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Created June 25, 2024 12:40
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Proof of syntactic type safety for call-by-value STLC extended with natural number constants.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Program FunctionalExtensionality.
(** Proof of syntactic type safety for call-by-value STLC extended with ℕ. *)
(** Names/Variables will be identified with a natural number.
λx.λy.y x is represented as λλ0 1 *)
Definition var : Type := nat.
(** There is a need for partial maps, e.g., to keep track of what variable
corresponds to what type. The following definitions/properties are mostly
taken almost verbatim from the Software Foundations book series, Volume 2. *)
Definition total_map (B:Type) := var -> B.
Definition t_empty {B:Type} (v : B) : total_map B :=
(fun _ => v)
Definition t_update {B:Type} (m : total_map B)
(x : var) (v : B) :=
fun x' => if PeanoNat.Nat.eqb x x' then v else m x'.
Lemma t_apply_empty: forall B x v, @t_empty B v x = v.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma t_update_eq : forall B (m: total_map B) x v,
(t_update m x v) x = v.
intros; unfold t_update; now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl.
Theorem t_update_neq : forall (B:Type) v x1 x2 (m : total_map B),
x1 <> x2 ->
(t_update m x1 v) x2 = m x2.
intros B v x1 x2 m H; unfold t_update; now apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H as ->.
Lemma t_update_shadow : forall B (m: total_map B) v1 v2 x,
t_update (t_update m x v1) x v2 = t_update m x v2.
intros; unfold t_update; extensionality y; now destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb x y).
Theorem t_update_same : forall B x (m : total_map B), t_update m x (m x) = m.
intros; unfold t_update; extensionality y.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x y) as [H0|H0]; subst.
- now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl.
- now apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H0 as ->.
Theorem t_update_permute : forall (B:Type) v1 v2 x1 x2 (m : total_map B),
x2 <> x1 ->
(t_update (t_update m x2 v2) x1 v1) = (t_update (t_update m x1 v1) x2 v2).
intros; unfold t_update; extensionality y.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x1 y) as [H0|H0]; subst.
- rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl; now apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H as ->.
- apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H0 as ->; now destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb x2 y).
Definition partial_map (B:Type) := total_map (option B).
Definition empty {B:Type} : partial_map B := t_empty None.
Definition update {B:Type} (m : partial_map B) (x : var) (v : B) :=
t_update m x (Some v)
Lemma apply_empty : forall B x, @empty B x = None.
intros; unfold empty; now rewrite t_apply_empty.
Lemma update_eq : forall B (m: partial_map B) x v,
(update m x v) x = Some v.
intros; unfold update; now rewrite t_update_eq.
Theorem update_neq : forall (B:Type) v x1 x2 (m : partial_map B),
x2 <> x1 ->
(update m x2 v) x1 = m x1.
intros; unfold update; now rewrite t_update_neq.
Lemma update_shadow : forall B (m: partial_map B) v1 v2 x,
update (update m x v1) x v2 = update m x v2.
intros; unfold update; now rewrite t_update_shadow.
Theorem update_same : forall B v x (m : partial_map B),
m x = Some v ->
update m x v = m.
intros B v x m H0; unfold update; rewrite <- H0; apply t_update_same.
Theorem update_permute : forall (B:Type) v1 v2 x1 x2 (m : partial_map B),
x2 <> x1 ->
(update (update m x2 v2) x1 v1) = (update (update m x1 v1) x2 v2).
intros; unfold update; now apply t_update_permute.
Definition includedin {B} (m1 m2 : partial_map B) :=
forall a b, m1 a = Some b -> m2 a = Some b
Lemma includedin_update B (m1 m2 : partial_map B) (a : var) (b : B) :
includedin m1 m2 ->
includedin (update m1 a b) (update m2 a b).
unfold includedin; intros;
match goal with
| [ |- (update _ ?a _) ?x = Some _ ] => destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec a x)
end; subst; (rewrite update_eq in * + rewrite update_neq in *); auto.
Lemma includedin_empty B (m : partial_map B) : includedin empty m.
unfold includedin; intros;
match goal with
| [H: empty _ = Some _ |- _] => cbv in H; inversion H
Lemma includedin_cons_propagate B (m1 m2 : partial_map B) (a : var) (b : B) :
includedin (update m1 a b) m2 ->
includedin (update m1 a b) (update m2 a b).
unfold includedin; intros H0 a0 b0 H1.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec a a0) as [H2|H2].
- subst; rewrite update_eq in H1; inversion H1; subst; now rewrite update_eq.
