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Created August 29, 2023 02:19
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Snake game in JS
<!DOCTYPE html>
#g {
background: black;
margin: auto;
display: block;
<canvas id="g" width="640px" height="480px"></canvas>
const area_w = 640, area_h = 480, tile_sz = 32, area_tile_w = area_w / tile_sz, area_tile_h = area_h / tile_sz, padding = tile_sz / 4, food_padding = tile_sz / 8, max_snake = area_tile_w * area_tile_h, D_UP = 38, D_DOWN = 40, D_LEFT = 37, D_RIGHT = 39;
var canvas = document.getElementById("g"), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), phys_timer = null, dir = 0, started = !1, pos = [{ x: Math.round(area_tile_w / 2), y: Math.round(area_tile_h / 2) }], food = null, ctrl_stack = [], forgive = !1;
function pos_equal(e, a) { return e.x == a.x && e.y == a.y } function place_food() {
var e;
do {
food = { x: Math.floor(Math.random() * area_tile_w), y: Math.floor(Math.random() * area_tile_h) }, e = !1;
for (var a = 0;
a < pos.length; a++)if (pos_equal(pos[a], food)) {
e = !0;
while (e)
function draw_internal() {
if (ctx.clearRect(0, 0, area_w, area_h), ctx.fillStyle = "white", pos.length > 1)
for (var e = 1; e < pos.length; e++) {
var a = pos[e], t = pos[e - 1], i = Math.min(a.x, t.x), _ = Math.max(a.x, t.x), o = Math.min(a.y, t.y), l = Math.max(a.y, t.y), r = i * tile_sz + padding, n = o * tile_sz + padding, s = (1 + _ - i) * tile_sz - 2 * padding, d = (1 + l - o) * tile_sz - 2 * padding;
0 == i && _ == area_tile_w - 1 ? (ctx.fillRect(0, n, tile_sz - padding, d), ctx.fillRect(area_w - tile_sz + padding, n, tile_sz - padding, d)) : 0 == o && l == area_tile_h - 1 ? (ctx.fillRect(r, 0, s, tile_sz - padding), ctx.fillRect(r, area_h - tile_sz + padding, s, tile_sz - padding)) : ctx.fillRect(r, n, s, d)
else {
var c = pos[0];
ctx.fillRect(c.x * tile_sz + padding, c.y * tile_sz + padding, tile_sz - 2 * padding, tile_sz - 2 * padding)
food && (ctx.fillStyle = "lime", ctx.fillRect(food.x * tile_sz + food_padding, food.y * tile_sz + food_padding, tile_sz - 2 * food_padding, tile_sz - 2 * food_padding))
function draw_loop() {
draw_internal(), window.requestAnimationFrame(draw_loop)
function end_game(e) {
clearInterval(phys_timer), setTimeout(function () { alert(e) }, 250)
function physics_loop() {
for (var e = Object.assign({}, pos[pos.length - 1]);
ctrl_stack.length > 0;
) {
var a = ctrl_stack[0];
if (ctrl_stack.shift(), !dir_is_opposing(dir, a)) {
dir = a;
switch (dir) {
case D_UP: e.y--;
case D_DOWN: e.y++;
case D_LEFT: e.x--;
case D_RIGHT: e.x++
e.x < 0 ? e.x = area_tile_w - 1 : e.x >= area_tile_w && (e.x = 0), e.y < 0 ? e.y = area_tile_h - 1 : e.y >= area_tile_h && (e.y = 0);
var t = !1, i = pos_equal(e, food);
if (!i) {
for (var _ = 1; _ < pos.length;
if (pos_equal(pos[_], e)) {
t = !0;
t && (forgive ? end_game("Game over!") : forgive = !0)
t || (i || pos.shift(), pos.push(e), i && (pos.length == max_snake ? (food = null, end_game("YOU'RE WINNER !")) : place_food()), forgive = !1)
function start_game() {
phys_timer = setInterval(physics_loop, 150), window.requestAnimationFrame(draw_loop)
function dir_is_opposing(e, a) {
return e == D_DOWN && a == D_UP || a == D_DOWN && e == D_UP || e == D_LEFT && a == D_RIGHT || a == D_LEFT && e == D_RIGHT
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case D_UP: case D_LEFT: case D_RIGHT: case D_DOWN: ctrl_stack.push(e.keyCode)
}!started && ctrl_stack.length > 0 && (started = !0, start_game())
), place_food(), draw_internal();
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