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Created November 4, 2015 02:03
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BayNode Node Night 11/3/15: async/await by Adam Crabtree
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class: center, middle
# Async/Await
Simpler asynchronous JavaScript programming.
# Overview
**3 mechanisms of asynchronous programming:**
1. Callbacks
fs.readFile(__filename, (err data) => { /* ... */ })
1. Promises
// Using pn
.then(data => { /* ... */ })
.catch(err => { /* ... */ })
1. Async/Await
// Within a function marked `async`
let data = fs.readFile(__filename)
# Why not callbacks?
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
let notString = stats.isDirectory() ? "" : " not"
console.log(dirPath + ' is ' + notString + ' a directory.')
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
// Remember to handle err
if (err) console.log(dirPath + ' is not a directory.')
let notString = stats.isDirectory() ? "" : " not"
console.log(dirPath + ' is ' + notString + ' a directory.')
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
// Remember to handle err & early return
if (err) return console.log(dirPath + ' is not a directory.')
let notString = stats.isDirectory() ? "" : " not"
console.log(dirPath + ' is ' + notString + ' a directory.')
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
// Remember to handle err & early return
if (err) return callback(null, false)
let notString = stats.isDirectory() ? "" : " not"
console.log(dirPath + ' is ' + notString + ' a directory.')
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
// Remember to handle err and early return
if (err) return callback(null, false)
// Remember to call callback
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
# Why not callbacks?
**Simplest in concept, manual and erorr-prone in practice.**
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
// Remember to handle err and early return
if (err) return callback(null, false)
// Remember to call callback
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
**Rinse & Repeat:**
isDir(dirPath, (err, isDir) => {
// Remember to handle err & early return
if (err) return console.log(dirPath + ' is not a directory.')
let notString = stats.isDirectory() ? "" : " not"
console.log(dirPath + ' is ' + notString + ' a directory.')
class: center, middle
# *Strawman much?*
Use a control-flow library!
** *We'll get there...* **
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
// This will crash your server
isDir(__dirname, (err, stats) => {
throw new Error('Boom.')
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
// This will crash your server
try {
isDir(__dirname, (err, stats) => {
throw new Error('Boom.')
} catch(err) {
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
// This will crash your server
try {
isDir(__dirname, (err, stats) => {
throw new Error('Boom.')
} catch(err) {
// Nope.
\* ...
class: center, middle
# *Really? More strawmans?*
Just don't throw or pass the error.
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 1: No callback
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 1: No callback
// This will NOT crash your server
try {
isDir(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
console.log(new Error('Boom.').stack)
} catch(err) {
// Nope.
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 2: Pass error to callback
function run(callback) {
// This will NOT crash your server
try {
isDir(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
callback(new Error('Boom.'))
} catch(err) {
// Nope.
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) return callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) return callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
\* ...
class: center, middle
# **BOOM.**
Go directly to jail.
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect your bonus.
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
try {
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
} catch(e) {
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
try {
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
} catch(e) {
// Nope.
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
\* ...
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
\* Unless you monkey-patch the runtime.
# Why not callbacks?
**Errors cannot be caught!\* **
Scenario 3: Reality
function isDir(dirPath, callback) {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) callback(null, false)
callback(null, stats.isDirectory())
trycatch(() => {
isDir(__dirname, (err, isDir) => {
console.log(__dirname + ' is ' + isDir?"":" not" + ' a directory.')
}, (err) => {
// Yup.
\* Unless you monkey-patch the runtime.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
Use my `trycatch` library.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
**No seriously,** use my `trycatch` library.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
~~**No seriously,** use my `trycatch` library.~~
**Don't use callbacks.**
# Why not callbacks?
**The pyramid of doom**
foo((err, a) => {
if (err) return callback(err)
bar(a, (err, b) => {
if (err) return callback(err)
baz(b, (err, c) => {
if (err) return callback(err)
// Uhh.....