- rewrite update_neq in H1; trivial. rewrite update_neq; trivial.
eapply H0; rewrite update_neq; trivial.
Notation "∅" := (empty).
Notation "a '↦' b '◘' M" := (update M a b) (at level 80, b at next level).
(** Next, there needs to be a way to get fresh variables with respect to a
given list of known variables. One way to do this is to get the maximum
from the given list (since identifiers are numbers) and add One. *)
Definition fresh (xs:list var) : var := 1 + List.list_max xs.
Lemma fresh_above_any (x : var) (xs : list var) :
List.In x xs -> x < fresh xs
intros; induction xs; cbn; try now inversion H.
destruct H; apply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_succ_r.
- subst; apply PeanoNat.Nat.le_max_l.
- specialize (IHxs H); unfold fresh in *.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.le_succ_l, le_S_n in IHxs.
transitivity (List.list_max xs); eauto using PeanoNat.Nat.le_max_r.
Lemma above_fresh_not_in (y : var) (xs : list var) :
fresh xs <= y -> ~ List.In y xs
intros H0 H1%fresh_above_any%PeanoNat.Nat.lt_nge; contradiction.
(** Having established basic properties on names, the following corollary
establishes that (fresh xs) is actually fresh. *)
Corollary fresh_not_in (xs : list var) :
~ List.In (fresh xs) xs
eauto using above_fresh_not_in.
(** Sometimes, I want to get a fresh identifier with respect to more
than one list. While one could just (fresh (xs ++ ys)), I have chosen
to just special-case it instead. *)
Definition fresh2 (xs ys : list var) :=
max (fresh xs) (fresh ys)
Lemma above_fresh2_not_in (x : var) (xs ys : list var) :
fresh2 xs ys <= x ->
~List.In x xs /\ ~List.In x ys
repeat split; eapply above_fresh_not_in; unfold fresh2 in *; trivial;
transitivity (Nat.max (fresh xs) (fresh ys)); trivial;
(apply PeanoNat.Nat.le_max_l + apply PeanoNat.Nat.le_max_r).
Lemma fresh2_not_in (xs ys : list var) x :
x = (fresh2 xs ys) ->
~List.In x xs /\ ~List.In x ys
intros ->; eapply above_fresh2_not_in; trivial.
(** ** STLC+ℕ *)
Inductive ty : Type :=
| Int : ty
| Arrow : ty -> ty -> ty
Inductive expr : Type :=
| econst : nat -> expr (* constants 0,1,2,3,... *)
| ebvar : var -> expr (* bound variables *)
| efvar : var -> expr (* "free" variables, bound by a context *)
| eapp : expr -> expr -> expr (* function application f a *)
| elam : expr -> expr (* lambda functions λ.e *)
Inductive value : expr -> Prop :=
| vconst : forall n, value (econst n)
| vlam : forall b, value (elam b)
Hint Constructors value : core.
(** Grabbing all free variables. *)
Fixpoint fv (e : expr) : list var :=
match e with
| econst n => nil
| ebvar x => nil
| efvar x => cons x nil
| eapp a b => (fv a) (fv b)
| elam a => fv a
(** An expression e is locally closed at k if all bound variables in e
are strictly less than k. *)
Fixpoint lc_at (k : var) (e : expr) : Prop :=
match e with
| econst _ => True
| ebvar x => x < k
| efvar _ => True
| eapp a b => lc_at k a /\ lc_at k b
| elam a => lc_at (S k) a
Lemma lc_at_le k x e :
k < x ->
lc_at k e ->
lc_at x e
revert k x; induction e; cbn; intros; trivial.
- etransitivity; eauto.
- split; (eapply IHe1 + eapply IHe2); destruct H0; eauto.
- eapply IHe; try exact H0; now apply le_n_S.
Lemma lc_at_Sx x e :
lc_at x e ->
lc_at (S x) e
apply lc_at_le; constructor.
(** An expression can be "opened" by swapping a bound variable k
for a free variable y, thus "opening" up e. *)
Fixpoint open_at (k y : var) (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| econst n => econst n
| ebvar x => if Nat.eqb x k then efvar y else ebvar x
| efvar x => efvar x
| eapp a b => eapp (open_at k y a) (open_at k y b)
| elam b => elam (open_at (S k) y b)
(** The usual case for "opening" an expression is for the next best lambda. *)
Definition unbind (x : var) (e : expr) : expr := open_at O x e.
