469611
Multiplications: 3409464971
Divisions: 58327951
Transcendentals: 5772496
Miscellaneous: 9660706
== Total Step Flop: 5765279894
measured flop for step 0:
Additions: 3122480795
Subtractions: 1346937809
Multiplications: 6422854090
Divisions: 109217514
Transcendentals: 112128
Miscellaneous: 18653360
== Total Step Flop: 11020255696
0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 6.118766e+01 0.000000e+00
measured flop for step 1:
Additions: 3113062218
Subtractions: 1333288244
Multiplications: 6405435326
Divisions: 105333425
Transcendentals: 210432
Miscellaneous: 18647216
== Total Step Flop: 10975976861
1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.225116e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00
L1, L2
rho 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
egas 7.897308e-19 1.241899e-18
sx 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
sy 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
tau 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
primary_core 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
Total: 137.96
Computation: 121.102
Regrid: 0.310218
Compare Analytic: 0.123238
Find Localities: 0
Additions: 7777903485
Subtractions: 3434276288
Multiplications: 16258757659
Divisions: 274774023
Transcendentals: 7397712
Miscellaneous: 47023634
== Total Application Flop: 27800132801
clearing localities ...
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