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Last active June 7, 2019 21:40
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// This page demonstrates running multiple functions simultaneously
// and waiting on them to finish.
// Maybe you have an api call that takes 6 seconds...
// And you only need the response at the end
// Would you like to start a function and check if the promise is resolved later?
// Then check out the async/await and the promiseAll functions
// Launches 3 types of functions
async function main() {
await synchronousFunctions();
await asyncAwait();
await promiseDotAll();
// Synchronous (normal) Functions
async function synchronousFunctions() {
const startTime =
console.log("----------- Synchronous (normal) Functions -----------")
const message = await longFunction();
await someOtherFunction();
console.log("Awaited Message: ", message);
console.log(`took: ${ - startTime} ms`);
// With promise and await
async function asyncAwait() {
const startTime =
console.log("----------- With async / await -----------")
const asyncPromise = longFunction();
// Put consecutive code here
// Code that can run while longFunction() is running
// ...
// Now wait for the first function
const message = await asyncPromise;
console.log("Awaited Message: ", message);
console.log(`took: ${ - startTime} ms`);
// With Promise.all()
async function promiseDotAll() {
const startTime =
console.log("----------- With Promise.all() -----------")
.then((response) => {
console.log("Awaited Message: ", response[0]);
console.log(`took: ${ - startTime} ms`);
// ---- Helper FUnctions ----
// Function that may take a while
async function longFunction() {
console.log("Started longFunction()");
await sleep(6000);
console.log("Finished longFunction()");
return "Message Returned"
// Function you can do while waiting
async function someOtherFunction() {
console.log("Started someOtherFunction()");
await sleep(4000);
console.log("Finished someOtherFunction()");
// Sleep this long
function sleep(ms){
return new Promise(resolve=>{
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