(** Substitution functions for both free and bound variables. *)
Fixpoint substFV (ewhat : var) (efor ein : expr) : expr :=
match ein with
| econst n => econst n
| ebvar x => ebvar x
| efvar x => if Nat.eqb x ewhat then efor else efvar x
| eapp a b => eapp (substFV ewhat efor a) (substFV ewhat efor b)
| elam b => elam (substFV ewhat efor b)
Fixpoint substBV (ewhat : var) (efor ein : expr) : expr :=
match ein with
| econst n => econst n
| ebvar x => if Nat.eqb x ewhat then efor else ebvar x
| efvar x => efvar x
| eapp a b => eapp (substBV ewhat efor a) (substBV ewhat efor b)
| elam b => elam (substBV (S ewhat) efor b)
(** Various properties related to lc, opening, and substitutions. *)
Lemma fv_open_at_subsets j x e :
(forall y, List.In y (fv e) -> List.In y (fv (open_at j x e)))
revert j x; induction e; cbn; trivial; intros; try contradiction.
apply List.in_app_or in H as [H|H]; apply List.in_or_app;
(now (left + right); eauto).
now eapply IHe.
Lemma fv_unbind_subsets x e :
(forall y, List.In y (fv e) -> List.In y (fv (unbind x e)))
intros; eauto using fv_open_at_subsets.
Lemma open_at_substBV k y e :
open_at k y e = substBV k (efvar y) e
revert k; induction e; intros; cbn; eauto.
now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
now rewrite IHe.
Lemma lc_at_open_at k y e :
lc_at k (open_at k y e) ->
lc_at (S k) e
revert k y; induction e; cbn; intros k y H; eauto.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec v k) as [->|H'];
try eapply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_succ_diag_r;
eapply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H'; rewrite H' in H; cbn in H;
transitivity k; eauto.
- destruct H; eauto.
Lemma lc_at_unbind y e :
lc_at 0 (unbind y e) ->
lc_at 1 e
apply lc_at_open_at.
Lemma unbind_substBV y e :
unbind y e = substBV O (efvar y) e
eapply open_at_substBV.
Lemma substBV_substFV_unbind k i v e :
~ List.In k (fv e) ->
substBV i v e = substFV k v (open_at i k e)
revert i; induction e; intros; cbn; eauto.
- destruct (Nat.eqb v0 i); cbn; try rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl; try easy.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec v0 k); subst.
+ exfalso; apply H; now left.
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in n as ->.
- rewrite IHe1, IHe2; try easy.
all:intros H'; apply H; cbn; apply List.in_or_app; now (right + left).
- now rewrite IHe.
Lemma substFV_unbind k v e :
~ List.In k (fv e) ->
substBV O v e = substFV k v (unbind k e)
Proof. apply substBV_substFV_unbind. Qed.
Lemma substBV_lc k x v e :
k <= x ->
lc_at k e ->
substBV x v e = e
revert k x v; induction e; intros; cbn; try easy.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec v x) as [->|H1].
+ eapply (PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_trans x k x) in H0; eauto;
exfalso; now eapply (PeanoNat.Nat.lt_irrefl x).
+ now apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H1 as ->.
- erewrite IHe1, IHe2; eauto; now cbn in H0.
- f_equal; revert H0; eapply IHe; eauto;
now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add_le_mono_l with (p:=1) in H.
Lemma commute_substFV_substBV x y v w e :
lc_at x w ->
substFV y w (substBV x v e) = substBV x (substFV y w v) (substFV y w e)
revert x y v w; induction e; intros; cbn; try easy; try (f_equal; eauto).
- now destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb v x).
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb v y); trivial;
erewrite substBV_lc; eauto.
- rewrite IHe; eauto using lc_at_Sx.
Lemma substFV_unbind_comm x y v e :
x <> y -> lc_at 0 v ->
substFV x v (unbind y e) = unbind y (substFV x v e)
intros; repeat rewrite unbind_substBV.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in H.
assert (substFV x v (efvar y) = efvar y) as H1 by (cbn; now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_sym, H).
rewrite commute_substFV_substBV; trivial.
now rewrite H1.
(** Dynamic semantics of STLC+ℕ are encoded as evaluation-context based.
To this end, I define a primitive step relation that simply
"evaluates" function calls. *)
Inductive pstep : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| papp : forall a b, value b -> pstep (eapp (elam a) b) (substBV 0 b a)
(** Evaluation contexts are a neat way to factor structural rules in
small-step semantics that just reduce arguments of some construct.
Remove the EappL constructor to get call-by-name instead of call-by-value.