# Why not callbacks?
**Even simple control-flows require complex non-standardized libraries**
(callback) => {
callback(null, 'foo')
(callback, foo) => {
callback(null, 'bar')
(callback, bar) => {
callback(null, 'baz')
], (err, baz) => {
# Other requirements of the callback contract
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
* Return value should be ignored
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
* Return value should be ignored
* Must never throw and always pass errors
# Other requirements of the callback contract
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
* Return value should be ignored
* Must never throw and always pass errors
* Must never be called more than once
# ~~Other requirements of the callback contract~~
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
* Return value should be ignored
* Must never throw and always pass errors
* Must never be called more than once
# Other reasons to not use callbacks
* Callbacks should always be passed last
* First argument is an error
* Second argument is the result
* Never pass both
* Errors should be `instanceof` `Error`
* Callbacks must never execute on the same event-loop tick
* Return value should be ignored
* Must never throw and always pass errors
* Must never be called more than once
class: center, middle
# **Still strawmanning?**
Control-flow libraries handle all this!
class: center, middle
# **Pop Quiz!**
Name one callback-based control-flow library
that handles all of the callback contract requirements.
class: center, middle
# **Answer:**
Only 1. `stepup`, which uses `trycatch`.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
Use my `stepup` library.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
Use my `stepup` library **and my `trycatch` library.**
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
~~Use my `stepup` library **and my `trycatch` library.**~~
**Don't use callbacks.**
# What about `Promise`?
function statDir(dirPath) {
// With pn/fs
return fs.stat(dirPath)
function statDir(dirPath) {
// With songbird
return fs.promise.stat(dirPath)
# What about `Promise`?
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
- Expectations are guaranteed in spec:
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
- Expectations are guaranteed in spec:
- Call only once
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
- Expectations are guaranteed in spec:
- Call only once
- Pass real errors
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
- Expectations are guaranteed in spec:
- Call only once
- Pass real errors
- Pass only error or result
# What about `Promise`?
- Included in language: ES6, node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Automatic error handling and propagation
- Elegant chaining for control-flow
- Expectations are guaranteed in spec:
- Call only once
- Pass real errors
- Pass only error or result
- **Still very confusing for beginners**
# What about `Promise`?
**Promise Constructor**
// Useful for complex or atypical flows
function wait(time) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// setTimeout is not an err-back
setTimeout(resolve, time)
# What about `Promise`?
**Promise Constructor**
// Or compatibility with callback APIs
function statDir(dirPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.stat(dirPath, (err, stat) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
# What about `Promise`?
**Problem: Errors can silently fail!**
// You won't know this threw
.then(stats => {
throw new Error('Boom.')
.then(someValue => {
// Nope.
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
return bar(a)
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
return bar(a)
.then(bar => {
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
return bar(a)
.then(bar => {
return baz(c)
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
return bar(a)
.then(bar => {
return baz(c)
.then(result => console.log(result))
# What about `Promise`?
**Simple control-flows are supported, but still not obvious**
.then(a => {
return bar(a)
.then(bar => {
return baz(c)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
Use `Promise`.
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
Use `Promise` *for now.*
class: center, middle
# **Lesson?**
~~Use `Promise` *for now.*~~
**No, not really. Use async/await or async generators.**
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
foo().then(a => {
return bar(a)
.then(b => {
return baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
let a = await foo()
return bar(a)
.then(b => {
return baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
let a = await foo()
.then(b => {
return baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main() {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main() {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main() {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main(someArg) {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
.then(result => console.log(result))
// ALWAYS remember to check for errors!