Inductive Ectx :=
| Ehole
| EappL : Ectx -> expr -> Ectx
| EappR : expr -> Ectx -> Ectx
(** Filling the hole of an evaluation context with a given expression. *)
Fixpoint fill_hole (K : Ectx) (e : expr) : expr :=
match K with
| Ehole => e
| EappL K e' => eapp (fill_hole K e) e'
| EappR e' K => eapp e' (fill_hole K e)
(** Evaluation-context based step reduction says that subexpressions (=redexes)
that fill a hole of some evaluation context reduce. *)
Inductive estep : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| estepc : forall e e' e0 e0' E,
e = fill_hole E e0 ->
e' = fill_hole E e0' ->
pstep e0 e0' ->
estep e e'
(** Reflexive transitive closure of estep constitutes the final piece in
the dynamic semantics to describe a whole execution of a program. *)
Inductive star_step : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| star_refl : forall e, star_step e e
| star_trans : forall e0 e1 e2, estep e0 e1 ->
star_step e1 e2 ->
star_step e0 e2
(** Typing uses a trick for lambdas to prevent name clashes.
Given whatever set of pre-determined names, it is possible to extend
the typing context with any variable not part of that list.
This assumption is useful for the later proofs to prevent name captures. *)
Definition Gamma : Type := partial_map ty.
Inductive check : Gamma -> expr -> ty -> Prop :=
| check_const : forall G n, check G (econst n) Int
| check_var : forall G x t,
G x = Some t ->
check G (efvar x) t
| check_app : forall G a b ta tb,
check G a (Arrow ta tb) ->
check G b ta ->
check G (eapp a b) tb
| check_lam : forall G a ta tb nms,
(forall y, ~List.In y nms -> check (y ↦ ta ◘ G) (unbind y a) tb) ->
check G (elam a) (Arrow ta tb)
Hint Constructors check : core.
(** Weakening property is an easy induction. *)
Lemma weakening G G' e t :
check G e t ->
includedin G G' ->
check G' e t
intros Ht; revert G'; induction Ht; intros; eauto;
eapply check_lam; intros; eapply H0; eauto using includedin_update.
(** Canonical forms lemmata. *)
Lemma cf_int e :
check ∅ e Int ->
value e ->
exists n, e = econst n
intros H0 H1; dependent induction H0; eauto; inversion H1.
Lemma cf_lam e t0 t1 :
check ∅ e (Arrow t0 t1) ->
value e ->
exists bdy, e = elam bdy
intros H0 H1; dependent induction H0; eauto; try now destruct H.
inversion H1.
(** Inversion lemma for lambdas. *)
Lemma invert_lam G a ta tb :
check G (elam a) (Arrow ta tb) ->
(exists nms, forall y, ~List.In y nms ->
check (y ↦ ta ◘ G) (unbind y a) tb
intros Ht; dependent induction Ht; eauto.
(** Expressions that typecheck under an empty context are locally closed at 0. *)
Lemma check_empty_lc v t :
check ∅ v t ->
lc_at 0 v
induction 1; cbn; eauto. eapply lc_at_unbind, H0, fresh_not_in.
(** Any free variables in e should occur in G *)
Lemma lem_fv_subset G e t :
check G e t ->
(forall x, List.In x (fv e) -> G x <> None)
induction 1; cbn; try easy; unfold includedin; intros.
- destruct H0 as [-> | []]; intros ?; congruence.
- apply List.in_app_or in H1 as [H1|H1]; eauto.
- specialize (@fresh2_not_in nms (fv a) _ eq_refl); intros [H2a H2b] H3.
enough (x <> fresh2 nms (fv a)) as Hne.
eapply H0; eauto using fv_unbind_subsets.
rewrite update_neq; eauto.
intros ->; contradiction.
(** Likewise, anything that does not occur in G is not a free variable of e. *)
Lemma lem_fv_not_in G e t x :
check G e t ->
G x = None ->
~ List.In x (fv e)
intros Ha Hb Hc; eapply lem_fv_subset; eauto.
(** Substitution lemma *)
Lemma substitution G e t tv v x :
G x = None ->
check (x ↦ tv ◘ G) e t ->
check ∅ v tv ->
check G (substFV x v e) t
intros Hdom Ht Hv; remember (x ↦ tv ◘ G) as G';
generalize dependent G; dependent induction Ht; intros; cbn; eauto.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec x0 x) as [->|Hn].
+ subst; rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl.
rewrite update_eq in H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
eapply weakening; eauto using includedin_empty.
+ assert (Hn':=Hn); apply PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in Hn as ->; constructor; subst.
rewrite update_neq in H; eauto.
- eapply check_lam; intros; subst. instantiate (1:=cons x nms) in H1.
assert (~In y nms) by (intros ?; apply H1; now right).
specialize (H0 y H2 Hv (y ↦ ta ◘ G0)).
assert (x <> y) as Hne by (intros ->; apply H1; now left).
assert ((y ↦ ta ◘ G0) x = None) as Hno by (rewrite update_neq; eauto).
assert ((y ↦ ta ◘ (x ↦ tv ◘ G0)) = (x ↦ tv ◘ (y ↦ ta ◘ G0))) as Heq by now rewrite update_permute.
specialize (H0 Hno Heq).
rewrite <- substFV_unbind_comm; eauto using check_empty_lc.
(** Typing of evaluation contexts *)
Definition check_Ectx (G : Gamma) (E : Ectx) (t0 t1 : ty) : Prop :=
forall e, check G e t0 -> check G (fill_hole E e) t1
Lemma Ehole_typing G t :
check_Ectx G Ehole t t
unfold check_Ectx; intros; now cbn.
Hint Resolve Ehole_typing : core.
(** De- and recomposition lemmata for evaluation context typing. *)
Lemma decomposition G E e t1 :
check G (fill_hole E e) t1 ->
exists t0, check_Ectx G E t0 t1 /\ check G e t0
revert t1; induction E; cbn; intros; eauto.
- inversion H; subst. specialize (IHE _ H3); destruct IHE as [x [IHE1 IHE2]].
exists x; split; trivial. unfold check_Ectx; intros; cbn.
eapply check_app; eauto.
- inversion H; subst. specialize (IHE _ H5); destruct IHE as [x [IHE1 IHE2]].
exists x; split; trivial. unfold check_Ectx; intros; cbn.
eapply check_app; eauto.
Lemma recomposition G E e t0 t1 :
check_Ectx G E t0 t1 ->
check G e t0 ->
check G (fill_hole E e) t1
Proof. auto. Qed.
(** Preservation is now proven in three steps, one for each reduction relation. *)
(** First up, primitive preservation. *)
Lemma ppreservation e e' t :
check ∅ e t ->
pstep e e' ->
check ∅ e' t
intros H; remember ∅ as G; revert e' HeqG; induction H; intros; match goal with [H: pstep _ _ |- _] => inversion H; subst end.
assert (H':=H); eapply invert_lam in H as [nms H].
pose proof (fresh_not_in nms); specialize (H (fresh nms) H2).
erewrite substFV_unbind; try instantiate (1:=fresh nms).
eapply substitution; eauto.
eapply lem_fv_not_in with (x:=fresh nms) in H'; easy.
(** Evaluation-context based preservation is a simple consequence from
primitive preservation as well as the decomposition lemma for
evaluation context typing. *)
Corollary epreservation e e' t :
estep e e' ->
check ∅ e t ->
check ∅ e' t
revert t; induction 1; intros; subst.
eapply decomposition in H2 as [t' [H2a H2b]].
eapply ppreservation in H1; eauto.
(** Finally, preservation follows from star induction. *)
Corollary preservation e e' t :
star_step e e' ->
check ∅ e t ->
check ∅ e' t
intros H; revert t; induction H; intros; trivial;
eapply epreservation in H; eauto.
(** Progressive expressions are either values or they have a redex *)
Definition progressive (e : expr) : Prop :=
value e \/ exists e', estep e e'
(** Progress can then be proven in a straightforward fashion *)
Lemma progress e t :
check ∅ e t ->
progressive e
remember ∅ as G; induction 1; cbn; (try now left); right; subst; try easy.
- destruct (IHcheck1 eq_refl).
+ inversion H; inversion H1; subst; try discriminate. inversion H7; subst.
destruct (IHcheck2 eq_refl).
* exists (substBV O b a0). econstructor. instantiate (2:=Ehole); now cbn.
now cbn. now constructor.
* destruct H2 as [b' H2]. inversion H2; subst.
exists (eapp (elam a0) (fill_hole E e0')).
econstructor. instantiate (2:=EappR (elam a0) E); now cbn.
now cbn. trivial.
+ destruct H1 as [a' H1]. inversion H1; subst.
exists (eapp (fill_hole E e0') b). econstructor.
instantiate (2:=EappL E b); now cbn. now cbn. trivial.
(** Lastly, establish syntactic type saftey as a consequence from
progress and preservation lemmata. *)
Theorem type_safety e e' t :
check ∅ e t ->
star_step e e' ->
progressive e'
eintros H Hs; eapply preservation in Hs as Hs'; eauto.
eapply progress; eauto.
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