.catch(e => console.log(e.stack))
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main(someArg) {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
let result = await main(someArg)
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main(someArg) {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
async ()=> {
let result = await main(someArg)
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main(someArg) {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
async ()=> {
let result = await main(someArg)
# `async/await`
**Our hero!* **
async function main(someArg) {
let a = await foo()
let b = await bar(a)
let result = await baz(b)
async ()=> {
try {
let result = await main(someArg)
} catch(e) {
# `async/await`
**Synchronous-style Parallel IO**
async function main(someArg) {
// Wait on foo, bar and baz in parallel
let [a, b, c] = await Promise.all([foo(someArg), bar(), baz()])
return a + b + c
# `async/await`
**Await on Non-Promise values**
async function main(someArg) {
// Wait on foo, bar and baz in parallel
let [a, b, c] = await Promise.all([foo(someArg), bar(), baz()])
return a + b + c
*Note: It's intentional that the code above is the same!*
# Why is `async/await` SUPER AWESOME?!
1. It forces a distinction between synchronous and asynchronous functions!
1. Automatically handles the async contract
1. It composes with existing language features
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
- Async IO only
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
- Async IO only
- E.g., `await http.promise.listen(8000)`
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
- Async IO only
- E.g., `await http.promise.listen(8000)`
- Running Phase
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
- Async IO only
- E.g., `await http.promise.listen(8000)`
- Running Phase
- Ready to receive requests, respond to external events, etc...
# `async/await`
**Lifecycle Phases:**
- Require Phase
- Blocking `*Sync` IO acceptable
- Must be completed by end of the main tick
- E.g., `require('fs')`, etc...
- Configure Phase
- The phase between blocking IO and async IO
- Typically, used to construct objects
- E.g., `http.createServer(..)`
- Initialize Phase
- Async IO only
- E.g., `await http.promise.listen(8000)`
- General Phase
- Ready to receive requests, respond to external events, etc...
- E.g., `app.get('*', routeHandler)`
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
async function main(someArg) => {
let a = await foo(someArg)
let b = await bar(a)
let c = await baz(b)
return result
async ()=> {
try {
let result = await main(someArg)
} catch(e) {
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
async function main(someArg) => {
// General Phase
let a = await foo(someArg)
let b = await bar(a)
let c = await baz(b)
return result
async ()=> {
try {
let result = await main(someArg)
} catch(e) {
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let main = require('./main')
async ()=> {
try {
let result = await main(someArg)
} catch(e) {
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let main = require('./main')
// Initialize Phase
main(someArg).catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let main = require('./main')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('uncaughtException: \n\n', err.stack)
// IMPORTANT! (optionally, soft exit)
// Initialize Phase
main(someArg).catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let main = require('./main')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('uncaughtException: \n\n', err.stack)
// IMPORTANT! (optionally, soft exit)
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err, rejectedPromise) => {
console.log('unhandledRejection: \n\n', err.stack)
// Initialize Phase
main(someArg).catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Separation of Async and Sync lifecycle phases**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('uncaughtException: \n\n', err.stack)
// IMPORTANT! (optionally, soft exit)
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err, rejectedPromise) => {
console.log('unhandledRejection: \n\n', err.stack)
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Even safer with `trycatch`**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Even safer with `trycatch`**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Even safer with `trycatch`**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', handleErrorAndExit)
process.on('unhandledRejection', handleError)
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**Even safer with `trycatch`**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', handleErrorAndExit)
process.on('unhandledRejection', handleError)
process.on('unhandledApplicationException', handleError)
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**`trycatch` also supports long-stack-traces**
// index.js
// Require Phase
let app = require('./app')
let trycatch = require('trycatch')
// Configure Phase
process.on('uncaughtException', handleErrorAndExit)
process.on('unhandledRejection', handleError)
process.on('unhandledApplicationException', handleError)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// Initialize Phase
app.initialize().catch(err => console.log(err.stack))
# `async/await`
**`trycatch` also supports long-stack-traces**
![:scale 100%](images/trycatch-long-stack-trace.png "Long Stak Traces")
# `async/await`
**Using `async/await` today with Async Generators (`function*()/yield`)**
- Supported today with `--harmony` flag in node v0.11.13, io.js v1.0
- Supported today **without a flag** in node v4.0
- Requires a library: `blubird.coroutine(function*(){})`
function* main(someArg) {
let a = yield foo(someArg)
let b = yield bar(a)
let c = yield baz(b)
return result
bluebird.coroutine(function*() {
try {
let result = yield main()
} catch(e) {
class: center, middle
# Questions?
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